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Russian figure in the sky

CloudyRussian fighter jet training

Hazy Skies - Dec 31, 2023

An angel in the sky ?!


Excerpt from the article The End of Times: de Pierre Lassalle

The second “secret” of Fatima mainly concerned Russia: Mary wanted this country to be consecrated to her (to her Immaculate Heart) by the “pundits” of the Catholic Church, because this would have brought peace to the world. The Virgin had confessed that the Father had chosen Russia, which he loved, to bring peace to the world or to be the scourge of God!

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From commitment to responsibility

Pierre LassalleFrom commitment to responsibility

Pierre Lassalle - Oct 01, 2023

We live in a society where fear of responsibility is rife. For what ? Because people don't want to commit anymore.


Responsibility is the ability to respond to the commitment we have made. This is to guarantee that we will fulfill our commitment. This means that we can only feel responsible for a commitment that we are aware of having made!

Thus, responsibility arises from a consciously and freely chosen commitment.

To be responsible is to be able to make a decision by one's own authority, without appealing to an external authority. Generally, people who fear responsibility always arrange for others to make decisions for them. They place themselves in a position of weakness, submission (thus being “under” their mission) or victim, in order to be able to call on a “savior” who will make the appropriate decision, and will therefore take responsibility for the result in their place. . Let us not be surprised then that these people have difficulty finding their place in this world! This is normal because they give their decision-making power to others and, thus, refuse to play their own role.

In reality, being responsible means keeping your commitments over time (being perseverant), that is, being a person on whom others can count.

In summary: if we refuse to assume our commitments, we submit to those who will fulfill them in our place, namely “authorities.” »


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comet C/2023 A3

Jacob's ladderThis newly discovered comet could become brighter than Venus in 2024

Jacob's Ladder - August 01, 2023

A new comet has just been discovered by astronomers. According to their predictions, it could eventually become brighter than the stars in our sky.


Astronomers call it “Tuchinshan-ATLAS”. But its code name is C/2023 A3. This is a newly discovered comet. It is not uncommon to discover a comet. So why is this one drawing attention? Because according to initial estimates - still all provisional - it could well become, within more or less a year and a half, the brightest object in our sky.

Astronomers predict that comet C/2023 A3 will reach its perihelion - the point in its orbit closest to the Sun - around September 28, 2024. Around the following October 13, it will be closest to Earth. Between these two points, its magnitude could change from 0,7 to -0,2. Some even think that it could reach a magnitude of the order of -5. Which would make it the brightest object in our sky - excluding Sun and Moon. For comparison, it is classically Venus which occupies this place with a magnitude of about -4,5. And the magnitudes of comets C/2022 E3 (ZTF) and C/2020 F3 (Neowise) peaked at 5,3 and 0,9, respectively.

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the process of spiritual evolution

Pierre LassalleThe process of spiritual evolution

Pierre Lassalle – May 28, 2023

The goal of any authentic spiritual path is the reunion of the "I" with the Heavenly Soul or Higher Self, that is, that the spirit which dwells in itself and the Spirit which lives in the Sun can reunite , in order to experience completeness, plenitude.


In the beginning, the "I" that lives in the spiritual heart is asleep. It is the ego, made up of all the mental, emotional and instinctive elements (and all the conditioning and beliefs coming from the outside world), which leads the way, from the head.

“Asleep” people essentially function at the level of the sensitive mind (the one acquired during the fourth septaine – between the ages of 21 and 28). They are only interested in what is material and sensitive (living emotions and feelings).

“Dreaming” people essentially function at the level of the psychic or intellectual mind (the one acquired during the fifth septaine – between the ages of 28 and 35). In addition to the physical, they are interested in ideas and carry out projects. They are also intellectuals.

