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Protocol of the Elders of Zion

New WorldThe plan directed against the Spirit

New World - Apr 18, 2024

The struggle for superiority and continued speculation in the business world will create a demoralized, selfish and heartless society. This society will become completely indifferent to religion and politics, of which it will even be disgusted. The passion for gold will be her only guide and she will make all her efforts to obtain this gold which, alone, can assure her the material pleasures which she has made her true cult.


The plan known as the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” is a taboo subject. The Nobel Prize winner for literature, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, wrote a relevant study of the Protocols in 1966. Israel Shamir writes:

“Solzhenitsyn defied the Soviet regime, he dared to write and publish his mammoth, The Gulag Archipelago, an implacable condemnation of Soviet repression, and yet, even he stalled: he did not publish his research on the Protocols. He requested that this study be published only after his death. It was against his will that it was printed in a very small number of copies in 2001.

The forbidden book

Much has been fantasized about the origin of this writing, attributed to a lodge of “Israelite initiates” receiving instructions from “unknown superiors”. It was therefore used by anti-Semites as clear proof of a “Judeo-Masonic plot”. However, the illuminati are neither Jews nor Aryans, but can be on all sides, exacerbating conflicts to advance their strategy according to the adage “divide and rule”.

Whoever the authors of these “protocols” were, they were endowed with a political and psychological cunning that exceeds the capabilities of normal intelligence.

The problem is not who wrote this program for world hegemony, but how it is possible that men of the 19th century anticipated the establishment of world order down to the smallest detail?

Critics say it is a “fake” — which means nothing, because any anonymous writing can be a “fake.” Is the Bible a fake? We see the absurdity of this reasoning. Academics do not read the Protocols because it is considered politically incorrect. We even fear opening them in case it gets out! It is no longer a question of caution, but of terror towards a writing prohibited by the system. This avoids knowing what it contains and asking the right question: how can we explain that this program is exactly the same as the plan implemented since the French Revolution by the Illuminati?

Did we want to place responsibility for this manifesto on Jews by speculating on the anti-Semitic reactions that it would inevitably generate? Putting aside the racist connotations towards the goim — non-Jews according to the Talmud — that it contains, it is clear that this text sheds particular light on the financiers of the new world order — including the eminent Rothschild family who blackmails the Jews.

Revolutions, internationalism, socialism, disappearance of individual initiative, control of the media, money king, world culture, parody of democracy, power of technocracy, destabilization of religions and traditions, unique thinking, materialism, scientism, and up to New Age messianism… All the ideas of shadow government are present in these “Protocols”, and these ideas will prevail throughout the 20th century. Who can deny it?

Knowing that in politics nothing is improvised, we must admit that we are in the presence of a document revealing a strategy of conquest aimed at establishing a totalitarian theocracy under the mask of Israel's messianism. However, here, it is no longer about religion that is at stake, nor the expectation of a spiritual kingdom, but the establishment of a tyranny for the benefit of a caste of “elected ones” — the famous illuminati of the “black elite”.

The perfidy of this document is disturbing, firstly because of its provocative form which generated a controversy making us forget the substance. Perfidious by the incredible cunning of those who thought up this political program, but also because of the inevitable anti-Semitic reaction that it triggered and by which it became a taboo document, a sort of shameful literature that is passed around under the coat.

It has been claimed that the Tsar's agents invented these "Protocols of the Elder Brothers of Zion" for counter-revolutionary purposes, but police officers are rarely political geniuses and visionaries. Also the artificial fabrication of “protocols” is unjustifiable for anyone who knows a little about the mysteries of occult politics, because the ideology they convey is too closely linked to globalist lodges.

This program of the leaders of the world order is not the fruit of sick brains, as people wanted to believe, because the political ideas it sets out were realized in fact, and this well after its writing, this which cannot be accidental. Only the naive prefer to believe that planetary politics follows the vagaries of hazardous circumstances.

An attentive reader, free from prejudice, will discover in these Protocols the matrix of all the threats against conscience - on the political, social, economic, scientific and religious levels. Everything is explicitly announced there. Will this plan succeed? A futile question, since he has already largely achieved most of the points on his agenda, except with regard to the appearance of the “messiah”, this international sovereign, whose arrival Christian tradition predicted under the name of the Antichrist.

We believe that this supreme mystification will not take long, as the circles that want to achieve this goal have been active for several decades.

Undeniably, the Protocols emanate from the Luciferian elite, who manipulate nations, races and religions - and the people of Israel like the others - to establish their order through chaos.

The Jewish people are undoubtedly the first victims of this manipulation — the “chosen people” takes on its dramatic meaning here.

