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Gavi and memes

The DefenderGavi calls memes super spreaders of misinformation

The Defender - March 15, 2024

Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, attacks the “super spreaders of misinformation” of the “anti-vaccine movement” in an article published on February 13.


“Memes have been part of anti-vaccine messages for centuries and their power to spread harmful health misinformation continues to grow,” according to the text of the article.

The article warns that while memes are often associated with “cute cats and celebrities with funny captions”, they have “a more sinister function”, as they “are part of a very sophisticated distribution and monetization strategy health misinformation”.

Citing the “long history” of anti-vaccination memes, the article features an image from 1802 showing a vaccine monster feeding a basket of infants and “excreting them with horns,” and another from 1892 showing a vaccine snake and a dancing skeleton threatening a mother and her infant.

However, “the most famous anti-vaccination meme,” the article states, “originated from a now-discredited 1998 study that incorrectly linked the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine ( MMR) and autism”.

The article links to a 2010 article in the Canadian Medical Association Journal about The Lancet's retraction of Dr. Andrew Wakefield's article and to a 2011 BMJ editorial calling Wakefield's study fraudulent.

According to the article, Wakefield's study is the origin of the “vaccines cause autism” meme, which appears on billboards and circulates “widely in the media.”

Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav analyzed the Wakefield controversy in a multi-part article, noting that the UK High Court subsequently found “no evidence to support the charge of professional misconduct , and even less the accusation of fraud”.

Citing the Media Manipulation Casebook, the article defines “meme warfare” as the spread of memes for the purposes of “political persuasion or community building, or to strategically disseminate narratives and other messages critical to a campaign media manipulation”.

The authors identified “three recurring themes” in memes encouraging vaccine refusal:

Government and social institutions are corrupt, politically compromised and tyrannical and are using dangerous and ineffective vaccines for surveillance, control and profit.
Unvaccinated people are unfairly stigmatized and persecuted, “subject to Nazi-style sanctions and social exclusion”.
The vaccinated are morally and physically inferior to the unvaccinated, for example, they suffer from reduced fertility and critical thinking skills.

But the most “sinister” element of the meme campaigns, according to the article, was “financially profiting from pandemic-related anxieties,” including by promoting “potentially dangerous” and “unapproved” medical treatments such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin.

The authors did not explain how a person could make a living selling inexpensive, off-patent drugs, nor did they compare this claim to the profits made by companies selling remdesivir or Covid-19 vaccines.

In conclusion, “under the cover of humor and satire” which “can escape fact-checkers and content moderators”, meme propagators “grow their online audience, sow distrust in health authorities and profit from the promotion of unapproved medicines”.

People don't buy what they sell

Laura Bono, vice president of Children's Health Defense (CHD), told The Defender: “Clearly, Gavi doesn't see the irony in publishing an article about the spread of 'misinformation' about vaccines, when Gavi is one of the most prolific purveyors of pro-vaccine propaganda in the world”.

Gavi, funded to the tune of $4,1 billion since 2000 by its founding partner, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, has a long history of introducing vaccines into developing countries in Africa without adequate informed consent about the risks. .

Gavi recently launched a malaria vaccination campaign for babies across Africa and is targeting millions of young girls in low- and middle-income countries around the world with a human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine.

Ms Bono said Gavi and other pharmaceutical industry-backed organizations are “grappling with parents around the world waking up to the serious risks posed by vaccines, including autism, and a growing number of people are not buying what they are selling”.

“It is ironic that Gavi is being forced to go down this path because it clearly feels threatened,” said CH Klotz, editor of “Canary In a Covid World: How Propaganda and Censorship Changed Our (My) World ” (The canary in a covid world: how propaganda and censorship have changed our (my) world). And continues: “They are far from suspecting that people are not stupid, despite the propaganda.”

According to Klotz, more and more people have become aware of the propaganda thanks to their experience with Covid-19, “where we were told one thing and the opposite happened”. For example, “Get vaccinated to stop transmission and protect yourself against further contamination.”

“It all turned out to be a big lie,” he said.


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Protection of children: Appeal to parents

The Media in 4-4-2Protection of children: Appeal to parents

The Media in 4-4-2 - March 03, 2024

CALL TO PARENTS: issues of child protection in the face of the emotional, relational and sexual life education program.


François DUBOIS calls for parents to be made aware of the growing hypersexualization of content intended for children, particularly in educational programs. It highlights the risks for childhood and pleads for respectful emotional and relational education. Highlighting the importance of parental vigilance and collective action to protect our children.

I am launching this appeal to all parents in order to raise their awareness of the issue of child protection.

We note with dismay a number of growing abuses linked to the hypersexualization of content intended for children and resulting from EAS programs (sexuality education, from primary school) of national education. The new Prime Minister, Gabriel Attal, with his sense of priorities, announced shortly after his appointment, on January 20, that a new education program for emotional, relational and sexual life will apply in establishments schools at the start of the 2024 school year.

Children are confronted with sexual “education” at an increasingly younger age, the content of which depends on the external provider who provides it (often a nurse). There is a lack of control over the message delivered, sometimes leading to the observation of certain abuses which fall under the yoke of the law.

Another problem is that it is difficult, if not impossible, for a parent to obtain the contents of the sequences. What's more, these programs are not systematically announced in advance and are often inserted between two courses, which makes them difficult to circumvent.

Let's stay in the school world (over which we, parents, have little control). France 3 relayed information relating to a CM1 class and a CM2 class from L'Union (Haute-Garonne) who participated in a show during which drawings of a sexual nature were projected. The situation is uncomfortable: children dance in front of their parents with in the background watered-down drawings of orgies or women having their breasts caressed... Have parents filed a complaint? I don't know, but I hope so.

I will therefore start by reminding the law by quoting article 227-22 of the Penal Code:

“The fact of encouraging or attempting to encourage the corruption of a minor is punishable by five years of imprisonment and a fine of 75 euros. These penalties are increased to seven years of imprisonment and a fine of 000 euros when […] the acts are committed in teaching or educational establishments or in administration premises. »

The article of the Penal Code unfortunately does not explicitly define the term corruption. Is this voluntary, knowing that it is much more precise in defining the terms constituting other offenses?

