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society: death and rebirth

Réseau InternationalDeath and rebirth

International Network - May 06, 2024

One company leaves, another arrives.


The one that is going away is that of the World Economic Forum, the one that wants to reduce the earth's population to 500 million inhabitants, undoubtedly so that 50 million still live in the jet society.

Arguably, this perspective is false. Because it is difficult to control companies. We can, of course, format people, decerebrate them, which has been attempted successfully for 50 years, but the growing flow of refusenikis is deeply upsetting the system.

Moreover, this “jet society” is just scum. It only exists because the rest of society can support it, through its technicality, its know-how, and its usefulness.

Today, this jet society is increasingly turning out to be superfluous and useless. No real use, simply social dominants, who know how to do it in terms of manipulation, but when the substrate itself declines, this “upper class” will decline in the same proportions. Like Macias Nguéma, who died at the end of the 1970s and who had so concentrated the wealth in his palace that almost all of the local currency was in boxes there, and nothing circulated outside. Nothing was circulating there, moreover, inside either…

They were pieces of colored paper…

So, this caste, Macronist to the tips of its nails, complains about nothing, more and more reduced, it is overwhelmed with sweets, candies and delights. Caricature, its biotope or shithole, it is above all the interior of the Parisian ring road, and the ghettos of the rich.

Today, with the cost of education helping, especially in Anglo countries, manual labor is on the rise.

For what ? Because the free distribution of baccalaureate-level diplomas, all over the world, devalues ​​these diplomas, reserving the Zeureux holders for crowded jobs. In the best case scenario, a civil servant, in the worst case, a cashier with a giant superprimou. It's general and it's becoming more widespread. I remember this Indian series, where the high school helped high school students pass the baccalaureate, by simply giving them the results. One day, an honest policeman stopped the phenomenon and refused the envelope; that year, no one passed the baccalaureate.

So, in the USA, we fall into manual work, which, obviously, pays more and is less expensive than obtaining diplomas which, for many, lead to nothing. Here too, in the series Gilmore Girls, we see thirty-somethings from expensive colleges, but who do nothing.

They are stupid, they “give up on university”, where they would have learned useless things, in favor of real jobs where, often, they are paid for their training, whether in apprenticeship or not. In addition, they earn a decent living.

This indicates a change in society, where success is no longer academic success, which leads to nothing, and which, in fact, becomes more and more mediocre. The students rating their teachers, we end up arriving at the Indian phenomenon. Professional life and professional education, yesterday synonymous with failure, are more basic. A bad person doesn't make a living there, and we see again the phenomenon of the 1950s, those "migrate", from various jobs to various jobs...

Self-consumption helping the most sought-after profession in the USA is that of wind turbine repairers. Indeed, solar and renewables of all kinds, it helps a lot those who do not like to see their energy bills increase too much, even if these old novelties do not cover everything...

Real estate follows the general movement. Backed by the banking bubble, it was only supported by a deluge of bank loans. Housing is essential, but the world of real estate and construction will absolutely have to change.

As for the Macronist bourgeoisie, it will have the fate of the past upper classes; “History is the cemetery of aristocracies” (Vilfredo Pareto).

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Macron wants wars

Equality and ReconciliationWhy does Macron want to push the world into war so much?

Equality and Reconciliation - 06 Feb 2024

Why the war? Why does Macron want to force the world into war so much? This is perhaps the question we should ask ourselves, to solve a problem we need to know the reasons. They are multiple but convergent.


Money laundering. The essential problem of a government is to bring money into its real economy. How ? for example the RMI, the money is given to the tramps who spend it immediately (the tramps do not capitalize) and thus cash flow is created for the economy. It's good but the amounts are ridiculous. On the same principle, the State votes for aid to Ukraine; the money is given to pawns who immediately spend it on weapons and thus create cash flow for the military-industrialist.

But the money supply of the real economy, you, your baker, the restaurant, the plumber, has a leak; namely capitalization and tax havens. When a rich person hides his money in the Caribbean, that means less money supply in the real circuit. And it is not a small flowing stream, nor a river, reader friend, a river nay, it is a river, the Amazon, it is the Gulf Stream.

