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ARCOM - thought police

Equality and ReconciliationArcom seeks balance: the Europeanist Gestapo is recruiting

Equality and Reconciliation - 17 Apr 2024

As part of the Digital Services Regulation (RSN), or Digital Services Act (DSA), associations, entities, organizations recognized for their expertise and skills (child protection, fight against cyber-harassment, etc.). ..), are invited to apply for “trusted flagger” status.


Thus begins the offer of – unpaid – job balance for Arcom. Arcom is the regulator of audiovisual and digital communication. This is the new name of the government agency for monitoring and punishing thoughts that do not conform to the official line.

The DSA, Digital Service Act, is the new anti-freedom of expression project of the parent company, hatched by the diabolical Breton-Leyen couple, at the head of the Europeanist Soviet Union, which can boast of three major achievements:

- the impoverishment of tens of millions of European workers;
- a crazy and distorting migratory invasion;
- entry into an apocalyptic war against Russia.

Arcom is therefore looking for individuals with sordid souls to denounce those who would be accused of conspiracy, for example the French who do not believe that

- Armstrong walked on the Moon
- BHL is a humanist philosopher
- Haziza is a great journalist odiously blacklisted on a community radio station with no audience
- Israel is right to retaliate day after day against all its anti-Semitic neighbors
- the dizzying meltdown of our average shopping cart corresponds to INSEE inflation
- Macron is a president of sound body and mind
- Brigitte is a woman you automatically fall in love with
- the government is gender neutral
- Séjourné obtained his position thanks to his intellectual skills
- Karine Lacombe suffered enormously from sexual harassment
- the EU is peace, growth and democracy
- pedocracy only exists in the imagination of paranoid people
- the mainstream press is the friend of the people
- we must die for Ukraine
- Breton never had his blood changed in Italy
- Leyen saved 450 million Europeans from certain death thanks to Bourla and his miracle Pfizer injection

Not a libra who wants

Trusted reporters will have priority over individuals when it comes to reporting. For example, if a BHL or Enthoven insults you or your community, your religion, on Twitter (X), you will have little chance of having your report accepted if a trusted reporter decides not to do so. The scales are therefore chosen by those in power.

The list of critics authorized to denounce the wrong-thinking made us laugh, we saw the faces of our four horsemen of the community apocalypse emerge!

Public entities, non-governmental organizations, private or semi-public organizations such as (non-exhaustive list):

- industrial federations and trade associations
- members of established networks of fact-checkers
- unions
- non-regulatory public entities (e.g. Europol) or regulatory entities
- semi-public organizations
- networks or alliances of entities, at national and European levels.

To become a dirty System scale, one main quality is required:

Have specific expertise and skills for the purposes of detecting, identifying and notifying illegal content

You have to have the scent of a police dog! Then, once the scale has detected the resistant, it will be necessary to put together a small, clear file for the parent company:

- Submit reports respecting certain conditions: substantiated explanation, clear indication of the location of the content, name and address of the reportor, declaration of good faith.
- Publish a detailed annual report with information on the number of reports made (classified by platform, type of illegal content and action taken)

We imagine that our 4 scales already paid by the System, Tristan Mendès, Rudy Rends l'argent Reichstadt, Julien Pain and Thomas Huchon jostled to obtain their sheriff's star, their right to denounce the resistance.

“The Ministry of Peace makes war,
the Ministry of Truth produces lies,
the Ministry of Love practices torture,
and the Ministry of Plenty creates famine”


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5G total control

Michael DognaTotal control by 5G, confirmations and possible solutions

Michel Dogna - April 14, 2024

By Swiss Dr Astrid Stuckelberger


In the following video, Astrid reveals the rapid development of public installations of hidden 5G transmitters and relays in cities. These 5G transmitters radiate psychic programs to control individuals. This is conveyed on gigahertz frequency bands tuned to those of the brain and relayed by graphene oxide which has been instilled by mRNA vaccines. Affected people therefore do not realize that they are being manipulated from a distance and believe that they are the creators of their opinions.

Listen carefully to Astrid Stuckberger's message (9 min. 50 min.)

Astrid Stuckelberger is one of the rare leaders among truth seekers to dare to talk about graphene oxide and the spike protein, the major deadly elements of fake mRNA vaccines. She also participated in the film “Hold-up”.