However, corruption means exposing the minor to sexuality and encouraging the minor to engage in sexual activity in any way whatsoever.

The notion of consent does not come into play here and the guilty intention depends, of course, exclusively on the adult involved. The criminalization of corruption of a minor aims to preserve the sense of modesty of minors by protecting them against certain acts tending to arouse their sexual impulses.

By a judgment of the Criminal Chamber of February 8, 2017 (16-80.102), the Court of Cassation specifies that the offense of corruption of a minor is only criminally punishable if the perpetrator had in mind the perversion of the young person. victim and not just the satisfaction of his own passions.

The L'Union affair (Haute-Garonne) is no exception to the rule. Isn't there perverse exposure to minors to sexuality? Isn't there an encouragement, an incentive for minors to be open to this type of practice, or at least to integrate them as a new norm? Can the adults responsible for this staging only claim to have at no time assumed the perverse and corrupting nature of the latter?

Some testimonies sometimes report blatant abuses. Thus we would have largely gone beyond the stage of preventive explanations (STDs, contraception etc.) or biological explanations (mechanisms of reproduction etc.) to display sexual practices, such as sodomy, homosexual relations, or fellatio children who are sometimes extremely young and who are not yet sufficiently constructed and normalized to transition in such a brutal way from their asexual world (ante puberty) to the reality and impudence of adult relationships.

Imposing an extremely detailed explanation of “leisure” sexuality without children being ready for it, and without them asking, is not only extremely violent, but can be extremely disturbing or even traumatic for them. .

Any adult should be aware of this. In this specific case, what is there other than perversion in wanting to corrupt young children by imposing such visions on them?

I am not speaking to alert parents who are already taking concrete action at their own level to protect their little ones.

My appeal is addressed above all to those who do not dare to take the step of protesting in public, either out of a feeling of powerlessness, or because they do not see the danger represented by the hypersexualization of relationships with others. childhood for our society.

Father of three children and recently confronted with this situation with my wife, we realized that we were alone in expressing doubts, asking questions and demanding the contents of this famous “education in sentimental and sexual life” which was to be given to our eleven year old daughter. Following this, the establishment transformed the name of the intervention on pronote into “education for sentimental life”…

After surveying other parents, we realized that despite this overall inertia, a majority of them agreed with us. Unable to obtain (despite our negotiations) any content or summary of the intervention, our daughter did not attend. Simple precautionary principle to protect it from possible illegal infringement. But what a shame that she was the only one absent while the majority of parents thought no less! The goal here was not a full boycott, but to demand more clarification and transparency. Note that according to my daughter, some of her classmates told her that they felt uncomfortable because, despite the name transformed by the establishment into "education for sentimental life" (probably to appease other parents ), we would have talked exclusively about sexual relations to the little ones.

Why this passivity of parents who fundamentally disagree? A majority of French people are disoriented. Tormented by geopolitical chaos plunging it into a moribund socio-economic context, this majority now lives in fear of tomorrow.

Absorbed by her daily difficulties, she no longer necessarily has the energy to fight. Evolving in a society losing its bearings, victim of a vast enterprise of deconstruction and ideological propaganda, she experiences more and more difficulty in discerning the causes for which it would nevertheless be just and necessary to fight.

Trained since 2020 to confine themselves, to be traced, to blindly obey the media-pharmaceutical diktat, this majority today constitutes an archetype of conformist society since it is pusillanimous. This sad observation is only flattering for Orwell, who, alas, was right.

It is this majority to whom I am addressing. It is this majority that needs to be encouraged and helped.

It is also this majority that has sometimes not yet understood to what extent the fight for child protection is essential to the defense of our interests. This fight is essential to avoid losing control of our future. A strong people is a people who can project themselves into the future and identify with the past. A strong people is a people who do not allow themselves to be enslaved and who remain sovereign: a strong people is the essential prerequisite for any democracy.

From the school promotion of transgender ideology[2], through the premature discovery of unbridled sexual practices, sex becomes omnipresent and omnipotent for our children. An inevitable social component of our progressive Western societies, it floods the internet, television, fashion, and now, schools. It must prevail from an early age and the current government has made the hypersexualization of children its hobby horse.

Let's bet that it will above all be a Trojan horse!

Deconstruction through the hypersexualization of society[3] is in this sense a formidable weapon to fragment us into niche ideological and individualist logics which will complicate sentimental relationships, generate family instability and, a major anthropological upheaval, lead to the disappearance of genealogy through the opening of the GPA and PMA markets.

Thus atomized, the society of the future will be unable to constitute a stable and protesting bloc defending common values ​​to oppose an organized elite seeking to despoil it, enslave it and exploit it. Totalitarianism always takes hold insidiously.

It is high time that the nauseating ideological propaganda that attacks our children finally stops. This can only happen through the actions of responsible parents who dare to challenge the system when they believe it exposes their children to danger. Strength must remain in the law as long as it still works for the protection of children; parents should not hesitate to take legal action as long as the violations are sufficiently serious. This is a fight for our children and their future.

ADJ (er) François DUBOIS

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Viginum state agency

Jacob's ladderFrance is becoming the China of Europe!

Jacob's Ladder - Feb 25, 2024

The state agency Viginum, under the guise of fighting against fake news and foreign digital interference, monitors our publications on social networks in France.


It is even “authorized to implement computerized and automated processing of personal data”. A surveillance of the entire population.

Already, from 2021, the public authorities were interfering in Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Linkedin, but also Ebay, Rakuten or LeBonCoin in terms of tax fraud. Now, "such potentially very large collections", led by the General Secretariat of Defense and National Security (SGDSN), reporting directly to Matignon, did not even require a law: a simple decree, with the approved by the Council of State, without parliamentary debate, the implementation of which calls on private service providers (Sahar and Storyzy in particular).

On what criteria should we judge that allegations are “manifestly inaccurate or misleading”?

When can we speak of “attack on the fundamental interests of the nation”? And for how long? “Especially during election periods.” So a policing of indefinite duration, which does not only concern the broadcaster of information, but all those with whom he is in contact.