People who “wake up” function at the level of the spiritual or conscious mind (the one that was partially acquired during the sixth septaine – between the ages of 35 and 42). In addition to the physical and the ideas, they are interested in ideals which exceed them: either material, or spiritual-sensitive; either knowledge, or spiritual-psychic; either spiritual, or true spiritual mind, which only truly develops through a spiritual path, and the concrete experience of self-awareness. In our time, it is rare.

Our epoch of culture consists in awakening the "I" sleeping in the cave of the heart (humanity is approximately 37/38 years of mental age), so that it finds the memory of its spiritual identity.

At the beginning, the “I” is like an innocent child: he is the inner child locked up in the sacred cave of the heart. The "I" must strengthen considerably, in order to master the ego, and then to get rid of it.


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The big fight

The Epoch TimesAlexandre Dianine-Havard: Life mission, leadership, virtues, self-knowledge...

The Epoch Times – May 21, 2023

Two great prophets foresaw the drama that is coming.


Of French, Russian and Georgian origin, Alexandre Havard has lived in Moscow for fifteen years. A lawyer by training, he practiced as a lawyer for several years before devoting himself to the development of the Virtuous Leadership system: an approach to leadership based on the science of virtue developed by the ancient Greeks.

For Alexandre Havard, although our civilization is obsessed with the idea of ​​"Progress", the conception that we now have of it, if it is adorned with all the virtues, has become foreign to any notion of spiritual elevation.

“Some think that a political system can solve all the problems of humanity, they put all their faith in politics. They deny human nature, they deny the fact that outer evil is only a consequence of inner evil, which is in the heart of man. This leads to ideology,” observes Alexandre Havard. We live in a world of political correctness, cultural correctness, religious correctness, etc. »

"Others think that technical progress will cause moral progress, that technology will save humanity," he continues. Technological development makes it possible to achieve incredible things, but if one refuses to understand that there are low tendencies in the hearts of men that must be fought against, this technological progress can lead to the end of the world. »

“Humanity does not need to be saved by a system. It needs to be saved by character, by virtue, so that each individual overcomes his miserable tendencies and becomes an excellent person, he adds. True Progress is spiritual development. We must encourage everyone to make good decisions, to want to do good, to want to be good,” he adds.

According to Alexandre Havard, we are going through a crisis of leadership, most of the political leaders in power not being real leaders capable of exalting the noblest aspirations of their people.

"Our leaders are not leaders, they do not deserve power," he said. But we realize that these politicians do not direct anything at all. They are puppets chosen by finance and the media, those who lead are behind them, they are very influential people, who have a lot of money, and who have a disastrous vision of the human person. »

“I think that society is heading towards total chaos caused by these manipulators, but that there are other people above them who want this process to present themselves as “saviors”, continues Alexandre Havard. These “saviors” are very different, they look good, they look capable, they are very attractive. These are the most dangerous. A lot of people look at the manipulators but not the ones that come after. This is where the big fight will be. »

And Alexandre Havard concludes: “The tragedy of modern man comes from the fact that he loses the sense of his own freedom. Freedom should not be given up in the name of security, bread and games. Where there is no freedom, there is no love, there are slaves and zombies. This is not the purpose of our existence. »

00: 00 Introduction
01:49 What is the difference between vocation and mission? Why is it important to discover one's purpose in life? How to achieve it?
11:08 How is the modern world experiencing a training crisis and an education crisis?
19:26 What distinguishes temperament from character? Why is it essential to make a difference?
34:02 What is the difference between virtue ethics and rules ethics? How does virtue ethics further promote individual and collective fulfillment?
40:33 How has the notion of progress been misguided? Why is the moral improvement of an individual true progress?
49:48 Are our leaders real leaders? Do they embody greatness or pusillanimity?
01:00:22 How to overcome the upheavals we are facing?
01:14:10 What is "the Russian Idea"? What are the particularities that distinguish Russia from the West?
01:22:54 In what way do France and Russia have a particular historical and cultural affinity? Does the war in Ukraine risk permanently compromising relations between our two countries?

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AI: Artificial Imbecility

Kaya Team UniverseAI: from Artificial Imbecility… to Terminator!

