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The Millennials

Jacob's ladderMillennials are waiting for someone to make the revolution for them

Jacob's Ladder - May 05, 2024

It's all the fault of the millennium bug.


Mattia Madonia, writer from Catania and representative of the millennial generation, discovered the reasons for the crisis of an immobile society (which is in fact heading, and rapidly, towards decline) which does not grant spaces and perspectives to those who are not part of the baby boom generation.

"The entire generation," writes Madonia in The Vision, "that was supposed to lead the fortunes of the planet during these twenty-four years, roughly those born between the early 1980s and the mid-1990s, suffered of its own "bug". Compared to previous generations, society has hindered or prevented their professional, relational, emotional, even existential balance. A ghost generation, crushed by the pressures of capitalism and the crises which have marked the last two decades. “It’s the Millennial Bug, and we’re still paying the consequences.”

This is all true, of course. But someone – his father and mother, for example, if he is lucky enough to still have them – would have to explain to him that previous generations won their rights. And since he is a writer, Madonia could read the books of other older authors (the press already existed) who told 68 or 77. Change was not given, but obtained with clashes, protests, deaths even.

Good Italian families of the early 60s would have wanted polite and well-groomed children, with suits and ties, good studies and secure and orderly professional careers. Happy marriages and grandchildren to raise in accordance with principles. It didn't happen that way, and maybe it went wrong. But the generations who occupied the places that mattered and excluded “existential balance” did not lie on the couch waiting for concessions that they had not even asked for. They may not have had smartphones or tablets, but they lived with their peers and it was with their peers that they rebelled. A strange word, “rebellion”. Perhaps it is one of those that is no longer among the few that new young people know. Replaced by whining, rudeness, resignation.

"71% of millennials surveyed in Italy do not believe in the possibility of starting a family and 73", Madonia continues, consider that it is impossible to buy a house in the immediate future. In addition, 79% of millennials consider that flexibility of work is fundamental, with the possibility of working remotely and with less rigid schedules, even declaring themselves ready to leave their job to find work on a human scale. Among the various requests made, the four-day working week. stands out To conclude the study, 42% of millennials consider themselves very “anxious and stressed”, and as concerns for the future, they place fears about their mental health, climate change and damages at the top of the list. caused to the environment, the cost of living and unemployment.

It's good, it's bad. Everyone is aware of the problems. And even their own fears and desires. So what ? Do mom and dad need to find solutions? Maybe the grandparents? However, millennials should now be able to wipe their butts on their own. They should be able to dress themselves. And if they want something, they should have the courage and ability to take it. Particularly because baby boomers are old and helpless. But the risk for millennials is that, while they wallow in the pain of the injustice they suffered, Generation Z will replace the elderly. On the other hand, the resistance of boomers in places of power comes up against age and the end of life...

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Lubna Alayaan

The Media in 4-4-2Young violin virtuoso Lubna Alyaan dies in Gaza

The Media in 4-4-2 - Dec 28, 2023

The young violin virtuoso Lubna Alyaan died with her brothers and sisters, as well as her parents, during Israeli bombings.


Gaza City is mourning the loss of a young violin virtuoso, Lubna Alyaan, whose promising life was brutally cut short in an Israeli attack. Lubna, a talented 14-year-old student, was killed along with her family in a tragedy that shook Gaza's music and arts community.

Lubna was a passionate musician who dreamed of becoming the best violinist in the world. She perfected her art at the Edward Said Conservatory in Gaza, where her exceptional playing left an indelible mark. Sadly, her musical potential was cruelly extinguished on November 21, 2023, when she lost her life following Israeli bombing. But the horror did not stop there, because his sisters and brothers: Zain (16 years old), Kenan (10 years old), Sari (4 months), his parents: Mahmoud Alian and his wife Sally Shaheen, as well as his grandparents Zainab Mahmoud Al Ghoul and Abdul Aziz Alian, and 50 other members of his family, aunts, uncles, cousins... all lost their lives in Nuseirat, in the center of the Gaza Strip. His entire family was wiped out, erased from the civil register.

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youth mental health

The Media in 4-4-2The mental health of young people at risk

The Media in 4-4-2 - Nov 01, 2023

The mental health of the French, particularly among young people, remains worrying in 2023.


A worrying trend rooted since the start of the Covid-19 “pandemic”. According to data provided by Public Health France, the use of emergency care for problems related to mood, suicidal ideation and suicidal gestures remains at an alarming level this year.