The CNIL is also concerned that "this information is likely to reveal information on a significant number of aspects of the private lives of the people concerned, including sensitive information, such as political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs as well as health status or sexual orientation.
Thus, anyone who qualifies a person in the State as a pederast, as sexually depraved, will see his communications dissected down to the last with many other elements deemed compromising which could be used to put pressure on the author, to blackmail him.

The proof ?

It is found in the following: "the automated collection of a large number of data from the platforms concerned, according to certain parameters determined in advance (within the so-called "traceability" sheets, involves the collection and processing of data not relevant with regard to the purposes pursued". This means that we will not only collect political data but all the others, thus keeping track of all opponents, better than the Stasi or the KGB did. Moreover, the CNR, is not fooled and writes: "certain personal data, present in the analysis notes previously mentioned, will be sent to multiple state services and administrations as well as to foreign counterparts".

In clear terms, these collections will allow "analysis notes", that is to say police files compiled on everyone and usable by any State service which deems it useful for its action.

Knowing that the fake news are above all tricolor, and not the result of foreign powers, we also understand the interest of the authorities in increasing the internal detection of any dissidence, for electoral, liberticidal or security purposes. Especially since the problem is knowing what a “misleading” message is, who reports it, and for what purpose.

France can also manipulate information. And it will do it all the better by processing as much “hostile” information as possible upstream. Be careful with false fact checking or false fake news, especially if this is presented with all the legitimacy of the public authority of a state agency.

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interview with Alexandre Lebreton

The Media in 4-4-2Unveiling the Inconceivable: Exclusive interview with Alexandre Lebreton

The Media in 4-4-2 - Feb 23, 2024

In this interview carried out by Team Fsociety and the Media in 4-4-2, Alexandre Lebreton, a prominent figure in the fight against child crime and ritual abuse, shares his motivations, his discoveries and the challenges he faces.


Since the creation of the “MK POLIS” site in 2013, Alexandre has established himself as a reference in this field, transcending linguistic borders with his work translated into several languages.

In 2011, Alexandre Lebreton participated in the creation of the “Pédopolis” site dedicated to child crime, a database on all cases with updates according to current events. It is also a beautiful and important initiative: a map representing known legal cases of incest and abusive placement, which allows victims to come together by department to support each other.

In 2013, he founded the site “MK Polis” and then the YouTube channel, which bears his name, on which he makes available his research on the subject of satanic ritual abuse and its origins, as well as on MK-Ultra mind control. , dissociative identity disorder and traumatic amnesia, particularly in the entertainment industry. In 2014, he collaborated with Roch Sauquere who asked him to produce a file on ritual abuse and mental control. This file will be published in the magazine “Top secret” in October and December 2014. It will subsequently be greatly expanded and reworked to finally result, in 2016, in its first 700-page book: “MK – Ritual abuse and mental control” which is the only French-speaking work also provided, making it a reference in the subject. This will follow, a few years later, in 2020, “Freemasonry and schizophrenia: Understanding the mysteries of power” which is a work which amply complements the first work.

In 2022, “MK- Ritual Abuse and Mind Control” was translated into several languages.
Moreover, in 2023, a copy in English was given to Mike Smith, the director of “Out of Shadow” and “Into the light” by Sylvia Miami.

Interview carried out by Team Fsociety in collaboration with the Media in 4-4-2

Team Fsociety: Hello Alexandre, thank you for taking this time for this interview and answering a few questions. Thanks to your research on ritual abuse and disorders related to this trauma, many people are aware of the subject. You are the reference on this subject in France and for that thank you.
How did you become interested in network child crime? Is it through a particular case?

Alexandre Lebreton: Hello and thank you to Team Fsociety and Media in 4-4-2 for the invitation.
It was in 2007 that my research on these particularly sensitive issues began. It was in particular through the discovery of the work of Stan Maillaud and Janet Seemann, but also of Paul-Emile Charlton, Serge Garde, Laurence Beneux, Alain Gossens and Karl Zéro that this process of untangling a particularly tangled ball began. and shall we say “radioactive”; as this taboo subject can lead to very psychologically disturbing issues, all bathed in a basket of crabs with multiple smoke screens.

It was therefore necessary to follow the thread, show discernment and hold on tightly to undertake this descent towards the arcana, while ensuring that you could easily come back up without sinking. It was in 2009 that the documentary by Maillaud and Seemann “Les Réseaux de l’Horreur” was released, dealing with the Zandvoort CDrom affair (disclosed by the Belgian activist Marcel Vervloesem), but also the book “Vincent Affair: au heart of state terrorism” accompanied by the video testimony of little Vincent (still available on YouTube), describing how his father was involved in what I would later learn was ritual abuse (or paedo-Satanism). Extremely depraved and criminal practices, at first glance incomprehensible to anyone who has never heard of such abuses in our so-called “modern and civilized” latitudes.

Obviously the discovery of the testimony of Judge Roche's children (Alègre affair) as well as the investigation by Pascale Justice entitled “Child rape, the end of silence? » and the historic debate which followed the broadcast of this documentary on France 3, were an electric shock for me, as for many! It was then an additional motivation to try to understand the incomprehensible: horrors and injustices seeming to be systemic in my country, today sadly and shamefully nicknamed “Pédoland”… The easy solution would have been to consider the now famous testimonies of Pierre and Marie as imaginary constructions inspired by comic strips; because this is what Master Monique Smadja-Epstein, lawyer for the father of the children, asserted with cheek, who did not hesitate to refer to the Tintin albums to ridicule and drown out the children's words. We are talking here about descriptions of sectarian activities with gang rape and ritual sacrifice of children amounting to butchery. The mother had to flee abroad with her two children because she could not find justice in the country of human rights...

Little by little I rolled out the ball by doing international research. It was in particular the discovery of the testimony of Cathy O'Brien in the United States which was for me a trigger opening the study of the subject of mental control based on trauma and dissociative states, its dark motivations, its highly coercive methods. and its psychological mechanisms. The shock is brutal: both by the very nature of the abuse taken to the extreme but also by the crass impunity from which the members of these networks, or should we say this network, seem to benefit, a priori untouchable. I very quickly understood that we were dealing here with Pandora's box, the ultimate subject which allows us to understand many things in this world.

