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hydroxychloroquine lancet case

RT FranceThe Lancet affair on hydroxychloroquine and our decadent elites

RT France - Jun 5, 2020

What the Lancet and hydroxychloroquine affair reveals about our decadent elites. Eric Verhaeghe, essayist, founder of the social information site Tripalio, analyzes and explains what the Lancet affair on hydroxychloroquine reveals.


The Lancet study on hydroxychloroquine is an excellent revealer of what our nomenklatura is, of its shortcomings and of its systemic limits in a rapidly changing world. We now know that without a deep (and probably very brutal) renewal of the elites, France will accelerate its long decline.

“Very often, Raoult recalled that his approach was not to do research, but to find solutions by trial and error. This assertion hit where the intellectual construction of our elites suffers. Because our nomenklatura is not educated in the idea that a good government consists in relieving the miseries of the people. »


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Take off the masks

Kaya Team UniverseDrop the masks!

Kaya Team Universe – May 14, 2020

The corona-bidule has made the mask fashionable! Everyone goes with their mask, colored or not, "official" or original, and everyone thus prevents themselves from breathing properly!


Pierre Lassalle reminds us that the quality of our relationships depends on the quality of our breathing. With each cycle we inhale fresh oxygen to re-energize our cells and we exhale the waste they release.

But with a mask covering the mouth and nose, what about?

"The idea that we can keep ourselves from spreading viruses by wearing masks and keeping a certain distance from each other is about as realistic as thinking that putting a mask on a fish would keep it out of the humidity. … Masks, sanitizers, social distancing, and staying home accomplish nothing. As more than one physician has observed, it is rational to quarantine the sick, but irrational to quarantine the healthy. »

Arthur Firstenberg

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out of shadows


Out Of Shadows – Apr 10, 2020

The documentary Out Of The Shadows lifts the mask on how mainstream and Hollywood media manipulate and control the masses by spreading propaganda in their content.


This film is the result of two years of blood, sweat and tears by a team of woke professionals. It was independently produced and funded and is available for free on many different platforms for anyone to watch.

Our goal is to wake up the general public by shedding light on how we have all been tricked and brainwashed by a hidden enemy with sinister intentions.


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Light in the Matrix

Light in the MatrixLight in the Matrix: Solutions to free yourself from it

Light in the Matrix - Dec 1, 2019

This site makes available various information concerning the Matrix - this consumerist and manipulative system - and its functioning. He denounces it and also proposes solutions. Articles, file, filmography and bibliography, this site is very complete. It is also the showcase for the Hercules Project.


Le "Project Hercules" is a creative and meditative group work, which induces inner transformations having positive and evolutionary repercussions in the world, through concerted actions.

“Someone who does not think is a slave. »

Peter Deunov

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Radio Quebec - on Rumble

Radio QuebecAlexis Cossette-Trudel's video channel

Radio Quebec - Sep 30, 2017

Radio Québec is hosted by Alexis Cossette-Trudel. This web-media turns out to be an essential French-speaking alternative to biased mass media. He is also present on the Twitter and Facebook platforms.


Radio-Québec publishes capsules fairly regularly and has approximately 80 subscribers. The chain mainly denounces the fraud of the Coronavirus and regularly informs on the advances of President Trump to purge the swamp.

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Fluor, this idiot does not tell us Mouton Lucide

Fluorine: This idiot does not tell us

Sheep Lucid - June 18, 2015

Fluoride is a product that is not present in nature, it is an industrial waste. It is touted as supporting healthy teeth, but was used by the Nazis to dull the conscience of concentration camp prisoners.


Mouton Lucide is the name of a YouTube channel that highlights major truths such as the nuisance of dairy products, planned obsolescence or mass surveillance... The author also shares his resilient and atypical lifestyle. ...

"When you don't know, it's because you don't want to know"

Monton Lucide

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La Quadrature du Net site

The Quadrature of the NetLa Quadrature du Net: Defending Freedom in the Digital Environment

La Quadrature du Net - March 16, 2008

La Quadrature du Net is an association that produces and distributes analyses, conducts legal battles, raises awareness and trains to help everyone free themselves from surveillance and censorship.


To find out more, you can read this article denouncing the forced establishment of the Smart City under the guise of "increased joint ownership".

“Steve Jobs, the pioneer who made the notion of the computer prison cool, is dead. His invention was intended to deprive morons of their freedom.

Richard Stallman

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Conspiracy Watch Site

Conspiracy WatchThe anti-conspiracy site Conspiracy Watch

Conspiracy-Watch - Dec 28, 2007

Conspiracy Watch is produced by the Observatory of Conspiracy (association under the law of 1901) with the support of the Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah.


The conspiratorial view of the world, the "conspiracy mentality" in general, the belief that occult powers are secretly pulling the strings of politics, economics or the media, manipulating public opinion and weaving dark plots against the public good is gaining ground in proportions that everyone agrees today to consider worrying.

Seducing minds in search of global and definitive explanations, sometimes claiming rationalism and the Enlightenment, going so far as to pass off one's beliefs as a critical spirit and to acquire a veneer of respectability, many of these " conspiracy theories” compete with the so-called “official” theses. In the eyes of many, some of his theses manage to impose themselves as “alternative” truths.

It is this observation that presided over the creation of the Observatory of conspiracy.

“Conspiracy is a weapon in the hands of the plotters to discredit any skepticism and any challenge to an established public discourse. »

Valerie Bugault

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