- But when the State gives money to tramps, to the military industry, to farmers, where does this money come from? Creation ex nihilo, that is to say from nothing. Currency is created with one line on a computer. But who has this power? Who has the power to make lines of several billion thousand ports? Who is the good god?

The good God belongs to those who believe in him. Money exists because we believe in it. The need to believe is something else. To believe is to be active, not to believe is a passive position. The oxen do not believe. A population that believes in nothing is the dream of totalitarian power. The need to believe is real to build a civilization; No offense to Harari, the belief is real. See the factory of reality.

But back to why the war. Who makes money? This power has been taken from kings, it theoretically belongs to the nations, but this power has been taken from the nations. The power to create money lies with private banks. Private banks guarantee the value of the currency. But who guarantees private banks?

A little history, the real one. Since the end of the Second World War, since the Bretton Woods agreements; July 22, 1944, the FED – The Federal Reserve of the United States – manages the quantity of gold in the West.

As the money supply is perpetually reduced due to the Gulf Stream, it must be perpetually recredited, how? The banks make the cavalcade, this charging step of the horses of the Napoleonic army. Cavalcade in financial jargon is the act of paying a loan by taking another loan, which will be financed by another loan.

That is to say that the fortunes of banks consist of quantities of… credits. Banks only own debts, and with these debts, print notes that represent value.

This allows you to export currency and receive goods in return. This gave the West enormous financial power and allowed it to operate as a parasite on the global economy.

This debt-increasing mechanism is reaching a level where we have essentially put everything we own, including our homes and land, into debt to maintain our standard of living. We no longer own anything, now that the debt has been subtracted. The debt has long since become unserviceable – well beyond our ability to pay interest – which explains why interest rates in the West are near zero. Any increase would make the debt irreparable and we would all officially go bankrupt in a day. It is August 15, 1971, Nixon puts an end to the Bretton Woods regime, everyone knows that.

Nixon signs the Bretton Woods death warrant. Global currency can and should be produced in abundance, undermining confidence in the dollar. But the dollar, to recreate confidence, relies on the mechanism of the Quincy pact, the February 14, 1945 meeting of King Saud and Roosevelt. The pact mentions the protection of Saudi Arabia by US military force in return for which the Saud kingdom undertakes to sell its oil only in dollars.

This pact is fundamental because it contains the balance of the world. In fact, buying your energy in dollars is a guarantee that the dollar will always be in demand, and therefore always valid. By extension, the US and its army forced the world to trade everything in dollars, guaranteeing that the dollar would always be in demand. The United States places itself in the position of debtor towards the rest of the world, and lets other countries finance it by accumulating dollars, in concrete terms it is a position of predator, or parasite. Obama went so far as to impose the extraterritoriality of American law. That is to say, anyone who uses the dollar is under American law. Law entirely relative to whom it is exercised. These are the famous rules of the New World Order. “The world needs rules” croon all the puppets of power, these rules are only the orders of those in power.

This allows American banks – because the Fed belongs to a small conglomerate of private banks – to put the world in a straight line. To enslave the world, that's the plan. All nations refusing to submit are destroyed, fueling the US military industry. Double benefit.

Furthermore, the USA takes great care to divide, divide and rule, any group of nations that could come together to resist. Triple benefit. However.

Well, not everyone agrees.

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Pierre Jovanovic - Jan 2024

TVLibertesPierre Jovanovic: The Western world is on the verge of bankruptcy

TVLibertes - January 21, 2024

Politics & Eco n°419 with Pierre Jovanovic


Jovanovic is hard banking news with a smile so far. He is not a prophet of doom, however, the future often proves him right. The picture of international finance painted by the very popular economic journalist can give the impression of a permanent collapse of the System, which paradoxically still seems to hold. The numerical data is dizzying, and if the crash is always postponed, in reality, it is there. But the general public doesn't see it. Welcome to capitalism gone mad.