Team Fsociety: How did you make the link between networks, ritual abuse and Freemasonry?

Alexandre Lebreton: The question of networks quickly becomes obvious, the numerous files demonstrate that there generally exists an organization involving several individuals united because they have the same center of interest: here child crime. Starting with the “Ballets Roses” case, a morals affair which hit the headlines in 1959 due to the involvement of notables and high-ranking political figures with minors. “Fine games” were organized by a police officer, notably inside a hunting lodge (Pavillon du Butard) which was at the time made available to the President of the National Assembly André Le Troquer. The latter benefited from a prostitution network involving young girls aged 12 to 20 (at the time the majority was 21). I cannot elaborate here on the numerous cases involving network operation, but here are the best known, even if for some the media doxa persists, despite the evidence, to speak of an “isolated predator”: Coral, Kripten, Fourniret, Dutroux, Zandvoort, Louis/Dunand, ToroBravo, CasaPia, Alègre, Orphanat de Jersey, Franklin, Rolodex, Waterhouse, etc.

It is by digging into these files of child criminal networks that we discover certain disturbing testimonies concerning practices of gang rape with torture which can go as far as murder. These seem to be very well organized and planned meetings, during which all moral laws would be evacuated in favor of a liberation of the worst impulses of all; like a bolt that breaks during an evening, to the great detriment of the victims suffering the abominations. At first glance, these are unimaginable stories and denial quickly takes over: the file is closed. It is the multiplication of these testimonies and their resemblance, this on an international scale, which ends up calling into question... The existence of what we call "ritual abuse" or "ritual abuse", sometimes associated with Satanism by the framework and form of the rites or ceremonies then becomes sadly obvious. The study of the Dutroux affair, in particular the X files, provides an overview of what these highly criminal practices are: the statements and minutes recorded and archived by the police, made public by Wikileaks, are to to vomit. The Belgian journalist Xavier Rossey, who investigated the Dutroux affair, wrote: “We can say that there are two types of pedophilia: the “simple” pedophile and the perverted pedophile with this ritual side. When investigating this type of case, we must also look at the occult side of things, ritual assassinations. It is clear that these cases are often discredited and are so horrible that we do not want to go any further. For many, these ritual abuses are inconceivable (…) We tried to pass off Dutroux as a pedophile, which he is not (…) we are here in the context of pedophile ritual abuse. »

The horror of these cases is obviously a hindrance for the general public, a repellent that does not facilitate the recognition of the victims. The denial is massive, yet in its national guide for child protection, the official website of the Scottish government disseminates information concerning this form of child crime that is ritual abuse. We can read this definition: “Ritual abuse can be defined as sexual, physical and psychological assault, in an organized, systematic manner and over a long period of time. It involves the use of rituals, with or without a belief system and usually with multiple perpetrators. Ritual abuse typically begins in early childhood and involves the use of learning and development patterns aimed at reinforcing the abuse and silencing victims (editor's note: mind control). »

So, to answer your question, we could say that there are three phases of awareness making it possible to connect three inseparable points (no pun intended).
• Firstly, awareness of the existence of child criminal networks (and not just virtual ones);
• Secondly, the observation that certain members of these networks can go as far as the worst protocol practices of so-called “satanic” ritual abuse;
• Thirdly, to understand that a cement binds these criminals together and covers their abominations with a covering, in a true institutional protection; and this is where the subject of so-called “initiatory” secret societies comes to the table… notably Freemasonry.

The link between child crime of the ritual abuse type and Freemasonry therefore arrives in a third phase after having first “digested” the first two phases and then persevered in the study. Freemasonry is a sort of parent company; subdivided into a multitude of esoteric schools, called “Mysteries”, some of which are immersed in the darkest occultism. It is a sort of nesting doll partitioning the followers into various hermetic strata, a strict impermeability except for well-detected affinities….
Masonic network and network pedocriminality would indeed seem closely linked. Through my research, over the years I have been able to archive numerous testimonies from victims and therapists describing what we could call “Masonic ritual abuse” aimed at splitting the child's mind; that is to say, to create dissociative states through the multiplication of extreme traumas. Many survivors of these networks have in fact developed dissociative identity disorder (multiple personality).

The Canadian sociologist Stephen Kent, a specialist in sectarian abuses, has personally collected a certain number of testimonies relating to Masonic ritual abuse. While remaining very cautious, he declared in an interview: “From the start of my research, when people gave their testimonies, some revealed “Masonic deviance”. Some indicated that their father was a Freemason and that the allegations of ritual abuse were linked to the Masonic lodge (…) I know that some people who made these accusations were talking about very high degree Freemasons… I also know that when Ordinary Freemasons hear these kinds of accusations, they remain incredulous. For these Freemasons, these accusations are part of a long history of persecution against them due to secrecy, etc. And this is certainly not my intention, I have no reason to demonize them (...) Sometimes The accounts of ritual abuse, although I cannot confirm it, seemed to have taken place inside the lodge itself. The appearance of Freemasonry in a fairly large number of testimonies left me really perplexed... Many speak of altars, black and white floors, columns, at the place of the ceremony (...) I recurring stories, and they are similar to all those found in North America. »

Disturbing, isn't it?

I write in my book MK that “This principle of “initiation” through trauma and dissociative states is the common point of all Luciferian or Satanist fraternal structures, for which initiation during early childhood is the best way to to obtain a loyal, faithful adult, who will perfectly respect the law of silence while perpetuating the obscure tradition where any notion of Good or Evil has been erased in absolute relativism. Rituals involving perverse and immoral acts, particularly child molestation, also make it possible to blackmail the people who took part in them into silence. This makes it possible to create “fraternal” bonds, all the stronger when a human sacrifice, a ritual crime, has been committed in a group. The followers who plunge into this addictive violence feel connected to each other by a secret that it is strictly impossible to reveal to the outside world, it is an unhealthy cement which welds the members together and which gives them a feeling of superiority over the profane human mass. »

Team Fsociety: Can you talk about the origins of pedo-Satanism, the different mystery cults, etc.? Has this given you any clues as to the deep motivations of the authors of these rituals?