The so-called health measures linked to the pseudo Covid-19 pandemic have left deep scars in the area of ​​the mental health of the French, particularly among young people. Public Health France has highlighted this worrying reality. The health agency noted a sharp increase in use of emergency care for mood disorders, suicidal ideation and suicidal gestures in 2021 and 2022, a trend that persists in 2023. Among young people aged 18 to 24 years, this increase even increased during this year.

In September 2023, an increase in emergency admissions linked to suicidal gestures and thoughts, mood disorders (notably depressive episodes) and anxiety disorders among those under 18, particularly among those under the age of 11, was observed. 17-XNUMX years old, which is usual during the back-to-school period.

Although the levels observed remain high in these age groups, they are comparable to those of 2021 and 2022, with the exception of cases of suicidal ideation among 11-17 year olds, which show higher levels than the previous years.

Public Health France also disclosed the results of the latest Coviprev surveys, carried out since 2020 to monitor the evolution of the mental health of the population. Between May and September 2022, more than 70% of those surveyed said they take care of their mental health. However, young people aged 18 to 24 seem less concerned about their mental health and well-being than their elders, with only 64% of them saying they attach importance to it.

Among young people, the main obstacles to consulting a mental health professional are the cost of consultations, the difficulty in confiding and the fear of discovering troubling aspects of their own psyche, as well as the fear that those around them will be informed of their approach, according to Public Health France.

“The data collected since 2020 shows a deterioration in mental health among adolescents and young adults, as well as a persistence of the taboo surrounding these problems. »

Caroline Semaille, general director of the health agency

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Suicide in law enforcement

Gendarme ProfessionSuicide in law enforcement

Gendarme profession - August 24, 2023

A policewoman films herself before her acting out to explain her gesture.


Indeed, in a YouTube publication, the one who was dismissed by the Minister of the Interior, explains that a young policewoman named Alexia committed suicide. We then see a young woman who films herself before her acting out and gives explanations on her choice to end her life.

Faced with this problem, several associations are mobilizing to fight against the scourge of suicides in the national police, including SOS Police in Distress (PEPS-SOS), Assopol, Police Alert in Suffering (APS), and the Amicale de la Police Nationale , which also offers a “listening and support network”. Together, these initiatives aim to provide essential support to police officers facing psychological difficulties.

If you or someone close to you is having suicidal thoughts, do not hesitate to contact 3114, the national suicide prevention number, operational 24 hours a day, 24 days a week, where professionals are on hand.

Police officers who are victims of attacks or threats can also benefit from a dedicated helpline on 0800 95 00 17, accessible every day from 5 a.m. to 23 p.m. For ongoing psychological support, a support cell is available 24 hours a day on 24 0805 230. It is important to emphasize that these services guarantee anonymity, confidentiality and are completely free.

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Letter to a young person in search of an ideal

Editions Terre de LumiereLetter to a young person in search of an ideal – Amélie Delalain

Editions Terre de Lumiere - May 04, 2023

I write this letter to you as I send a bottle to the sea, because I haven't seen you for a long time and I don't know how to reach you.


Note: need a VPN to read the article.

You didn't leave me your number and I couldn't find you on social media. At the same time, how could I have hoped to really meet you in this way? My illusions fell after a few attempts… These superficial networks maintain a feeling of emptiness and pretense, they have never been able to respond to what you and I aspire to each other: true, sincere and deep relationships, capable of mutual aid. and resilience in the face of life's challenges.

I'm only fifteen years older than you, you could have been my brother or my sister… However, I often have the impression that the distance that separates us is greater than that between several generations. Can you help me narrow this gap? I tried to find you through different paths, without succeeding in reaching you for the moment… But I'm not giving up!

I was hoping to meet you in the fight for freedom that has taken place in recent years, behind the appearance of the health crisis. While thousands of people stood up to denounce the lies and manipulations of vaccine propaganda, young people remained silent, submissive. Could this be the first time in history that young people do not rebel in the face of tyranny, injustice or oppression? I thought you would be the first to stand up for the freedom that is so dear to your heart. I am still amazed at your absence, so noticeable. Is it disinterest in humanity? Or a dramatic loss of motivation and inner strength, hidden behind your screen? I am certain, however, that all is not lost. And I feel partly responsible for this situation. I participated in some way in the success of this society of consumption and sleepy people, which cut off the youth from their ideals.

So I waited for you at the end of class, in front of the university… I even went back to class, going to the other side, that of the “adults” to try to question your aspirations and awaken your passion. But… how to say? I quickly realized my mistake!

How could anyone survive in this tomb that has become education? When I was a teenager, the air at school was already so unbreathable that I felt like I was dying every time school started. But now the situation is much worse! If you keep going to class today, run away! The existential answers you seek are no longer found in any university. If you are looking for your path, the purpose of your life or simply a quality education… the conventional school will not bring you a solution. A degree in today's world won't give you any real security. He will only be able to offer you a formatting of thought and a job-sarcophagus that will bury your aspirations in favor of conformity.