“The vulture funds are taking over everything that doesn’t work in France, it’s still incredible! »

Pierre Jovanovic

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Happiness - by Steve Cutts

HappinessRevolution 2030: Other source

Revolution 2030: Other source - January 02, 2024

by Steve Cutts


The story of a rodent's incessant quest for happiness and fulfillment.

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ban bitcoin

Digital DawnCan the US government ban bitcoin?

Digital Dawn - 23 Dec 2023

Four things to know today.


Recently, we have heard powerful bankers and politicians express their desire to ban Bitcoin.

The idea that the US government is going to ban Bitcoin is popular for good reason.

Bitcoin threatens an important source of government power – the power to create fake money out of thin air and force everyone to use it.

This is because Bitcoin can give monetary sovereignty to the individual and make central banks and their confetti currencies obsolete.

This is not an easy task.

This is a historic development that profoundly modifies the status quo between leaders and those led. It is comparable to the invention of gunpowder, the printing press and the Internet.

There is no doubt that the US government would like to protect its racket from an encroaching monetary competitor, the same way the Mafia does when a rival encroaches on its territory.

The $64 question is whether they will succeed.

Friedrich Hayek, the great Austrian free market economist, once said:

"I don't believe we'll have good currency again until we get the thing out of the hands of the government, that is, we can't take it violently out of the hands of the government, all we can to do is to introduce by a roundabout and sneaky means something which they cannot stop.

Hayek is right.

By nature, governments never relinquish power peacefully. And while taking power away from them by force is out of the question, the only way to do that is to introduce, through a back door, something they can't stop.

Is Bitcoin this solution?

Many people think the answer is “no” because the government will stop it.

Can anyone stop Bitcoin?

Bitcoin has no central authority or single point of failure.

It operates on a decentralized, voluntary and rapidly expanding global network of more than 17 computers in nearly 300 countries.

Any desktop computer, laptop, Raspberry Pi – and even some cell phones – have the ability to run the entire Bitcoin software. Additionally, as technology advances, Bitcoin execution will become even more widespread.

Many of these computers are cleverly hidden by Tor, which stands for "The Onion Router." This router encrypts your internet traffic and disguises it by passing it through a series of computers around the world to obfuscate your IP address and physical location.

Regardless, with Bitcoin, there is no central location for a SWAT team to raid. There is no CEO to stop. The best governments can do is play an endless game of global whack-a-mole.

Even if the United States and Russia engaged in all-out nuclear war, destroying most of the northern hemisphere, Bitcoin would not lose a beat in the southern hemisphere.

To have any chance of stopping Bitcoin, all governments in the world would have to manage to coordinate simultaneously to shut down the entire Internet everywhere and keep it down forever.

Even in this unlikely scenario, the Bitcoin network can be communicated through radio signals and mesh networks. At the same time, small portable solar panels can power network computers when the power grid is unavailable.

In addition, a network of satellites constantly transmits the Bitcoin network to Earth.

In short, all aspects of Bitcoin are truly decentralized and robust.

Unless there is an inevitable return to the Stone Age, Bitcoin seems unstoppable.


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Mr GlobalizationDropshipping makes a comeback every Christmas: protect yourself!

Mr Globalization - Dec 08, 2023

As the end-of-year holidays approach, an online scam is wreaking havoc: dropshipping.


While we think we are buying a quality item at a reasonable price online, it is, in reality, low-end and comes from the other side of the world. To avoid falling into the trap, here is a breakdown of this dishonest, although legal, practice.

Dropshipping is a commercial practice that adds an intermediary between an internet merchant and their customer. The dropshipper, an unscrupulous merchant, will virtually generate profit by inflating the prices of low-cost products that are already for direct sale on well-known Chinese sites like Aliexpress or Wish. The person making the purchase therefore receives a product ordered directly from China while having paid a significant commission to an anonymous matchmaker.

