Last modification by Nathan- 54 there is
mini ice age

Digital DawnA Little Ice Age for 2030?

Digital Dawn - 11 Sep 2023

Data from the US Space Weather Prediction Center suggests so


The United States has a Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) which is part of the US National Weather Service (NWS), which is part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), based in Boulder, Colorado . The latest data set released by NOAA, “PREDICTED SUNSPOT NUMBER AND RADIO FLUX,” appears to indicate an “adult” Grand Solar Minimum that will last through at least the 2030s to 2040s. And so we are heading into a new Little Ice Age with considerable growth of glaciers and polar ice caps, as well as much colder winters and summers, similar to the last Little Ice Age from 1645 to 1715. The Pasterze, the glacier near Austria's highest mountain, the Grossglockner, would more than double its extent to at least 30 km².

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Hawaii Maui

Equality and ReconciliationHawaii: the incredible fire that raises questions

Equality and Reconciliation - August 17, 2023

A survivor recounts what was seen in Maui, Hawaii.


cut the shit : we are going to use this US expression which means "go straight to the point", like OM, to talk about the great fires that affected the island of Maui in the Hawaiian archipelago in August 2023. This event gave rise to two interpretations, one conspiratorial, the other social. Here they are.

Firefighters had to fight against multiple simultaneous blazes, fueled by strong winds, themselves fed by the force of Hurricane Dora. Faced with the speed of progression of the flames, the population of Lahaina had to flee without looking back, sometimes even throwing themselves into the ocean.

Le Monde

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Dane wigington

New WorldStop climate engineering

New World - March 14, 2023

This diabolical weapon is taking on dramatic PROPORTIONS in California right now.


Climate engineering researcher Dane Wigington says the extreme drought conditions that have plagued the western United States are being reversed by more climate engineering. California was spot on. This is not good news because we go from one extreme destroyer to another. Here is what Wigington explains:

“We know the technology exists and is being used to direct higher level wind currents and therefore direct moisture currents, and they direct moisture to where they have caused back-to-back snowstorms. There is no doubt that all these so-called natural disasters are willed and designed by engineers… People act like it's some kind of fringe theory, but it's hard science nonetheless. You can test snow and find the same things in climate engineering patents. There are also aluminum, barium, manganese, polymer fibers, graphene and surfactants. All of this is reflected in our snow. The direction of this moisture flow without chemical nucleation over this chemically frozen nucleated material is creating flooding as we speak. It's not debatable, we have the scientific evidence. From any person's perspective, can there be a legitimate discussion of climate without addressing climate engineering first and foremost? The answer is clearly no. »


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solar flares

Something fishySolar Flares That Cause Blackouts Could Reach Earth

Eel under the Rock - Jul 13, 2022

According to the New York Post, a giant sunspot and filaments on the surface of the sun are worrying astronomers, who fear solar flares and Earth-directed coronal mass ejections (CMEs) could cause power outages.


Turbulent space weather in perspective.

Last month, astronomers closely tracked the evolution of sunspot AR3038, which went from "big to huge" in a matter of hours and grew to three times the size of Earth. With the Sun currently in an active phase of its 11-year cycle, activity on its surface keeps astronomers busy.

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heatwave hydration

hashtableCatastrophe and Panicanicle

Hashtable – June 20, 2022

For three days, France was hot. A few days before summer, summer temperatures have thus hit hard on a country absolutely unprepared for a rise in temperatures.


Whereas, for thirty years, all the politicians have been telling us that the climate will warm up, the State and its government have succeeded in showing that they were once again taken by surprise.

Thus, by means of a discreet but undeniable modification of the color scales of the meteorological maps, catastrophism can impose itself without difficulty.

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