Jews have been subjected to a culture of terror by occult leaders who are responsible for cruel cyclical persecutions. This is why Jews who emancipate themselves from this secular conditioning are often the first to denounce the oppression of rabbinic and Talmudic culture. There are ancient prophets vehemently condemning the “sins of Israel” – like revisionists, whose subversive historical ideas often emanate from Jewish researchers sickened by the commercial recovery of the Shoah.

It takes a lot of perspective and intelligence to understand the true mission of Israel, and the maneuvers of which the Jewish people were victims — since the archaic era of Atlantis.

The etymology of Israel can be interpreted as “the man raised to God”, or even “the heavenly vision”. Each noble soul can therefore identify with this ideal and claim divine election, whether born in a Jewish, Christian, Papuan environment, or in any "chosen people", knowing that each ancient civilization has claimed hold divine legitimacy.

Could there be anything in the universe other than chosen races, called to a special destiny? This is why we do not condemn the enlightened, because they are in the illusion of believing themselves elected above all, and they struggle miserably to survive like all the creatures that crawl under the sun.

Towards the Nazis or the Zionists, we could say: same fight! Muslims, Jews, Christians or Hindus, in everyone, the survival instinct dominates. For fanatics, God is just a pretext for partisan assertion. Why take sides in this madness? He who seeks God or the Absolute does not want to destroy anyone, except his own inner chains. Any other approach to religion is madness.

Finally, wouldn't these Protocols have the effect of making people even more fatalistic in the face of globalist tyranny? Why are they in circulation when we know that the illuminati leave nothing compromising lying around and that it is forbidden to read them?

Joël Labruyère, “The forbidden book”, Undercover n° 5.

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Russia against the NOM

Equality and ReconciliationPutin is no longer alone against the Empire

Equality and Reconciliation - 04 Dec 2023

LCI propagandists may ironize about the fairer “New World Order” advocated by Putin, but the facts are there: the old NWO, embodied by the bloodthirsty Biden-Netanyahu pair, is no longer desirable.


No country in the world, especially in the South, wants to follow these two weirdos. Facing them, the Xi-Putin pair appears as stability and reason.

The Russophobes in the mainstream media are like a headless chicken: while even NATO forces recognize that the war against Russia cannot be won, and that perhaps the initial, somewhat too optimistic plan of dismemberment of Great Russia, low-level propagandists continue to spit on world peace and ideologically maintain the need for a war which the people do not want, starting with the French people.

The French people are friends of the Russian people, and neither Colonna nor Macron will change anything. It is inscribed in our historical and cultural DNA, and anything that goes against this friendship will have no future.

Despite the heroic resistance of the most radical propagandists who spread the globalist lie, the discourse is changing, particularly on Israel.

“We are now fighting for freedom, not just for Russia but for the whole world. We openly declare that the dictatorship of a hegemony, now visible to all, is becoming obsolete. She has gone too far, and poses a significant danger to others.

The majority of the world now recognizes this reality. I repeat, our country is on the verge of establishing a fairer world order, I want to emphasize the fact that without a sovereign and strong Russia there can be no stable and sustainable world order. »

Vladimir Putin

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Eustace Mullins

Equality and ReconciliationWho directs our leaders? The World Order by Eustace Mullins

Equality and Reconciliation - Nov 03, 2023

In this 2005 interview (Mullins died in 2010) devoted to his spiritual father Ezra Pound, who trained four Nobel Prize winners, Eustace Mullins denounces with surgical precision the power that is both excessive and criminal of the Bank.


Mullins delves his analysis even further into the roots of this deep power called the Federal Reserve: it is at the center of American monetary policy, its aggressive geopolitics and the wars that engulfed the XNUMXth century. Mullins also unmasks the Zionism behind American policy.

A video, subtitled by E&R, rich and informative to understand the mechanism which led to the current situation.

“It is no more “federal” than the Federal Express company. And she has no “reservations”. It does not need reserves because it prints its own money. If you print your own money, what’s the point? Just turn on the printer and create 10 billion dollars!

Finally, it is not a “system”. It is called the “Federal Reserve System” but it is not federal, it does not have reserves and it is not a system. I am the only one in the world to have defined it, in my work, as a crime syndicate.

And that's what he is: a crime syndicate! Like the mafia, which is one of its subsidiaries. As well as the CIA and all the crime syndicates that depend on the Federal Reserve System. A central bank is a group of bankers who exercise complete control over a country's economy. They print their own money, as much as they want, and it ends up worthless... through speculation... A central bank is designed for speculation.

The Fed system was set up solely for speculation. Its creator was Paul Warburg, a partner at Kuhn, Loeb & Co. in New York, who, incidentally, financed the communist revolution, the Hitler revolution, and Japan's entry into World War II...”