Kaya Team Universe – Nov 09, 2022

For several years, leading scientists, especially transhumanists, have been harping on our ears with AI or Artificial Intelligence.


We have already demonstrated in a previous article that Artificial Intelligence was a serious illusion, since no machine has a mental body or body of intelligence.
The human being has four bodies: a physical body (the only one known to science), an etheric body or body of life forces, an astral body or body of emotions, feelings, sensations and desires, and a mental body, or body of thoughts, intelligence, discernment, sound judgment, Ideals and Virtues.
As for the machine (or computer), it has a physical body which imitates the human physical body with more or less resemblance and low imitations, and an anti-etheric body or body of the forces of death… and c is all: neither astral body nor mental body for thought and intelligence!

There will never be a real AI, because intelligence is far too complicated for our current machines, which are still only at the prehistoric stage!

Pierre Lassalle

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Speech by Alexander Dugin on the world conflict

New WorldSpeech by Alexander Dugin on the world conflict

New World - Oct 31, 2022

We are of course in a very real war. This war is not only a war of armies, of men. It is also a war of the mind. Its very important.


We can say this: we see a horizontal confrontation, our army against our opponents, us against NATO (of course not against Ukraine, that goes without saying). But there is another dimension to this war: the vertical. It's a war of Heaven against Hell. It is a war of angelic armies. It is a war of the army of the Archangel Michael against the Devil. This vertical dimension is ideology, the realm of ideas. It is the realm of the spirit in which this warfare, its main substance, unfolds. And our president's speech on September 30 touched on the satanic nature of Western civilization. It's not a metaphor.

Today, the Holy Patriarch, in his wonderful sermon, made a slight allusion to the character who stands on the other side, who defines, inspires, organizes our enemies. This character is very close: we don't know the time, nobody knows, not even the Son of Man, [when will take place] the end of time. But we can know by the signs how close it is. In this regard, it is very important [to realize] that we are faced with an idea.

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Community of Christians

The community of ChristiansThe art of dying and forgiving

The Christian Community - Apr 17, 2022

What is forgiveness? Where does he live in us? How does it unfold? It seems vitally important to our world and yet we have only just begun to understand it. Even when we want to forgive and we are convinced of the overall benefit for all concerned, we find that something prevents us from doing so...

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Christmas God Trust

Dreuz InfoChristmas testifies to the confidence that God has expressed in our humanity

Dreuz Info - Dec 24, 2021

We celebrate Christmas on December 25…This conventional date corresponds to the solstice, a symbol which is a bet on the future: it is that of the rising light, that is to say that of the Word of God, which must more and more to illuminate the life of men insofar as they freely welcome this celestial illumination of their earthly existence...

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Community of Christians

The community of ChristiansThe war outside and inside

The Christian Community - Nov 4, 2021

So what is the origin of a war, of a conflict: political, economic, ethnic reasons? Doesn't every war—geographically distant or not from each of us—have something to do with our own inner life?

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tree knowledge good and evil omraam michael aivanov

RARE AND UNPRECEDENTED DOCUMENTSThe Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil - Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov


Discover a book, in audio format, by Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanov dealing with the Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life. Discover an esoteric teaching concerning these Trees and their occult significance.


Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov is a spiritual teacher of Bulgarian origin who continued the work of his own Master, Peter Deunov (Beisa Douno) by creating a spiritual community in Fréjus.

“Being an adult or being a child is not a question of age but a question of attitude. »

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov (1900 - 1986)


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Apocalypse Enslavement Scan

New WorldDigitization, Enslavement, Apocalypse

New World - Sep 9, 2021

How does digitization of identity lead to enslavement? What links can we make with the Apocalypse? An atypical article of the most interesting


Things must serve man, and man must serve God. If man serves created things, it is idolatry. That's not to say we shouldn't use technology, but there has to be extraordinary discipline. The thing should serve us, not the other way around.

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