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Christ the King

The Media in 4-4-2A spectacular increase of 31% in baptisms

The Media in 4-4-2 - March 30, 2024

Young French people are turning to the Catholic Church: a spectacular increase of 31% in baptisms.


France is experiencing a significant increase in baptisms among young people, with a 31% increase in catechumens compared to last year. Discover how the Catholic Church responds to this spiritual thirst among young French people.

The Catholic Church in France is experiencing a significant increase in baptisms among adults and adolescents. According to a survey by the Conference of Bishops of France (CEF), the number of catechumens increased by 31% compared to last year, with 7 applicants for baptism. This trend is not a simple rebound effect after Covid, but rather a spiritual thirst among young people.

Young people aged 18 to 25 now represent 36% of newly baptized people, while among adolescents between 11 and 17 years old, the survey recorded 5 baptisms in 025 dioceses, an increase of 68% on average. This vitality is illustrated by the presence of 50 young French people at the last World Youth Day (WYD) in Lisbon.

The president of the CEF, Éric de Moulins-Beaufort, emphasizes that in his diocese of Reims, catechumens have increased from 20 to 73 in five years. However, he questions the ability of the Church to support all these newcomers in a society where 80% of young people have not received religious education.

The CEF also observes a significant increase in baptized people from families without religion, or a quarter of the total. This trend shows that France is moving away from secularism where the Church is mistreated to join the cross of Christ.

Covid was decisive in pushing citizens towards the Church. Western democracy no longer inspires young people's dreams and the lack of reference points in a society dominated by wokism remains too destabilizing. As was the case with Russia which found its faith after the USSR, French youth are returning to their Christian roots to find answers to their existential questions. The holy spirit is at work!

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falling math level

InsolentiaeCollapse in the math level of French adolescents

Insolentiae – Dec 07, 2023

There is no developed, healthy and dynamic economy without security guaranteed to all and without massive education of the population.


To imagine for a single moment that uneducated imbeciles will become more intelligent with artificial intelligence when they will not have developed their natural intelligence is a huge mistake.

Wikipedia has not made people more cultured, even though culture has never been so accessible, as have all forms of knowledge.


Believing that everything is available we lose the usefulness of learning and remembering since watching “YAKA” on the Internet.

Except, we can only watch what we know about, the rest being luck!

If you look a little into AI or how ChatGPT works, you will realize very quickly that AI is going to change the world exactly like the Internet changed the world.

The culture and knowledge of the masses have not gained! Far from it even.

The level has never dropped so much as since we have all the digital tools.

Digital tools are a huge moron factory and our collapse continues.

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youth mortality explodes

The DefenderYoung people are dying from cancer at an “explosive” rate

The Defender – Dec 01, 2023

An analysis of UK government data reveals an unprecedented rise in cancer deaths among 15-44 year olds following the introduction of Covid-19 vaccines, according to a new report by data analyst Edward Dowd. The report sparked new calls for further investigation.


Teenagers and 20-, 30- and 40-year-olds in the UK are dying from rapidly metastasizing and terminal cancers at a rate not seen since mass vaccination began, according to a new analysis by Edward Dowd. Covid-19.

The 45-page report by Mr. Dowd, a former Wall Street hedge fund manager and author of “'Cause Unknown': The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022,” alarmed some oncologists who called it a sharp turnaround compared to decades of mortality data.

Mr Dowd based his analysis on easily accessible government statistics from the UK's Office for National Statistics.

In an interview with The Defender, Professor Dowd said that he and his research partners, who include a handful of top scientists, data analysts and financial experts, reviewed all of the data from the 10th revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), Codes (ICD-10) for cause of death in the United Kingdom during the study period 2010-2022 to investigate trends in malignant neoplasms (codes C00 to C99 ).

ICD-10 codes are the international classification of diagnoses, symptoms and procedures established by the World Health Organization (WHO) for processing claims. A malignant neoplasm is a cancerous tumor.

Mr Dowd says his research team noticed a striking trend: While almost all deaths among older people in 2021 and 2022 in Wales and England had been coded, 8% of deaths among older people 15-44 years in 2021 and 30% of deaths occurring in this age group in 2022 had not yet been coded.