Alexandre Lebreton: Having previously cited the three phases of awareness, seeking the origins of “pedo-Satanism” is I would say the fourth phase; one which would make it possible to explain to "lay people" that these horrors have meaning for those who perpetuate them and that it could be the continuity of ancient practices based on what the anthropologist Anthony Wallace describes as: a process ritual learning based on the “Law of Dissociation”.

Let us be clear that explaining is not excusing, these pedocriminal abominations are subject to the death penalty.

When we discover and integrate the fact that pedo-Satanism is a reality of this world, it is in the order of things to want to understand these actions, that is to say the psychodynamics which pushes these dark individuals to ritualize the torture and rape in a formal manner... for what purposes, what are their obscure motivations?
It is, I think, from this angle that we must approach the subject to succeed in breaking the massive self-protective denial of the masses. We must take a step back and analyze the phenomenon beyond the affect and the strong emotions that it naturally provokes.

The American psychoanalyst Lloyd deMause was largely interested in the subject of sectarian excesses on children and in particular in the question of paedo-Satanism. According to him, the only way to give meaning to certain elements reported in testimonies of ritual abuse would be to consider that it is a question of symbolically and even physically reviving the trauma of birth; in a sort of “traumatic reconstruction”.
We find confinement in symbolic wombs (cages, boxes, coffins, but also real organic wombs), hanging upside down which reproduces the sensation that the fetus experiences in its mother's womb. Submerging the head in water during torture reproduces the experience of amniotic fluid while suffocation reproduces the anoxia that all babies experience during childbirth. The victim is forced to drink blood and urine, just as the fetus drinks placental blood and bathes in its urine. Rituals are often performed in tunnels or caves, dark and damp underground places symbolizing the confinement of the vaginal canal or womb of mother earth.

Some of these rituals actually seem to create a sort of “initiatory resurrection”. The passage through a symbolic death and rebirth via traumatic rites is a constant in ancient so-called Mystery religions, but also in certain shamanic traditions. These Mystery cults were particularly present in the Mediterranean basin, the Egyptian Mysteries of Isis and Osiris, the Mysteries of Eleusis, Mithras, Attis and Adonis, but also the cult of Bacchus (Dionysus) being the best known. There is no doubt that certain practices of these ancient cults are still perpetuated today via secret societies forming a sort of esoteric, gnostic religion, reserved for the few.

Church of Satan founder Anton Lavey said the rebirth ceremony, which takes place in a large coffin, is common to most lodge rituals. We find this coffin ceremony in the rites of the famous secret society Skull & Bones where the initiate dies into the world to be reborn into the Order... The ultimate "initiation" being to provoke in the candidate an imminent death experience with a astral exit; that is to say an extreme dissociative state propelling the soul of the initiate into another dimension and ending with its reintegration into the physical body, symbolizing a new birth, or initiatory rebirth.

This phenomenon of decorporation is very often reported by rape victims, they affirm that they were no longer in their physical body but saw the scene from the outside with total anesthesia. In his book "The Masonic Initiation", Freemason Walter Leslie Wilmshurst describes well how altered states of consciousness, deep dissociative states, are an essential point in Masonic initiation: "Some dissociative states occur naturally even in people the most balanced and in perfect health (…) a complete “ecstasy”, a state where consciousness then separates from the Ego and the physical body. Such phenomena can be explained by the existence of a more subtle vehicle than the gross physical body; consciousness can be temporarily transferred from one to the other. These two bodies are capable of functioning together in complete independence (…) A Master is someone who has overcome these inabilities to which average underdeveloped men are subject; he has full knowledge and control of all its parts (…) Initiation always occurs when the physical body is in a state of trance or sleep and when the consciousness, temporarily released, is transferred to a higher level. »

The initiation of children through highly traumatic rituals seems unthinkable, unrealistic, but let us realize that for certain sects, learning to suffer but also learning to cause suffering is part of the rites of passage. The goal is to provoke a transcendence of consciousness, an ecstatic spiritual state based neither more nor less on this “Law of Dissociation”, a deep dissociative state triggered by drugs, pain and various deprivations. Trauma has always been considered throughout history as a means of creating modified states of consciousness and opening doors to the world of spirits, contemporary occultists obviously do not deprive themselves of it... including on their own. children.

According to the American psychologist James Randall Noblitt, practices of mind control or mental programming began when groups detected that the application of traumatic rituals could produce these dissociative states going so far as to split the personality of the individual. into several alters, isolated from each other by amnesic walls. These alter personalities can form a real programmable internal hierarchical system. This is what we now call trauma-based mind control, dissociated slave programming. MK-Ultra, today historically and media well referenced, is only the application, in a scientific and military manner, of ancient pagan and esoteric practices. Note here that a certain number of doctors involved in the MK-Ultra experiments were high-level Freemasons, including Dr. Sydney Gottlieb, Dr. Georges Estabrooks and Dr. Ewen Cameron.

Our modern Western society, largely cut off from its spiritual roots, nourished by secularism and consumerism, will have great difficulty understanding and accepting the harsh reality of these ultra-violent sectarian practices. Even more so when the media and political world uses the eiderdown strategy to avoid alerting and informing about this...

However, initiatory sects based on the law of secrecy are not new; the American anthropologist and academic Brian Hayden has studied primitive secret societies dating back to prehistoric times. In his book "The Power of Ritual in Prehistory", he describes the use of "psycho-spiritual" techniques during "ecstatic rituals" (law of dissociation), allowing powerful bonds to be forged between members of the cult. There we find severe physical ordeals, sensory deprivation, human sacrifice but also the notion of voluntary violation of taboos such as the consumption of human flesh. According to him, these primitive secret societies marked a decisive turning point in the evolution of religions by causing a division between popular worship and elitist worship, between exoteric religion and esoteric religion. The Freemason Egyptologist Jan Assmann also speaks of "Religio Duplex", or two-faced religion, to describe these Mystery cults having an exoteric side intended for the uninitiated mass and an esoteric side intended for the elites. Brian Hayden states that children as young as four to six years old, sometimes even younger, could become members of these cults and therefore undergo the initiation rites. Note here that the musicologist Carl de Nys affirms that Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, whose family was immersed in Masonic circles, frequented the enlightened people of Bavaria (illuminati) from a very young age. Based on family correspondence, he reports that little Mozart participated in nocturnal meetings organized at the bottom of a cave called the "witches' hole", located in Aigen Park in Salzburg, and whose entrance was at the time flanked by two columns supporting a winged Sphinx, symbol of the Mysteries of Isis... From Roman times, this cave would have been used by the followers of Mithras and Astarte for we do not really know what initiatory practices. What did little Mozart undergo during these Illuminati ceremonies?