I intended to present his remarkable curriculum and I gave it up when I discovered Conspiracy Watch, a 100% anti-truth Satanist site which, in the absence of a physical assassination, published a veritable media execution against him. of the recurring word that kills: “conspiracy”.

Yes, I gave it up because it is enough to read the flurry of accusations against Astrid leveled by Conspiracy watch (see on Google) to faithfully discover, by simply reversing its narrative, the broad outlines of its actions and courageous positions (with which my personal conclusions are totally in line).
and important reminders

Do you know that black radish contains peroxidase which is an enzyme capable of directly neutralizing graphene oxide in the blood. It is added to the list already passed several times including L-glutathione, NAC, Zinc (especially colloidal), vitamin D3+K2.

Reminder: Graphene oxide severely thickens the blood creating possible fatal blockages in the heart, brain and lungs – You can have your blood viscosity checked with a D-Dimer at any medical laboratory

I would like to take this opportunity to recall the effectiveness of nattokinase, an enzyme from natto, a Japanese cheese massively contained in Serracor NK, capable of destroying the terrible spike protein self-disseminated in all the cells of the body... and transmissible by air.

Reminder: The spike protein sabotages the immune defenses, and puts the body into an autoimmune reaction or even into AIDS. It is also what damages the hearts of teenagers aged 12 to 25.

Another important reminder about simplified cardiac coherence with immediate and preventive effect concerning hypertensive surges, palpitations, tachycardias and rhythmic heart disorders; just run 21 times:
- FULL INHALE 2 seconds
- EXHALE COMPLETE 6 seconds (or more)

Note: can be done discreetly in an emergency anywhere - repeat once if necessary - the announcement of sedation is made by series of yawns and burps. You can check the result with a blood pressure monitor.

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militarizing digital

ReporterreHow digital giants “militarize” our lives

Reporterre - March 20, 2024

In “Technopolitics – How technology makes us soldiers”, researcher Asma Mhalla offers a fascinating reflection on the growing political and ideological influence of technological giants.


“Hybrid entities, at once private, military and geopolitical companies”, the technological giants, particularly in the United States, are now establishing themselves as the “technological armed arms of their country” details Asma Mhalla in her fascinating essay Technopolitics – Comment technology makes us soldiers (ed. Le Seuil). The researcher at the Political Anthropology Laboratory of the School of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences (Ehess) develops a stimulating reflection on the growing economic, military, political and geopolitical influence of these “BigTech” and their increasingly close links. close with the States.

This is evidenced by the “leading role” played by Starlink, Microsoft or Amazon in the war in Ukraine [these companies respectively provided information on a Russian cyberattack, portable servers and low-orbit satellites to the Ukrainian government]. Enough to “give a glimpse of the possible birth of an American techno-military complex” and, more generally, bear witness to a “deep redefinition of the morphology of this collective construction called the State”. Under the pen of Asma Mhalla, the State becomes the “BigState”, an omnipotent actor which can “be authoritarian and liberal at the same time”.

In order to navigate this subject with infinite ramifications, the professor at Columbia University in New York and Sciences Po invites readers to discover the field of “technopolitics”, a “multidiscipline at the crossroads of economics and law, philosophy and political theory, international relations and history, cyber and tech.” The idea: to continue and update in the light of developments specific to the 21st century the technocritical work – not to be confused with technophobia, she specifies – of thinkers such as Jacques Ellul, George Orwell or Georges Bernanos, authors which she cites several times throughout the pages.
Tools “far from being ideologically neutral”

TikTok accused of spying on its users, “industrialization” of informational struggles, social networks used as public spaces of influence by tycoons, sorts of “techno-tycoons” who own them, “new cyber conflicts and neo-wars augmented with intelligence artificial"... For the author, it is urgent to radically address these issues, well beyond the timid attempts at moderation and "legal blocking" of "BigTech" implemented in Europe.

Far from being ideologically neutral tools, social networks, artificial intelligence and algorithms developed by Google, Meta and Palantir (a company specializing in analysis and data science) are reshaping — and privatizing — our intimate lives and our societies to act “as disruptive agents of democracy”. Firstly, by tending to convey, voluntarily or not, a far-right and conspiratorial ideology – the case of Elon Musk, owner of X (ex-Twitter), is paroxysmal in this matter. But also, and the subject is no less worrying, by acting “as amplifiers of a form of techno-security State paranoia”: population technosurveillance devices, biometric software, massive data capture, etc.