In many cases, this parasitic matchmaker lies about the quality and origin of the products in order to be able to artificially inflate prices to generate colossal profits without any effort from a simple computer. They are generally not insured, often not declared, do not monitor the products and do not carry out any health tests, sometimes putting the health of their customers at risk. Here's how to spot and protect yourself from this web cancer which is becoming widespread on social networks with the help of marketing campaigns.
A growing online scam

As it is denounced, dropshipping sees a plethora of defenders flourish. No doubt it is because, like tax evasion, this phenomenon finds its support in the hopes of rapid financial ascension encouraged by the start-up nation and its 3.0 capitalism. To the detriment of the consumer and the environment, but not only: it is also an additional entanglement in the current disastrous model.

Dropshipping simply lets some people see an example of winning through merit, that of having been clever by manipulating others, in a world necrotized by permissive commercial approaches. The legitimized goal? Achieve, then maintain, almost instantaneous financial success. Dropshipping “training” companies don’t hide it. Their slogan: “Copy, paste, enjoy!” »

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Pentagon - money laundering

Réseau InternationalPentagon: trillions of dollars have disappeared

International Network - Nov 25, 2023

The Pentagon fails a new audit. It's not for nothing that the Pentagon is said to be the government's favorite money laundering tool.


It's comical that they would even attempt to audit the Pentagon when they know the agency will fail miserably. The government spent $187 million to carry out this insignificant audit of 700 sites. This year, like the previous year, only 7 of the 29 sub-audits were successful. HALF of the declared assets were found nowhere by the 1600 auditors involved. How can trillions of dollars disappear?

Trillions have disappeared since the period leading up to September 11, 2001. There is no investigation underway to determine the whereabouts of these funds that belong to taxpaying citizens. The September 11, 2001 attack occurred a day after former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld sounded the alarm and informed the public that $2300 trillion in transactions could not be traced. The demolition of WTC7 on September 11 destroyed the room where the Pentagon audit was taking place and which happened to be the location of my computer system. I received a letter from the SEC explaining that everything had simply been destroyed and no further questions could be asked.

This was just the tip of the Pentagon's long history of misplacing trillions of dollars. In May, the Pentagon admitted to misplacing thousands of F-35 jet parts worth $1,6 billion. Then, in June, the Pentagon announced that it had misplaced more than $6,2 billion in funds intended for Ukraine. “We have confirmed that for FY2023, the final calculation is $3,6 billion, and for FY22, $2,6 billion, for a combined total of $6,2 billion” , said the Pentagon press secretary. “These assessment errors do not in any way limit or restrict the size of our Defense assistance programs, nor do they impact support provided to Ukraine.” The Pentagon blamed the missing funds on an “accounting error” and never discussed the situation again. The press secretary said their main concern was simply being able to continue paying money to Ukraine.

Lloyd Austin has served as Secretary of Defense since January 2021. Instead of focusing on his duties at home, Austin traveled to Ukraine days after the failed audit to provide support to Zelensky. “We will stay with you for the long haul. What happened here in Ukraine is important not only for Ukraine, but also for the rest of the world. It’s certainly important for the United States of America,” he said.

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the absurdist

InsolentiaeIs it cheaper to fly to Poland to do your shopping?

Insolentiae – Nov 08, 2023

This story is mind-blowing and it reflects the madness of our world. “Taking a plane to go shopping in Poland… Two Englishmen demonstrate that it’s cheaper than the local supermarket.”


Faced with the inflationary crisis affecting Great Britain, a duo of English Youtubers recently went to Poland to do their shopping. Despite the price of plane tickets, the two friends got it for less than in Great Britain.

Inflation on foodstuffs does not only concern France. Across the Channel, a duo of Youtubers caused a sensation this week after demonstrating that it was cheaper to take the plane to go to Poland to do your shopping, rather than going to the local supermarket.

In a video published on YouTube this Wednesday, November 1, we first see Josh & Archie, 1,5 million subscribers, going to the checkout in a Lidl store in south London, in Clapham. The price announced on the receipt after purchasing a set of 135 products appearing in the average basket established by the government: 164,47 pounds sterling, or 188,77 euros.