The participation of children in initiation rituals was also reported by Ross Nichols (a specialist in Druidry and Celtic mythology) in his book "The Book of Druidry", where he writes that the Druids "dipped or cooked the child in the fire mystical”. This mystical fire, or blaze of light, being a metaphor symbolizing the deep dissociative state resulting from traumatic initiatory ordeals. The Druids were indeed adept at rituals aimed at transcending pain and fear to emerge born again.

Team Fsociety: By reading the traditional press, we understand that child criminal networks are not taken seriously and are ousted by the “lone predator” theory. In your opinion, do there still exist investigative journalists in the field?

Alexandre Lebreton: In reality the issue of child criminal networks is taken so seriously by the mass media that they are terrified, to the point that a real silence is put in place. This law of silence effectively involves the eternal theory of the “isolated predator”… Any other explanation of a child crime case that could lead public opinion to understand that there is indeed a network operation, worse still, an institutional protection of abominations, is systematically ridiculed and described as a “conspiracy theory”… far-right please! This dusty scarecrow is no longer a match for the evidence and the public is today much more capable of understanding the reality of things than it was a few years ago. Proof of this is that “conspiracy expert” Tristan Mendès France has just publicly validated the existence of child criminal networks, thus moving his focus in the face of the inexorable and sad reality of things.

Are there any honest investigative journalists currently investigating these horror networks? I've no idea. We must hope so, but France is locked out, particularly in the field of journalism. That said, I do not despair and am firmly convinced that this will end up exploding right here in France. Let's continue to work at our small level to investigate and inform with or without a press card!


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Flexman - no radar

Something fishyMeet Flexman, the Italian vigilante who wages war on automatic radars

Eel under the Rock - Jan 31, 2024

For eight months, a mysterious man, nicknamed “Flexman” by his motoring fans, has been decommissioning speed cameras in several regions of Italy by cutting the metal poles that support them using an angle grinder.


The angle grinder was invented in 1954 by a German company called Flex. Even today, in many European countries, the angle grinder is commonly called “flex”.

Little did the creators of this useful tool know that, several decades later, the flex would inspire the nickname of a vigilante who specialized in dismantling speed traps on the roads of Italy using an angle grinder on the metal posts that support them. Flexman made headlines in May last year, when it disabled its first radar on a road near Bosaro, in the Rovigo region, Italy. Since then, he has managed to disable at least seven other cameras in Rovigo and Veneto using his infamous angle grinder, and authorities still don't know who he is or how to stop him.

Flexman carries out his missions in the dead of night, usually between 1 and 2 a.m., approaching traffic cameras and taking an angle grinder to tackle the base of the metal posts that support them. He's been nicknamed the "motor's vigilante," and many drivers consider him a sort of modern Robin Hood fighting the system, but to the authorities, Flexman is nothing more than a menace causing tens of thousands of euros in damage and making the roads less safe.

For Flexman and those who support him, things are quite simple: too many municipal and provincial governments have mushroomed radars, placing them in the oddest places except where they are actually needed, more concerned to fill their own coffers than to prevent road accidents.

Mirco Gennari, provincial coordinator of the local police workers' union, called Flexman a criminal, but expressed hope that his popularity among motorists makes some administrations think about the use and abuse of certain tools, as well as on the proper use of local police, who deserve better than being relegated to the role of tax collector.

The Italian press reported that Flexman's exploits in Rovigo and Veneto inspired similar actions by disgruntled motorists in other parts of Italy, with some choosing to blow up speed cameras, others bombarding them with large stones, and still others copying the modus operandi of the vigilante.

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One Attal for two Macrons

Equality and ReconciliationAppointment of Gabriel Attal: Juan Branco's manifesto

Equality and Reconciliation - 12 Jan 2024

Whatever one thinks of Juan Branco – who possesses a certain courage having earned him several times in the eye of the storm of the system – his testimony deserves to be read because he worked alongside our new Prime Minister for a long time and Much has already been written about him.


Five years ago, as part of a long investigation, I drew the portrait of a politician with baby teeth in whom no one was yet interested.

A certain Gabriel Attal.

It was 2018, and this book, entitled Crépuscule, demonstrated how the rise of Emmanuel Macron, far from the spontaneous democratic phenomenon, had taken root on an oligarchic fabrication that Attal would soon propel.

I described, in mirror image, their two journeys. We were in 2018, and this work, which offered an unprecedented insight into the way power was constructed in France, would immediately cause a scandal, seeing itself violently attacked by a press under orders that I knew intimately, and whose owners, panicked by secrets that I revealed, after having adored me, would spread throughout Paris claiming that it was all lies, resentment and deception.

Five years later, everything is there. Gabriel Attal, who was a nobody, a 28-year-old MP boosted by his lover, has just been appointed Prime Minister. And the confirmation of what was announced will have to question those who, throughout this period, will have blandly believed what they were told about this text, or will have remained silent for fear of being ostracized.

The publication of the work, with open access, was a real social phenomenon. Without any media coverage, a million people downloaded it. 500.000 listened to the audio version, then, once published in bookstores, 170.000 bought it.

This immense base, which saw itself told how democracy in France was only an illusion, quickly aroused concern and a frantic reaction from those in power, but especially from its relays, panicked at the idea that the truth had been made, not only on its beings, but on the way in which they were propelled. Let us remember that Aurore Bergé went as far as the Public Prosecutor, accusing me of having “armed the minds”. Do not laugh. The rest, we know it.