Taking the example of France and the multiplication of security laws since the attacks of 2015 (“Global Security” law in 2021, massive surveillance and registration of political and environmental activists), Asma Mhalla notes that in this “new regime of truth », “each individual is by default potentially guilty until proven otherwise, thereby justifying generalized surveillance”. All of this contributes, in turn, to the “internalization of the security norm” by each individual, with citizens finding themselves evolving in what the philosopher Gilles Deleuze “prophesized as “control societies”.
Do not “miss our times”

Once this observation is made, what should we do? According to Asma Mhalla, to escape the “technototalitarianism” that could emerge from this chaos, it is high time that we “produce a new vision of the world”. “It is up to politicians to prepare themselves and society for these changes, to avoid the next major structural crisis due to unpreparedness and lack of anticipation”, without which “we will miss our time”.

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the UN and Bill Gates united for digital ID

The DefenderUN launches global digital ID program

The Defender – Dec 08, 2023

The Gates Foundation-funded program launches as experts warn of a “totalitarian nightmare.”


With the support of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the United Nations this month launched an “ambitious country-led campaign” to promote and accelerate the development of a global digital public infrastructure (DPI).

The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) said its “50 in 5” campaign will encourage the building of an “underlying network of components” including “digital payments, identification and exchange systems data”, which will serve as a “critical accelerator of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”.

“The campaign's goal is for 50 countries to have designed, implemented and scaled up at least one component of the IPN in a safe, inclusive and interoperable manner in five years,” UNDP said.

Criticisms of the campaign include Tim Hinchliffe, editor-in-chief of The Sociable, who told The Defender that IPN “is a surveillance and control mechanism that combines digital ID, central bank digital currencies , [CBDC], vaccine passports and carbon footprint tracking data, paving the way for 15-minute smart cities, future lockdowns and social credit systems.”

UNDP is leading the “50-in-5” campaign with the Center for Digital Public Infrastructure, Co-Develop and the Alliance for Digital Public Goods. Supporters of the initiative include GovStack, the Inter-American Development Bank and UNICEF, as well as the Gates Foundation.

In September 2022, the Gates Foundation allocated $200 million “to expand global digital public infrastructure,” part of a broader plan to fund $1,27 billion in “health commitments.” and development” with the aim of achieving the SDGs by 2030.

The Gates Foundation said at the time that the funding was intended to promote the expansion of “infrastructure that low- and middle-income countries can use to become more resilient to crises such as food shortages, threats to public health and climate change, as well as to help economic recovery and the fight against pandemics”.

Greg Glaser, a California privacy lawyer, called the 50-in-5 campaign a “totalitarian nightmare” and a “dystopian” initiative aimed at small countries “to bring them on board with digital ID.” , digital wallets, digital legislation, digital voting and much more”.

“For political reasons, UN guys like Gates can't openly plan a 'world government,' so they use different phrases like 'global partnership' and 'Agenda 2030,'” Mr. Glaser told The Defender. People can add “50 in 5” to the growing list of dystopian expressions.

Another California privacy attorney, Richard Jaffe, expressed similar sentiments, telling The Defender that the “50-in-5” initiative “focuses on the much more important issue of globalization, centralization and digitization of personal data around the world.

“My short-term concern is that bad actors, that is, individuals and small groups, as well as malicious state actors, will now have a fantastic new target or new tool to threaten the normal functioning of less technologically sophisticated countries,” he said.

Mr. Jaffe said the fact that Mr. Gates was involved frightened him to no end. Derrick Broze, editor-in-chief of the Conscious Resistance Network, told The Defender that this is “another sign that this new push for digital ID infrastructure will not benefit the average person ”.

“Projects like this only benefit governments that want to track their populations and companies that want to study our daily habits and movements to sell us products,” Broze said.

Initiatives to promote the IPN at the global level also benefit from the support of the G20. According to The Economist, during the G20 summit held in September in New Delhi under the slogan “One land, one family, one future”, India obtained the support of the Gates Foundation, the UNDP and the World Bank in favor of plan to develop a global repository of IPN technologies.

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the ghost of freedom

Sott: Sign of The TimesThe ghost of freedom. A totalitarian West?

Sott: Sign of The Times - Nov 13, 2023

Freedom is not in good health in the West, the self-proclaimed home of freedom.


