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unvaccinated rsa

CounterpointCovid vaccination: social hell for RSA beneficiaries

Counterpoints - Nov 10, 2021

The refusal of access to RSA for the non-vaccinated in certain departments shows a new aspect of the covid hysteria.

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Work less

Observatory ContinentalStudy: What are the consequences of a reduction in working time?

Continental Observer - Jul 7, 2021

Iceland has conducted a study for a shorter working week, the result is clear: A reduction in working time leads to better health, a more fulfilling private life and equivalent productivity.


"Sunday work does not enrich."

Italian proverb

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Wage inequalities

Observatory of inequalitiesInventory of pay inequalities between men and women

Observatory of inequalities - March 5, 2021

At equivalent working time, the salary of women would be on average 16,8% lower than that of men. The higher the salaries, the greater the gap.


While the Ministry of Labor forbids it, it seems that equal pay between men and women is still not there.

“Inequality is the permanent risk of contempt. »

René Levesque, Quebec politician

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SCOP company

The ScopsThe Scop: Collaborative business model

The Scop - 31 oct 2013

The cooperative and participatory society is a model for undertaking and deploying a collective project. Each employee is a shareholder, he feels in "his" box and is therefore more responsible and happy to work. And it shows in the result: the survival rate of Scop is 60%, that of traditional companies, 50%


Discover theexample of a company who could have filed for bankruptcy if the employees had not bought it out.

“To be a man is to feel, by laying a stone, that you are helping to build the world. »

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, (1900 - 1944), writer, poet, aviator and reporter

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Reincarnation and Money

TrijointConsiderations on wage labor and reincarnation

Triarticulation - June 1, 2012

In a conference of 1912, Rudolf Steiner evokes the incoherence of wage labor and the conception of reincarnation. This particular consideration gives rise to the article by Hans Kühn, which supports the lecturer's point.


Hans Küng was a Swiss Catholic priest and theologian, a theologian, a writer, a university professor...

"We must fight the patriarchal misunderstanding of God."

Hans Küng (1928 - 2021)

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