When the book was published - it was the fall of 2018 - the yellow vests had not yet set out, and Paris was cooing with love for this power that the rest of France abhorred. The omerta was such that the work would find no publisher for many months, circulating from hand to hand, in the pocket. However, weak signals were emerging. Gérard Collomb, overwhelmed by the Benalla affair, refused to do what was asked of him, and discreetly resigned from a power that he had created. For nearly two weeks, no one would succeed him, revealing a regime crisis which would be skillfully masked by the searches of France Insoumise and the inappropriate reaction of Jean-Luc Mélenchon. Like a child, caught red-handed, not believing what he saw, he would allow himself to be fooled by a spectacular intimidation operation whose sole purpose was to divert attention from what, in government, was happening. installed. Too frank, too innocent, he was that day, macronie, the perfect instrument.

The political crisis was averted, but the people were growling. Because France was collapsing. Early drug shortages accompanied a collapse in schooling, health and safety. This power, without legitimacy or origin, had no other choice but to plunder, and multiplied tax measures to, on the one hand, reward those who had done it, and on the other, make the remnants of the French.

No one recognized themselves in these beings who were supposed to represent them, patent liars who, claiming to finance the ecological transition, created a fuel tax to finance the CICE, a tax exemption for the wealthiest. Gabriel, who was then only a first-time MP boosted by his lover, therefore, Stéphane Séjourné, political advisor to the President, had obtained his constituency for small bribes, and was trying to make his way through this magma. He met his partner after being propelled at the age of 22 to the office of the Minister of Health Marisol Touraine by the graces of his daughter, alongside his future spouse Olivier Véran and Benjamin Griveaux. 6000 euros per month, driver and secretarial services for a young man who had not yet graduated - privileges which will now be guaranteed to him for life - that is something to seduce and excite.

With no professional background or qualifications to offer, we heard him laboriously defend two reforms, Parcoursup and the SNU in the National Assembly, alternating between the insignificant and the catastrophic. He stuttered slightly, and as always when he feared that his imposture would be revealed, or that his lies would be detected, let a crooked smile dominate him.

Gabriel was already going out of his way to get into the government, and these articles, in Macron, constituted powerful arguments. The rumor rustled among his fellow deputies. Powerful forces accompanied him. Barely elected, his first steps were immortalized in Paris Match. Nothing was said about who he was. A photograph reclining, cup of wine in hand, put him forward advantageously, talking about Fort Boyard and Orelsan, in the sun, in a lascivious pose, shirt open to the BHL, on the quays of Paris in front of the Seine and the Grand Palace. Paris Match, at 28? There are hundreds of thousands of readers every week. Every week, Gabriel, this summer, would be shown there.

How did he do it? Paris was rustling and beginning to wonder. Gabriel was rushing. It was that after having laid siege to his Versailles lover, Séjourné had arranged a meeting for him with Brigitte who in the government, with Blanquer had promoted him, and with Mimi Marchand and a few other pimps and traffickers, introduced him . It was they who, through maneuvering, had fabricated these articles that Paris Match and Bruno Jeudy were content to publish.

The months passed, and Gabriel Attal, as in all his positions, only made his unbridled ambition come true. The SNU, which he was in charge of, was collapsing, but the small cabinet he had been able to put together organized lunches and dinners for him with all of Paris. In a frenzy.

Gabriel had understood that for beings without quality, the solution was to run, and to run fast, jumping from morocco to morocco as he would go from spouse to spouse, imitating Emmanuel Macron, that is to say seeking his promotions before the slightest result can be attributed to it. Before the slightest failure could be attributed to him.

The posts passed, and the oligarchs came closer. Bernard Arnault gave his instructions to the Parisian, while Brigitte Macron called Marc-Olivier Fogiel to tell him to cover it. Flattering portraits flourished. Gabriel jumped in time on the spokesperson for the government that his new spouse was leaving, while Séjourné, in Brussels, saw himself exiled. Feeling the limits approaching, he once again fled to the budget ministry.

Like everywhere, he would leave without an assessment, even before having presented a budget. Minister of Education, he would see himself propelled to Matignon before a school year has been completed and any measure he announced has been implemented. What did it matter that the reforms on harassment, the certificate, the baccalaureate, had not been applied. That no law has been passed.

Agitation, movement and a large communications team - the only advisors who followed him everywhere deal with these issues: obsession, covering up the imposture and protecting oneself from its effects. Imitate the daron.

There is no need to recall what followed, from American tours to the Dutch Bildeberg, between two communication plans with influencers and confessional shows on the biggest television channels. The Marchand-Fogiel-Macron connection has allowed, in recent months, a bombardment on BFM TV which no one spoke about, and which had only one purpose: to prepare public opinion for the rise of the prodigy son of Elysée, modeled on Macron. The dinners with Crespo-Mara and Ardisson, from 7 to 8, will have prepared the way for what is today. It doesn't matter if everything is a lie. It doesn't matter that everything is invented. Today, Prime Minister, he is.

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real Elon Musk

CloudyElon Musk, reality

Hazy Sky - Jan 11, 2024

Elon Musk, a wolf in sheep's clothing


Let's think: how can you officially be the richest man in the world and oppose the sect, without whose support his empire would collapse in one day?

And why do governments, which supposedly hate Musk’s “free speech,” continue to give him the taxpayer subsidies his empire depends on?

How is it that the sect, through its Deep State, which controlled Twitter and what could be published, suddenly sold it to Musk, an absolutist of free speech?

Now he is the god of alternative media that the sect must control...

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Spike forever

RT FranceWhy no one is afraid of new variants of Covid-19

RT France - Oct 04, 2023

However benevolent their goals, Western governments have undermined public confidence through their attempts to control the pandemic narrative.


Last week, the media increased warnings about the latest Covid-19 variant, the latest in a long list. It seems like no one is listening anymore. For a large part of the population, the pandemic is long over and a thing of the past. No one wants to fall back into a downward spiral of restrictions, lockdowns, masks and vaccinations, after recent years have seriously undermined the credibility of governments and public confidence in their ability to make the right decisions. Western governments no longer have the political will or interest to dare to make unpopular decisions, even if some are sounding the alarm.