“Highlight a ridiculous situation”

For the same shopping list, the duo spent just 96,75 pounds sterling (111,05 euros), in Poznan, Poland. By adding the price of Ryanair plane tickets (47 pounds sterling, hold luggage included on return for one of them), but also the cost of accommodation for a night via Couchsurfing (8,55 pounds sterling); Josh & Archie even managed to save £11,14 at the end of their trip!

“This is not a suggestion on how people can save money,” said the two young men, interviewed by the DailyMail. But rather an approach aimed at highlighting the ridiculous situation in which we seem to find ourselves in the face of the evolution of inflation. »

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ponzi scheme

InsolentiaeEverything is “Ponzi” in the economy… or almost!

Insolentiae – Nov 07, 2023

You often hear the expression it's a "Ponzi", a "Ponzi scam", a "Ponzi" scheme or even a "Ponzi scheme", a "Ponzi chain", a "Ponzi" fraud or a Ponzi scheme.


Officially, this is a fraudulent financial arrangement which consists of remunerating clients' investments essentially with funds provided by new entrants. If the scam is not discovered beforehand, the fraud comes to light when the system collapses, that is to say when the sums provided by the new entrants are no longer enough to cover the customers' remuneration. . His name recalls Charles Ponzi who became famous after setting up an operation based on this principle in Boston in the 1920s.

To put it more simply, I remunerate or reimburse the deposits of the first with the deposits of the following while there is no creation of value.

You're going to tell me that you have to be really stupid to be fooled...

First of all, it's not that simple, and the "scams" are always brilliantly executed. It is often difficult to detect them, especially when our capacity for judgment is clouded by profit and greed.

Second, the economy is a huge Ponzi scheme.

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loss at the pump

InsolentiaeWe will be able to sell fuel at a loss!

Insolentiae - Sep 19, 2023

Generosity of the government with other people's money!


Distributors authorized to sell fuel “at a loss” for “a few months”, according to the Elisabeth Borne announcement.

Selling at a loss is prohibited except when it suits the government!

“In an interview with Le Parisien dated Saturday September 16, the Prime Minister announced “that exceptionally (…) and over a limited period of a few months”, mass distribution brands will be able to sell fuel at a loss, while the law has prohibited them since 1963. The stated objective is to “lower prices further”. “With this unprecedented measure, we will have tangible results for the French, without subsidizing fuel. Purchasing power is our fight,” assures Elisabeth Borne. »

The head of government, however, ruled out any idea of ​​reducing taxes at the pump. “Everyone takes their part. It's normal to involve large industrialists. The State's responsibility is also to reduce its deficit and its debt,” she explains. »

The government's brilliant idea?

Be generous with other people's money!!

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John Coleman: The 300 and Their Extermination of Useless Eaters

The Francophone SakerJohn Coleman: The 300 and Their Extermination of Useless Eaters

Le Saker Francophone - Jul 04, 2023

At the beginning of the 90s in his legendary work John Coleman evokes the depopulation of Western white peoples, famine, scarcity, the end of water, the migratory invasion, the disappearance of electricity, the wars of attrition in Europe, confiscation of housing, travel ban; but also the control of money through technology and consequent liquidation.


A genocidal instrument of the satanic will of the European and American oligarchs, the EU will do everything possible to achieve its ends. Political and parliamentary complicity, bought off politicians and a mass of manipulative cretins would do the rest. The end of the Christian faith, education and culture and the great intellectual stupefaction of the “old white race” make these nightmarish visions realistic; some excerpts in French here.


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The bankrupt European Union

Digital DawnViktor Orbán: The EU is on the verge of bankruptcy, says the Hungarian president

Digital Dawn - Jul 03, 2023

Orbán is currently attending the two-day summit of European leaders in Brussels, and one of the hottest topics is the question of where the money from the EU budget has gone.


The Hungarian prime minister said the European Commission had submitted a budget amendment proposal asking member states to pay tens of billions of euros.

Orbán also pointed out that the EU is asking member states for more money, when it is only two years away from its seven-year budget. In other words, the money that was approved for expenditure and that was supposed to be available for the next five years has already been spent.

“The only question everyone is asking here in Brussels is: Where did the money go? »

Viktor Orbán

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