It risks turning into a ghost, to the point of merging into a new form, no less insidious than the previous ones, of totalitarianism, where "harsh" methods (physical coercion, terror, elimination of dissidents, explicit prohibitions on thinking, speaking, associating, acting) are replaced by seduction, remote control, the progressive abolition of non-conforming ideas. It is the boiled frog method, the slow and steady shrinking of concrete freedoms, withdrawn one by one, always justified by noble motives: security, protection, defense of minorities, inclusion, hate speech, etc. We have not yet moved into pure totalitarianism, but the premises are there.

The title of this reflection contains two words (freedom and totalitarianism) whose meaning is not universally shared. The third category - the West - has long since lost all geographical connotation to become the name of the civilization articulated around political liberalism and economic liberalism, led by the United States, and composed of Western Europe, Israel and satellites of the former British Empire, with increasingly unruly offshoots in Central and South America. The West is a system of hegemony over humanity in the name of an illegitimate international oligarchy. He is the opposite of Europe, whose culture, roots and traditions he destroyed. Having achieved "imperial" power, he reversed Lord Acton's 19th century prediction: power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Margaret Thatcher was a consistent exponent of this trend, for whom there is no alternative to the Western world model. The acronym TINA, there is no alternative, has become one of the mantras of an increasingly oppressive system in the name of the economic and financial freedom of a few giants. The denial of the possibility of alternatives is in itself a totalitarian concept.

The most significant definition of totalitarianism is that of Hannah Arendt. For the German Jewish thinker, contemporary totalitarianism is a political model distinct from historically known forms of authoritarian power such as despotism, tyranny and dictatorship. Where it seized power, it destroyed political traditions, crushed the previous social order, and pushed to the extreme the characteristics of mass society, such as the isolation and interchangeability of individuals.

Neo-totalitarianism not only demands political subordination, it also invades and controls the private and intimate sphere. Its objective is to replace the existing society with a radically different society, building over time another humanity. In this sense, there is no doubt that the globalist liberalism which triumphed after the defeat of communism and the discrediting of any other form of political, economic, social organization and values ​​presents totalitarian features. Notably because of his alliance with the technological and scientific apparatus of which he is the engine and owner. The accusation made against state collectivism by Friedrich von Hayek, an ultra-liberal economist, turns against liberalism - which has emerged from itself to become globalism -: he who possesses all the means, determines all the ends. His own, of course. Another sign of totalitarianism.

With the same argumentative force, we can maintain that a society based on "rights" cannot be totalitarian, that economic freedom has never been greater, and that the individual, in this corner of the world, has never been so great. is the West, has benefited from so many opportunities which have become "rights". Both theses are valid. The author of these lines loves freedom and is wary of rights. Firstly because proclaiming rights without establishing corresponding duties breeds cynicism, social indifference, resentful individualism, withdrawal into a capricious, tyrannical “me” like a spoiled child. Then, the nature of the rights: social and community rights are erased, subjective rights are highlighted, in particular those linked to the instinctual and sexual sphere. Folded into radical individualism, pulverizing the community, the West also destroys society, the order which regulates principles, values, distinct but not incompatible interests.

The rights proposed always concern the subjective sphere and consider freedom as the absence of constraints (freedom 'from'), that is to say liberation. Of family, of authority, of natural affiliations, even of the most intimate identity. The model is the "trans", a fluid, changing, provisional subject, detached from everything that exceeds his will, his pleasure, his preference, which have become incontestable. The right to no longer be something defined while making it a flag. Renounce all inheritance (except material; money and means become ends "there is no alternative"), consider happiness - the pursuit of which is a right - as the immediate satisfaction of impulses, desires , whims.

Consumption, permanent change of tastes, ideas, fashions, partners, profession, gender, "sexual orientation" and existentiality. Fragile weather vanes without sovereignty over themselves, pushed in the direction of the wind. Temporality as a life project. A logical absurdity that produces discomfort, tension, dissatisfaction to the point of schizophrenia and permanent dissatisfaction, the remedy for which is just as provisional: compulsive pleasure, the consumption of life - transformed into a commodity - to be restarted constantly. Good and evil, just and unjust? The concept of Calderón de la Barca applies, in the mouth of the fickle Sigismund: nada me parece justo, en siendo contra mi gusto. Nothing feels right to me if it's against my taste or preference.