In many ways, the pandemic marked a turning point in relations between governments and populations in Western countries, precisely because it was the first epidemic of such magnitude to occur in the era of mass social media culture, where people, more interconnected than ever, have the unlimited ability to express their own opinions, hear those of others and, thus, express their disagreement with governments and their policies. The age of social media has already posed many challenges to state structures, as Western governments strive to regain the “control of the narrative” since lost over their populations. Social media freedom is a key factor that has contributed to, and even caused, outcomes that have shocked elites, including the election of Donald Trump in the United States and Brexit in the United Kingdom. Therefore, the ruling classes of Western countries have increased censorship and control of speech on social media, labeling unwanted views as “disinformation” or even malicious propaganda spread by foreign countries, such as China or China. Russia...

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fatal sheep

New WorldThe Fatal Mistake of the Sheep

New World - Jul 04, 2023

The sheep's fatal mistake is not realizing that those they call "conspiracy theorists" and "science deniers" aren't a small fringe group of weirdos and hicks like they might be. imagine.


The point is, there are many of us, and we include a lot of brilliant minds and great members in our individual areas of expertise. This is not a bunch of misfits.

While I have no doubt that we are on the GOOD side of things, I will say that for the people who have to deal with us, that fact doesn't really matter (being right seems to have an effect on them ). It seems like the sheep like to ignore us and pretend we don't exist, even though we're right. They don't bother with us, we're just a nuisance to them. This attitude will one day bite them very hard in the you know where.

Many sheep have asked me, "How can you be sure that you are right and we are wrong?" ". I have often asked myself the same question. There are many answers, my favorite being simply to say "we're right because we're right" — which, of course, is rather flippant. This answer, however, seems more cautious: shrews are curious and seek answers.

Even if the prevailing consensus seems correct, it seems that we always want more. We want to understand why things are the way they are. We may not do this with everything we encounter; we certainly do when we're faced with big claims and when the powers that be tell us we all have to 'do' this or that, like take a vaccine that no one has really studied against a virus that no one knows big about -thing. In general, we say to ourselves “huh? ".

We then dive into the subject. We sink down all the rabbit holes we can find. Many of these holes lead to dead ends, but we discover those dead ends for ourselves. We don't let anyone shut us down and say, "You don't want to go in there." We say, “Why not? ". When we start to think that our usual sources of information, usually what's called the "mainstream media", aren't giving us the whole story, we quickly head into uncharted territory and start digging into it. Yes, more dead ends, but we are getting used to “dead ends” being part of the course of truly uninhibited discovery.

We draw conclusions, hypotheses, speculations from all the information we have gathered and we start to get something on which we can make a defensible statement of truth. But it takes a lot of work. And it's usually never definitive, never infallible. We don't seem to like things that "seem" final.

This is not the case with sheep.

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testimony of Tara Reade raped by Joe Biden

Jacob's ladderI chose freedom

Jacob's Ladder - Jul 03, 2023

From now on, Russia is a land of welcome for political emigrants, as the “West-collective” was during the Cold War.


The adventure of a sexual victim of the Biden-d'avant with a text by Tara Reade.

The thing is sinister: this title of Kravchenko, deciding in 1946 not to return to the Stalinist USSR and to remain in the USA, can today be completely reversed. And again, Tara Reade does not need the FSB as Kravchenko was helped by the CIA, nor to specify a position of political activist favored by Moscow, to affirm and make public her position. Her testimony is all the more interesting as she is initially a person of little political “importance”; she speaks the truth, coming from a life which does not have the advantage (?) of involving the communication system. With her, things speak for themselves, and the totalitarian universe of the United States of Biden, the FBI and the Woke, scream for themselves their infamy and hide nothing of what they are, – and even, we would say, they make a supreme glory of it.
The situation is one of formidable collective ideological schizophrenia of behavior and judgment, reinforced by a complete and also collective autism of perception. We insist on this – the extremely collective character of the infamy that everyone translates as the imperative of an individual and virtuous perception, essentially on the part of the System elites who thus show themselves to be pitiless and blindly cruel. So we are talking about the USA.

We see it even outside the USA of course, since we are talking about the suppurative West and therefore of the BAO-bloc when a so-called French “president” gravely denounces on Sundays the cracks of collapse appearing in Russian society overcome by an impostor government, in a perfectly calm Russia after a 14-hour food coup attempt, and which is described Thursday, by Christoforou-Mercouris, as "Macron dances, France burns", after three days of intense civil war in his “sweet France”.

“I was staying in Moscow with no intention of returning to the United States. At least, not as long as Biden stays in power. My heart was broken seeing the headlines in the newspapers calling me a traitor. How was I a traitor? Biden raped me, silenced me, and is now preventing me from testifying? »

Tara Reade

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C4SH interview with Amélie Paul

The Media in 4-4-2C4SH interview with Amélie Paul

The Media in 4-4-2 - June 17, 2023

"C4SH" questions cash personalities (or not).


Today, it's up to the singer, actress and Vlogger Amélie Paul to answer the questions.

“Throughout history, there have always been around 15% resisters. »

Amelia Paul

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Find the way of those who want to hear the truth

Réseau InternationalFind the way of those who want to hear the truth

International Network - May 22, 2023

Speech at the Global Forum on Multipolarity.


The collapse of the Soviet Union changed the international balance of power. The bipolar world was replaced by a unipolar world, which affected the situation of the media, the liberal agenda became dominant and, as a result, the liberal media firmly took control of the global news agenda.

A few years ago, the situation began to change. The world has become multipolar and many countries have chosen their own development path for their media. The Cold War has resurfaced, the old capitalism/socialism antithesis has been replaced by polemics and, in some cases, outright battles between proponents of liberal economics and proponents of state-oriented domestic development policies. social.

Today, our main task is to crush the big, liberal, lie-spreading media and find a way to provide truthful information to the so-called "golden billion" countries about the diversity of the world and the dynamic development of other centers of gravity.

Europe has also experienced an ideological divide which has also affected the media sphere. Most Russian media is blocked in many countries (and not just hostile ones). The multi-billion-funded Russian megaprojects, which were not restructured in time despite numerous warnings, unfortunately did not become significant players in the field of foreign information in Europe. They simply did not exist.

To find supporters of a multipolar world in Europe, it is necessary to create new media and reach internal European platforms in social networks and other resources. It is possible to start by supporting the information resources of Russian compatriots.

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