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split personality

The Media in 4-4-2Assisted suicide: Olympe, suffering from TDI, will be euthanized

The Media in 4-4-2 - Jan 24, 2023

Assisted suicide: YouTuber Olympe, suffering from dissociative identity disorder, will be euthanized


There is a growing danger of the practice of euthanasia among young people, as shown by the recent case of Olympe, a young woman with personality disorders and psychiatry who announced her decision to end her life by assisted suicide. She explained that she is tired of living with her mental health issues and difficult past, but the decision raises questions about the state of our society and the care options available for people with serious mental health issues.

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Studies and Vocation - Episode 1

Messages for YouthMessages for Youth: Studies and Vocation - Episode 1

Messages for Youth - Oct 06, 2022

We are a collective of young people who like to surpass themselves and put into practice the creative meditation created by Pierre Lassalle, which allows us to find who we are and dare to reveal it!



We show young people that you are not alone! Society plunders us when we can very well live a rich and beautiful life, just listen to its heart!


On October 16 in Pérols (Montpellier) for the conference “A Future for Youth” by Pierre Lassalle and Lucie Delalain, on the occasion of the release of the book of the same name, by Éditions Terre de Lumière. Reading this book gave us the idea of ​​creating this channel dedicated to young people and their messages!

The book :
The event:

From December 30 to January 2: we are organizing an “Art, Nature & Spirituality” weekend.

Are you between 18 and 33 years old? Would you like to experience the passage of the new year in a warm, joyful and festive atmosphere, with young people resisting societal oppression, all in a lodge in the heart of nature?

On the program: games, dance, meditation, arts of all kinds, mutual aid regarding our projects...

So contact us for more information!


To call us, meet us, or even be interviewed and give your message!

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beautiful letter from a medical student

Gendarme ProfessionMagnificent letter from a medical student who writes to the president of the order

Gendarme Profession - Jul 16, 2022

Request for an appointment to discuss the reasons that made me stop my medical studies


After AgroParisTech, the carabins seem to be aware of the madness that has seized their elders who have become mad covidists.

Magnificent letter from a medical student who writes to the president of the order of her department to explain to him why she abandons her medical studies in the 4th year in the form of a commentary on the Hippocratic oath which puts the church back in the middle from the village.

Deserves to be disseminated widely and in particular to associations or unions of medical students.

“How to pronounce the following words “I will preserve the independence necessary to accomplish my mission. or “I will not let myself be influenced by the thirst for gain or the search for glory. “, when we have all been able to see during these two years how much the political and medical environment is sometimes corrupted and this at the highest level, by pharmaceutical laboratories and private consulting firms? »

Zoé Bruder - 4th year medical student

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tattoo and you

Kaya Team UniverseTattoo and You

Kaya Team Universe – June 6, 2022

For a good number of years now, we have been forced to observe (with horror?) that young people are very good at self-destruction!


We will not talk here about drugs or duels in cars or other very low-end and largely has-been means.

We will not talk about “his majesty” the 5G smartphone, the current No. 1 in self-destruction, nor about the so-called anti-pandemic trend “piquouses”!

We will also leave aside video games, especially those of war where you are taught to "kill" your neighbor!

Long live the technology! which can, in two strokes and three movements, send you six feet underground to visit the "quantum" worlds

No, this time we want to say a few words about tattoos.

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Last modification by Kelib - 54 there is
USA sex education

ProFide CatholicaUSA: A mother denounces what a teacher taught her 15-year-old daughter

ProFide Catholica - May 30, 2022

Start of scandal in the USA after the broadcast of a video where the mother of a 15-year-old student is censored by the Las Vegas County school board after having tried to denounce an obscene text that her daughter had had to learn and recite in class.

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Youth Manipulation

MIKAZSleeping Youth, Health Crisis and Societal Crisis

MIKAZ – May 30, 2022

This video is to be shared with as many people as possible, especially young people, for collective awareness. The author makes an observation here, and as he says at the end of the video, he also includes himself in many situations that are mentioned...


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AgroParisTech graduation ceremony

Diverting agrosCall to desert - AgroParisTech 2022 graduation ceremony

Diverting agros - May 10, 2022

The graduates of 2022 are reunited today for the last time after three or four years at AgroParisTech.
They do not pretend to be proud and deserving of obtaining this diploma at the end of a training which generally pushes to participate in the social and ecological devastations in progress... A powerful and striking speech which gives hope !