Eustace Mullins

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NAME personalities and groups

Réseau InternationalWho are these “unknowns” who embody the new world order?

International Network - August 21, 2023

In this article, I would like to make the effort to clearly identify the people behind these “almighty” groups who claim to impose their New World Order on us.


But before knowing who does what, who is behind this or that organization, let's first start by putting together the puzzle of these organizations in order to see more clearly; in order to understand how this totalitarian cobweb was woven quietly with the ignorant approval of the people!


1 – Trilateral Commission

In July 1973, the globalists created a transnational political party, an organization of control and political, economic and police, even military decisions, the Trilateral Commission. The founders: David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brezinski, in particular…

This Commission presented itself as a "Global Forum of Thinkers" which would very quickly radicalize the Keynesian view of capitalism: the hegemony of a multinational economy, the acceleration of global labor exploitation, global military hegemony , (this is the objective of NATO), the absolute control of energies and raw materials, food control of the Planet, world demographic control, health control of peoples...

Brezinski was a prominent member of the Bilderberg Club and Obama's top foreign policy adviser. (died 2017)
Henry Kissinger, formerly Secretary of State of the United States, was also a prominent member of the Bilderberg club and organizing pin of this oligarchy for world governance.

The Trilateral is therefore a “political party on a global scale”.

"The Nation-State, as the fundamental unit of organized human life, has ceased to be the main creative force: the international banks and the transnational corporations are now the actors and the architects in the sense that these terms applied to the Nation-State. »

Zbigniew Brezinski

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Alexander Dugin on power in Russia

Jacob's ladderDugin: the enemy within is not defeated

Jacob's Ladder - Jul 18, 2023

Russian philosopher Alexander Dugin identified the source of sabotage in modern Russia. If anyone has illusions that the internal enemy is defeated, it is nothing more than an illusion.


Make no mistake, “easy liberalism” does not harm the country. There is no "light liberalism" just as there is no "light necrosis". The necrosis must be amputated.

“I have the impression that the evil root of liberalism has not yet been extracted from the highest layers of power. That's why the SVO is slipping. This is why the government is hesitating, only waiting for the first opportunity to back down. That's why here and there the traitors keep coming back (meaning someone sends them away). This is why the military leadership is feverish. This is why people and society receive no answers to simple questions. This is why internal enemies are not executed, but rewarded. But everything has already been said: either liberalism or Russia. And it seems the president has made that clear - yes, by the very start of the NWO! - what chooses Russia. And despite this, the root of liberalism, and therefore of betrayal, is not decapitated”.

Russia will only exist if there are no more liberals. Otherwise, there will be no Russia”

Alexander Dugin

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Hollywood's Subtle Propaganda

Réseau InternationalHollywood's Subtle Propaganda

International Network - June 22, 2023

What would Hollywood (and Empire) be without an endless supply of ridiculous stunts and silly juvenile macho fantasies?


I was watching F9 (from the Fast & Furious franchise) and I was struck by a sentence. Fast's team is now working for the CIA (which is sort of the nice one) and the villains' plan is to "reset the world order in minutes" as if that's a bad thing. As if this world order were anything other than a permanent imperial war. But that's it, Hollywood.

The fast team then proceeds to destroy random countries, willy-nilly, because that's the world order. That's why I support villains in movies now.

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Jacob's ladderThe new world order and subversion to the Ahrimanian powers

Jacob's Ladder - Apr 15, 2023

The New World Order is the final stage of subversion that will place humanity under the control of an evil oligarchy.


Ahriman leads us to ancient Persia, to an old civilization more respectable than the society of commercialism and predation that the West has spread throughout the world. It is no wonder that the Americans, the chosen people of Ahriman, want to bring down Iran, a country where the ancient wisdom survives in the "hikmat ilâhîya" of Iranian Islam. The “hikmat ilâhîya” is the flower of the thought of the thousand-year-old mystical community, it was the object of the quest of the Iranian philosopher Sohrawardî.
The myth of a rebellious and fallen entity is almost universal. Lucifer, the Kumarbi of the Hurrians, the Phaeton of the Greeks, the Loki of the Germans, the Gukup Cakix of the Mayas express the same myth.

Ahriman inspires false religions and science without conscience. He is the instigator of the scientistic religion which will be imposed by the new world order. “The 21st century will be religious or it will not be. The famous phrase, wrongly attributed to André Malraux, is more likely a watchword of the lodges working to establish a new religion and a synarchy of robotic men.