“When you die in hospital, you leave a record of life and death with indications of what led to the death,” he said. “When a young person dies behind the wheel of a car, while walking in the street or in their sleep, there is an investigation that takes time to determine the cause of death.

Mr Dowd said the missing codes are “indicative of the problem” of excess mortality among young people.

However, even accounting for missing codes, the 92% of deaths coded in 2021 and the 70% of deaths coded in 2022 revealed “a strong signal of cancer deaths among young people.” We show a sharp increase in mortality from malignant neoplasms that started in 2021 and accelerated significantly in 2022.

“The increase in excess mortality in 2022 is statistically very significant (extreme event),” writes Mr. Dowd in his report. “The results indicate that from the end of 2021, a new phenomenon leading to an increase in deaths from malignant neoplasms appears to be present among people aged 15 to 44 years in the United Kingdom.”

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young people die

The DefenderInsurance companies alarmed by increase in deaths among young people

The Defender – Nov 12, 2023

Insurance industry executives 'alarmed' by rising youth deaths, but don't blame Covid vaccines


According to InsuranceNewsNet, insurers are particularly concerned about data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that shows "mortality rates are rising alarmingly across different categories," including mortality rates for young adults that exceed more than 20% historical standards in 2023.

Executives at America's largest insurance companies are alarmed that America's teenagers, young people and prime-age white-collar workers are inexplicably dying at record rates, sparking a "monumental flood" of claims for death compensation and a drop in profits that is shaking the sector and prompting some to look again at the problem.

According to an October 26 report from InsuranceNewsNet, U.S. insurance companies expected higher than normal payouts for excess mortality during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Insurers saw death benefits rise 15,4% in 2020, the largest one-year increase since the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic, followed by a record $100,28 billion – nearly double the historical norm – for total death benefits paid by the sector in 2021.

“The figures were naturally expected to rise during the pandemic, but some industry and health authorities are concerned that rates have not fallen much while Covid infection rates have declined,” InsuranceNewsNet reported.

According to InsuranceNewsNet, insurers are particularly concerned about data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) which shows that “mortality rates are increasing alarmingly across different categories,” including young adult mortality rates that exceed by more than 20% historical norms in 2023.

CDC figures released in August show that the death rate for Americans aged 15 to 45 was 20 to 24 percent above normal in 2020, then skyrocketed in 2021, with a nearly 30 percent increase for 15 years old and more than 45% for 45 year olds.

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Ukraine - Sophie Decrypts

Sophie DecryptsSomething big is happening in Ukraine

Sophie Décrypte - October 09, 2023

Sophie Decrypts


An epic scenario is emerging on the horizon. Russians keep their lips sealed as if playing hide and seek with the truth. Putin, for his part, prefers silence.

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junk food pollution cancers

ReporterrePollution and junk food: cancers are exploding among young people

Reporterre - 17 Sep 2023

In thirty years, cancers among young people have increased by 80%. The main culprits: environmental pollutants and poor diet, analyzes Dr Jean-David Zeitoun.


The figures are alarming: in 30 years, the incidence of cancer in those under 50 has jumped by 79%, the number of associated deaths by 28%, and industrialized countries seem particularly affected, reveals a large study published in the BMJ Oncology on September 5.

Using data from national cancer registries, researchers analyzed the evolution of the incidence and deaths of 29 cancers in more than 200 countries, between 1990 and 2019. The results are clear: in 2019, 3,26 million cancers have been declared in people under 50, compared to 1,82 million in 1990.

The most common cancer at this age is breast cancer. But it is nasopharyngeal and prostate cancers which present the most worrying developments. And this trend is not expected to be reversed: the incidence of early cancers is expected to increase by 31% by 2030. Deaths by 21%.

The precise causes are difficult to identify: in addition to dietary risk factors (such as a diet rich in red meat), alcohol consumption and smoking, the authors put forward other avenues: antibiotics, the intestinal microbiota or even the outdoor air pollution. A point of view shared by Jean-David Zeitoun, doctor of medicine and clinical epidemiology, and author of The suicide of the species: how human activities produce more and more diseases (ed. Denoël, February 2023).

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generation of idiots

Brittany InfoAgustín Laje: The Generation of Idiots

Breizh Info - May 17, 2023

The state seeks to take over all of man's life: his decisions, his tastes, his beliefs, his ideas, his relationships, his family, his very happiness.


