The prophecy of
Peter Deunov

The human being of the sixth race [1]

Each breed is characterized by certain qualities. Blacks are distinguished by their imagination and their strong feelings; indigenous peoples of the Americas through their ability to apply geometry and mathematics. Asians are distinguished by their objective mind, and Caucasians by their rationality: since they are on Earth, they measure and explore things with precision.

The sixth race that should develop in the future has all the good qualities of the previous races. In this respect, it represents the essential synthesis of human virtues.

While living on Earth, one goes through all the previous stages of human development. Careful as one may be, one nevertheless goes through these previous stages and, if people are wise, they learn from this process.

The sixth race is that of Justice and the Kingdom of God. This race is already coming, and then the Kingdom of God, on a small scale, will be established on Earth.

A brother asked, "Master, isn't justice less than the Kingdom of God?" For, according to the human law of justice, he who works the least earns the least. Whereas, according to the higher spiritual Law, each must receive according to his needs”.

The Master replied:

The Kingdom of God – it is the same as Justice. I think of divine justice.

Cultivation of the mind creates the outer forms. The sixth race will give content to these forms.

Each race has its own contribution. The one that follows, the race of love, will offer the most. It will be represented by sublime and luminous souls. She will bring the New Culture to Earth. The ideas of the sixth race are like air: they already permeate everything.

The Slavs will give impetus to the sixth race. After the events now unfolding, the people of Love will become active in life. They will begin to take the lead. Many more representatives of the new epoch will be present on Earth than at present. They will give a new direction to culture. The Slavic people will serve as the basis for the transplant of the sixth race.

A brother asked: “Is it possible that representatives of the new era will appear in Bulgaria? »

The Master replied:

Yes, the conditions exist. For several thousand years, work has been done on Bulgaria for this purpose.

The sixth race will bring order to the world. She will take leadership into her own hands. The Divine in man puts to sleep the bestial, the animal nature, in him. For thousands of years, the Divine has put him to sleep the same way he puts a snake to sleep. The people of Love will be responsible and the others will carry out their orders. The scholars who will come will bring order and structure to the world. These are the people of the future.

The awakened peoples of all nations will form the sixth race.

Slowly but surely, you are advancing towards the sixth race. You still have to meet the luminous souls who love you. Don't give up and don't doubt!

In the new era, everyone will be aware that others have the same rights and privileges as they do.

It says in the scriptures, "If you're not born again..."[2] These words imply the sixth race. The rebirth referred to in Christianity refers to entry into the sixth race, and repentance, conversion, etc. are the preparation. Those who are "born again" are already of the sixth race. Within it, death will no longer exist. When the time comes to leave, we will dematerialize, we will become invisible. Cemeteries will no longer exist. They will only exist for the rest of the people, but not for the people of Love.

Currently, existing simultaneously with the white race, there is the black, the red, the yellow. This will also be the case for the sixth race. We are only preparing the ground for Love, for the sixth race. People of Love will be different. The mention of “the first resurrection” in the Scriptures is intended for them.[3] The manifestation of Love in humanity is the first resurrection.

The sixth race brings positive beauty. People of this race will have very proportional features: they will be beautiful. They will be inspired by the high ideal that is in them, which will make them beautiful. They will look much better than what you have seen so far.

The European's facial angle is 80 degrees; in dogs it is 35 degrees. In the human being of the sixth race it will be 90 degrees. I have rarely seen truly beautiful people.

The eyebrows of people in the new era will be straighter. They will be curved very little, which indicates that they are part of a very large circle. The color of these people will be radiant like that of a person illuminated by the Sun. Light will emanate from their faces as if radiating. At night, there will be no need for lamps. Wherever these people go there will be light because human beings radiate light. Their eyes will see far, they will also see in the dark. When you look at someone from afar, you don't know who they are. Yet a member of the sixth race will see the details from afar.

We must acquire this quality of light – disinterested – and this quality of water – purifying. What light has accomplished in illuminating space, you should do too. And what the water did in purifying things, you should do too.

The sixth race human beings are already created – they exist. They've been there for thousands of years, but they're guarded, they're hidden. They are not shown to everyone. Nature exists as a closed book. Whoever knows how to open it can read in it. Many look at this closed book only from the outside, only at its cover.

With the arrival of the sixth race, humanity will enter Paradise and move away from error.

In the future, his past incarnations will be remembered. It will be pleasant for him to remember it, but he will have the feeling of having left his former state, like the butterfly which was before a caterpillar.

The sixth race human being will be musical. When he visits people who are not well, just by singing to them or playing an instrument, the sick recover their health.


[1]  Beinsa Douno, The Wellspring of Good, p. 373-376 (in the edition entitled: The human being of the new era).
[2]  See also John 3:3: Jesus answered him, “Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. »
[3]  See also Revelation 20:5, “But the rest of the dead did not live again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection. »