Without realizing it, we have drawn the definition of addiction. The freedom of moderns is the result of addictions made just, to which it is not permitted to oppose ethical limits, legislative brakes, social reprobations, negative judgments. The outcome can only be equivalence, indifference to any common element in favor of selfish subjectivism. The resulting relativism becomes an absolute, with weak thinking prohibiting strong thinking. According to Benjamin Constant, the freedom of the elders was a narrow political autonomy experienced in the right-duty of participation in the polis. That of the moderns is individual private freedom, including the right to social indifference. Result: dissolution of limits and links, replaced in fact by the imperium of the strongest, the one who blows on the weather vane, giving it the desired direction.

“Whenever you find yourself thinking like most people, pause, and think…”

Mark Twain

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Police State - are you next

Digital Dawn“Police State” documentary impresses with ticket sales

Digital Dawn - Nov 02, 2023

The erosion of civil liberties in recent years has received particular attention.


France: VPN required to watch the trailer:

The documentary “Police State” has undeniably struck a chord in the hearts of the American public and was a resounding success this week. A fruit of the imagination of filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza, the film generated an impressive number of spectators in the country, easily surpassing the previous record held by another D'Souza project, “2000 Mules”.

By expressing the sentiments that resonate across the country, “Police State” strikes a chord. Its success means Americans are craving insightful content that speaks volumes about the pressing issues plaguing their current reality, primarily around free speech and the erosion of civil liberties.

Online ticket sales for October 25 exceeded expectations. To extend the talk, a virtual premiere is also planned for October 27 and will be exclusively available to stream on Rumble. This recent wave of immense popularity has resulted in sold-out screenings at several theaters – a testament to the film's arresting reputation.

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embody the struggle

Réseau InternationalReincarnating the fight

International Network - Oct 28, 2023

The images of President Macron massively booed, whistled like never before, at the opening ceremony of the Rugby World Cup on September 8, are edifying in that they bluntly reveal the absurdity of a system called " democratic”, where the people are required to submit to a manifestly illegitimate power under the media pretext that their representative would have been “(re)elected”. By whom and how, the mystery remains.


Let us remember: on March 12, 2020, Mr. Macron announced the end of our fundamental freedoms of movement and assembly with the sentencing of an entire population to house arrest due to the circulation of a little-known respiratory virus, stopping the epidemic movement of Yellow Vests who were then banned from the streets.

From collective punishment to targeted repression for offenses of opinion, the people of France tasted even more of the totalitarian pleasures of a regime that only the historical privilege of “progress” separates from the banana republic. In the name of state health, it was the security ideology of zero risk that had to prevail, crushing in the process any critical requirement in favor of human dignity: the world was masked, confined, stung, ridiculously subjected to its masters wizards.

If the smartphone is the opium of the people – monopolizing hands and attention from a very young age – this period of liberticidal crisis will have enabled our leaders to ensure an accelerated virtualization of the world and human relationships, where the Teleworking became the norm, and telecombat a sad inevitability for the resistance fighters in yellow vests, thrown into a new society: that of hypercontrol and omnisurveillance.

What this authority fears above all is the independence of its citizens. The productive independence of craftsmen and small entrepreneurs, which multiple taxes and successive confinements must have brought to an end; and independence of thought, which the colonized media – promoters of commercial stupidity and cultural mediocrity – would end up criminalizing.

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from vaccine to totalitarianism

Réseau InternationalThe spiritual fall of humanity

International Network - Oct 10, 2023

From vaccine to totalitarianism


Wandering through social media, I once again came across this strange thought from Rudolph Steiner:

“In the past, we eliminated the mind. The soul will be eliminated using medicine. Starting from a "healthy view of things", we will find a vaccine thanks to which the organism will be treated from early youth as much as possible, if possible from birth itself, so that this body does not come to think that 'there is a soul and a spirit'.

And further, he speaks of men who will discover “a vaccine which can, from early youth, through the body, eradicate the tendency towards spirituality”.

I know very little about Steiner's work and the little I do know doesn't appeal to me at all. However, this sentence is astonishing and has always left me doubtful. What connection could the vaccine have with spirituality? How can we imagine that a pharmaceutical product could destroy the soul? How could a biological preparation alter the principle of thought yet distinct from the body that is the soul? If spirituality is this reflection which concerns the relationship between the particular and the Whole, how could the vaccine destroy it? What links between the individual and the Greater Whole would the vaccine alter? With what consequences for humanity?


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Wifi eyes

Digital DawnYour WiFi can see you

Digital Dawn - 21 Sep 2023

When police suspected Oregon resident Danny Kyllo of growing cannabis at his home, they went to his home with a thermal imaging device to scan him. They found “hot pockets” in the house, which allowed them to obtain a search warrant and arrest Kyllo.