The book Generación Idiota highlights the path traveled by many Western societies, sick of wokism, towards “adolescent society”. Besides being silly, can we talk about a lost generation?

Agustín Laje: The stupid generation is lost in its inability to look beyond its own narcissistic navel. This unbearable narcissism, often disguised as “woke politics” and a progressive stance, produces an absolute closed-mindedness that gets lost in itself. We see it, for example, in the most varied phenomena, such as the safe spaces of certain universities, the qualification of “hate speech” to cancel any idea that does not conform to progressive hegemony, the domination of the principle of perception of self as a measure of all possible reality, and the consequent end of truth as discourse that we project towards a reality that is (also) outside of us (this is what we could call the “post- truth").

This hatred of true diversity (diversity of thought, of beliefs, of ideas, of political positions) is definitely ruining the Foolish Generation, which is seduced into believing that diversity is progressing simply because one can dye one's hair green, feeling in the wrong body, or sleeping with someone of the same sex and celebrating it (as a great achievement) for an entire month every year.

In a society based on the self-centered adolescent girl or the child king, what is the place of old age and childhood?

Agustín Laje: Absolutely none. On the one hand, adolescentocentrism is based on a general rule that could be summed up by “the new is good, the old is bad”. Old age is presented to a society centered on adolescence as something essentially bad, in different but similar senses: old age is old-fashioned; old age brings with it a morality which, due to the acceleration of social change, is already outdated; old age is technologically outdated, in a society marked precisely by exponential technological change; old age, finally, in its proximity to death, recalls the finitude of life, in a society where death is equivalent to the absolute end.

With regard to childhood, many sociologists and political scientists have denounced in recent decades a kind of “infantilization process”. But the infant is too innocent and too pure to be confused with the adolescent idiot who dominates our cultural and political environment. The infant, as its very etymology indicates, has no voice. The infant is powerless: he cannot determine himself, nor even claim to do so. On the contrary, the adolescent-centered idiot claims full self-determination, but leaves it incomplete or mutilated, because the component of individual responsibility is still absent.

The whole current childhood sexual obsession (which is becoming more radical every day) is due to the particular hatred and contempt which the adolescent idiot feels for the idea of ​​a phase of life in which the individual of he human species lives under the domination of the authorities of his family.

Remember all those feminist theorists of the 70s, for example, who wanted to destroy all family authority over children.

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Letter to a young person in search of an ideal

Editions Terre de LumiereLetter to a young person in search of an ideal – Amélie Delalain

Editions Terre de Lumiere - May 04, 2023

I write this letter to you as I send a bottle to the sea, because I haven't seen you for a long time and I don't know how to reach you.


Note: need a VPN to read the article.

You didn't leave me your number and I couldn't find you on social media. At the same time, how could I have hoped to really meet you in this way? My illusions fell after a few attempts… These superficial networks maintain a feeling of emptiness and pretense, they have never been able to respond to what you and I aspire to each other: true, sincere and deep relationships, capable of mutual aid. and resilience in the face of life's challenges.

I'm only fifteen years older than you, you could have been my brother or my sister… However, I often have the impression that the distance that separates us is greater than that between several generations. Can you help me narrow this gap? I tried to find you through different paths, without succeeding in reaching you for the moment… But I'm not giving up!

I was hoping to meet you in the fight for freedom that has taken place in recent years, behind the appearance of the health crisis. While thousands of people stood up to denounce the lies and manipulations of vaccine propaganda, young people remained silent, submissive. Could this be the first time in history that young people do not rebel in the face of tyranny, injustice or oppression? I thought you would be the first to stand up for the freedom that is so dear to your heart. I am still amazed at your absence, so noticeable. Is it disinterest in humanity? Or a dramatic loss of motivation and inner strength, hidden behind your screen? I am certain, however, that all is not lost. And I feel partly responsible for this situation. I participated in some way in the success of this society of consumption and sleepy people, which cut off the youth from their ideals.

So I waited for you at the end of class, in front of the university… I even went back to class, going to the other side, that of the “adults” to try to question your aspirations and awaken your passion. But… how to say? I quickly realized my mistake!