The Egyptian-Greek apocalypse, written in the late Greco-Roman period, probably in Memphis, by a prophet of the school of Thôt-Hermès, announced the fall of humanity into the dark age: "Men will prefer darkness to light, and death to life… A painful divorce will separate the gods from men, and only the black angels will remain! »

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Rene Bickel

The Media in 4-4-2Society has fallen prey to lies to the extent that the truth offends people

The Media in 4-4-2 - March 03, 2023

René Bickel: interviewed by Le Media in 4-4-2


Le Média en 4-4-2 presents to you through its series "Artists against the current" personalities who choose to think outside the box despite the challenges that arise from it. For the fifth episode, we welcome illustrator and author René Bickel. This autodidact is a committed designer, an environmentalist at heart who has chosen a formidable weapon to get his messages across: humour. He depicts a society whose "progress" resides above all in the establishment of a world order, of which he sets out to demonstrate the primary and unacknowledged goals of the domination and exploitation of individuals.

“Everything is planned to prevent the individual from constructing himself and seeking his own reality. »

Rene Bickel

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WHO and New World Order

Anthropo-LogicsWHO and New World Order

Anthropo-Logics - Feb 22, 2023

A new masterful analysis by my colleague Françoise Bloch about what is going on at the WHO and the role that some would like to see this deeply corrupt organization play in the new world order...


Maneuvers to subject countries to the binding decisions (dictats) of the WHO have already been taking place in broad daylight for a few years. If the Westerners appear subject to this global totalitarian agenda, the good surprise has come on several occasions from the rest of the world, to whom obviously we do not do so when it comes to imposing new forms of imperialism.

This comes at a time when the organization continues to discredit itself. Despite the virtual absence of new cases, for example, the WHO has just renewed "monkey pox" as an international health emergency... A health emergency without cases is another interesting innovation in the register of the theater of the absurd… but certainly not public health!

As for the very dubious scientist Jeremy Farrar (director of the Wellcome Trust), he has just, barely elevated to the dignity of Chief Scientist of the WHO, to propose that we renounce investigations as to the origin of Sars-CoV-2 – question indeed without importance! He then defended himself against it, knowing how hot the subject is: no less than ten bat coronavirus chimeras were produced in the Wuhan laboratory after Barack Obama banned research on gains of function on viruses – Sars-CoV-2 now appearing well, as Professor Luc Montagnier had said very quickly, an engineered product of life…

Beyond these nasty adventures lies a real fundamental problem: the desire to subordinate the health sovereignty of countries in a binding manner to an international organization known today as being THE most corrupt in the world.

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WEF agenda 2030

Guy BoulianneGlobalization is dead and Davos this year was its funeral ceremony

Guy Boulianne - Feb 05, 2023

Globalization is dead and the World Economic Forum meeting held in Davos this year was its funeral ceremony.


The annual meeting of the World Economic Forum was held in Davos from January 16-20, 2023. International observers sat down with Sputnik to articulate the main message of the gathering in a nutshell.

The World Economic Forum (WEF), an international non-governmental and lobbying organization, was founded in January 1971 by the German economist Klaus Schwab. Initially, the entity was called “European Management Forum”; it changed its name to the World Economic Forum in 1987.

Western-centric globalized world order is collapsing, with other countries adopting non-aligned status and implementing their own development scenarios in terms of financial, foreign trade and fiscal policies, according to Babkin . The Russian researcher argues that reindustrialization and the strengthening of national economies could ensure the stability of the world and the diversity of models.

“This year's forum showcased the new state of the world: divided, resentful and grim. Davos has become the locker room of the West and is more separated than ever from the rest. It no longer represents the real concerns of most of the world's population. His obsession with climate change, social justice, gender and other forms of awakening has made him a laughing stock and a target of scorn for most of the world. »

Gal Luft, director of the Institute for Global Security Analysis

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WEF history

Joan TranslationThe history of the World Economic Forum

Jeanne Translation - Jan 16, 2023

From Henry Kissinger to Emmanuel Macron, passing by Maurice Strong, Nelson Rockefeller or even Prince Bernhard, all have agreed to counter our greatest threat: Humanity.

Their solution? Transhumanism.

Dr. Jacob Nordangård presents a brief history of the fight against “global warming”, the “proliferation” of humanity and the self-determination of nations and therefore of their own people.


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Putin the strategist

The strategist's letterThe White House and the Pentagon are in panic mode

The mail from the strategists - 13 oct 2022

Alexandre N. offers an original reading of Russian strategy, in fact borrowed from military history: do the Russians ever do anything other than repeat General Kutuzov's strategy against Napoleon?


A way of doing things that disconcerts the Americans as much as it destabilized Napoleon.

Panic mode is real.

Interview with Alexander N.

CdS: When we talked about it a few days ago, you were already formal: “In Washington, they are in panic mode”, you told me.

Alexandre N: For the White House, the mass is almost said, if I dare say: the living mummy and his company of embalmers are fighting more and more against a senile dementia that is less and less controllable.

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