Fortunately, a Supreme Court decision (5-4) ruled that the scanner constituted an illegal search under the Fourth Amendment, requiring a warrant that the police did not obtain.

A point for privacy, but the government is about to have a much more controversial and dangerous tool for monitoring what's going on inside your home.

Unlike the thermal camera, this device is already in your home – and you put it there.

How does it work?

WiFi consists of electromagnetic waves in the 2,4 and 5 GHz ranges. It's the same as the light you see, except it can penetrate walls thanks to its much longer wavelength. Much like light (and echolocation), these waves also reflect off various surfaces and, when correctly reconstructed, can be used to create an image.

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Xi Van Fleet

Digital DawnThe WEF's 2030 Agenda transforms the United States into a "Marxist dictatorship"

Digital Dawn - 12 Sep 2023

Woman who survived Maoist China says WEF's 2030 Agenda is turning US into 'Marxist dictatorship'


A woman who survived China's brutal communist regime has warned the World Economic Forum and US Democrats against turning the country into a "proletarian Marxist dictatorship".

“I experienced the most brutal communist regime in China,” Xi Van Fleet said. “I have witnessed a lot of things. And now I'm going to tell you about one of the darkest moments I've ever witnessed. When the former president of the United States was indicted and photographed in a Georgia prison. »

“I must say that America is fast becoming a communist country and our rule of law has been transformed into a proletarian dictatorship,” Xi warned. “The ruling party is attacking the political opposition, and not just the president, but also people like activists. They are now in prison. They are political prisoners in this “free” country that is the United States. »

“Welcome to Mao’s China in 2030”

Xi Van Fleet

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nourish the soul

Sott: Sign of The TimesThe best resistance to totalitarianism is to nourish the human soul

Sott: Sign of The Times - Sep 07, 2023

Ariane Bilheran


A few months ago, she published a new work entitled On Totalitarianism, Conferences 2021-2022. A booklet which brings together a series of conferences devoted to the totalitarian phenomenon.

With regard to her work in psychopathology, Ariane Bilheran considers in particular that totalitarianism corresponds to “a paranoid delusion”, that is to say “a pathology of control” and “persecution” of populations.

Inspired by the work of Hannah Arendt, Ariane Bilheran emphasizes that “the totalitarian system is the meeting between a cynical and corrupt power, and a mass of gullible and obedient individuals”.

According to the philosopher, totalitarianism cannot in fact “be established without the collaboration of numerous individuals” seduced by the perverse pact and the false promises of totalitarian power.

“The individual, because he belongs to a group, because he does not want to leave this belonging, will accept different intolerable situations. »

Once caught in the totalitarian spiral, individuals find it very difficult to escape from it: “From the moment the person has engaged in acts, it is much more difficult for them to backtracking because she accepted a collaboration and, unconsciously, it is very complicated for her to assume her own guilt. »

According to Ariane Bilheran, the fight against totalitarianism involves each individual and consists in particular of breaking away from collective conditioning to regain "one's personal power", cultivate one's freedom of spirit, one's spontaneity, but also to "polish the virtues of the human soul » in order to find “the path to our intimate life”.

“We are dealing with detailed, generalized poisoning, not just food, but primarily mental and emotional,” remarks the philosopher. The best resistance to totalitarianism is to nourish the human soul. »

“There are always men who refuse this system of constraints, this system of slavery, by putting freedom as the supreme value,” she continues.

“The totalitarian system makes us believe that it is interesting to be immortal. This is not the case. What is interesting is to value your existence. What is the highest value I can place on my existence? This is what is important. »

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The Grand Inquisitor

New WorldDostoyevsky and the Grand Inquisitor

New World - August 15, 2023

Dostoyevsky: The Legend of the Grand Inquisitor in The Brothers Karamazov.


With these modern times, men do not like freedom. They prefer bread, TV and security, and die with lukewarm water.

“Without us, they will always be hungry. No science will give them bread, as long as they remain free, but they will end by laying it at our feet, this freedom, saying: “Better reduce us to servitude, but feed us.” They will finally understand that freedom is irreconcilable with the bread of the earth at will, because they will never be able to distribute it among themselves! They will also convince themselves of their powerlessness to make themselves free, being weak, depraved, useless and rebellious. »


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