How could anyone survive in this tomb that has become education? When I was a teenager, the air at school was already so unbreathable that I felt like I was dying every time school started. But now the situation is much worse! If you keep going to class today, run away! The existential answers you seek are no longer found in any university. If you are looking for your path, the purpose of your life or simply a quality education… the conventional school will not bring you a solution. A degree in today's world won't give you any real security. He will only be able to offer you a formatting of thought and a job-sarcophagus that will bury your aspirations in favor of conformity.

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engineers and system dismantling

BastamagPromised to brilliant careers, young people desert to "dismantle" the system

Bastamag - Feb 18, 2023

Engineers prefer to leave the clear path promised to them by their Grandes Ecoles to engage collectively, initiate a radical ecological shift and design other ways of living.


At Polytechnique, in Essonne, during the ceremony on June 24, 2022, several graduates invite students and alumni to “start a radical shift” and “build a future different from the one that seems all mapped out today” .

“It is urgent to get off the rails on which our diploma and our network are insidiously setting us up. Because trying to solve problems on the margins without ever questioning the very assumptions of the system in which we live will not be enough”, explained the graduates of the most prestigious French engineering school.

"We do not believe that we will change the big companies from the inside", summarizes Johanna. Because profit is part of the company's DNA. “We hoped – if only a little – to hijack, reform, humanize our industries, our employers, our posts. In vain”, also write the authors and author of the manifesto “You are not alone”.

The three founders of this collective – Jérémy Désir, executive at HSBC in market finance, Mathilde Wateau in humanitarian logistics at the World Food Program, and Romain Boucher in big data – have resigned publicly in order to raise the alarm on the nuisances of their sector. respective.

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euthanasia on the rise

The DefenderEuthanasia, even among children, is on the rise

The Defender – Dec 22, 2022

The growing worldwide trend towards euthanasia and/or assisted suicide, particularly among children and young people, is leading critics to ask troubling questions about the real motivation behind a series of new laws.


On a recent episode of CHD.TV titled “Good Morning CHD,” three Canadian physicians – Drs. Charles Hoffe and Stephen Malthouse and Chris Shaw, Ph. – discussed the disturbing normalization in Canada, since 2016, of to die" ("MDA") and their government's possibly imminent approval of this practice for "mature minors" who request death without parental knowledge or consent.

“Physician-assisted suicide,” “assisted suicide,” “assisted dying,” and euthanasia—each with slightly different legal connotations—all refer to medical interventions aimed at hastening death, the primary distinction being "who performs the final and fatal act".

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excess mortality among young people

Gendarme Profession118 children and young adults have 'suddenly died' in the United States

Profession Gendarme - 15 Dec 2022

CDC quietly confirms that at least 118 children and young adults have 'suddenly died' in the US since the rollout of COVID vaccines


Official figures released quietly by the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) confirm that nearly half a million children and young adults have died since the Food & Drug Administration first granted the emergency use authorization for a Covid-19 vaccine in the United States.

This unfortunately resulted in almost 118 more deaths than the 000-2015 average.

The figures also reveal that there have been 7 more deaths among children and young adults so far in 680 compared to the same period in 2022 at the height of the alleged Covid-2020 pandemic.

But 2021 was the worst year overall for deaths among 0-44 year olds, with 291 excess deaths in total, almost 461 more than in 60. And according to official figures from the CDC, this was primarily due to a mysterious sudden increase in deaths among children and young adults beginning around week 000.

Unfortunately, according to data released by the UK government, this “mysterious” sudden surge that has contributed to the deaths of half a million American children and young adults since the end of 2020, is most likely due to injections of Covid- 19.

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Excess youth mortality in Europe since July 2021

Décoder l'écoExcess youth mortality in Europe since July 2021!

Decoding the eco - Nov 13, 2022

The State refuses to transmit the figures of deaths of vaccinated people.


The number of deaths of elderly people increases in winter in all countries (this is due to cold or humidity, confinement, not a virus). The EuroMomo statistical site reports an increase in all-cause mortality from 0-65 since… July 2021 (start date of the vaccination campaign) to June 2022. Health measures have organized the greatest abandonment of care, hence an increase in deaths for all ages.

However, this does not explain why the mortality of young people (they have not suffered from covid) has particularly increased in Europe. To find the cause, it would be necessary to know if the deceased persons were vaccinated. The request to the authorities to obtain this information was met with a refusal.