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WEF history

Joan TranslationThe history of the World Economic Forum

Jeanne Translation - Jan 16, 2023

From Henry Kissinger to Emmanuel Macron, passing by Maurice Strong, Nelson Rockefeller or even Prince Bernhard, all have agreed to counter our greatest threat: Humanity.

Their solution? Transhumanism.

Dr. Jacob Nordangård presents a brief history of the fight against “global warming”, the “proliferation” of humanity and the self-determination of nations and therefore of their own people.


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request unvaxxed blood

New WorldThe blood of the unvaccinated is now in great demand

New World - Dec 21, 2022

A growing number of people in need of blood transfusions are requesting blood from people who have not received a COVID-19 vaccine.


Dr. Ryan Cole, a pathologist, compared the current unknowns about “vaccinee blood” to the HIV-contaminated blood that was used for transfusions in the 1980s.

Directed donations and autologous donations, or autodonations, are options for receiving mRNA-free blood, but both require your doctor to submit a special collection order form from the Red Cross.

A “Safe Blood” donation campaign has also been set up to connect donors and recipients of blood who have not been vaccinated against COVID-19.

“If they agree to use unvaccinated blood, it could be interpreted as an admission that vaccinated blood is not safe and could lead to everyone asking for unvaccinated blood, which would then create severe blood shortages for dubious profit. »

Steve Kirsch, executive director of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation

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ivermectin good against covid

Réseau InternationalThe truth about ivermectin

International Network - Dec 07, 2022

A growing body of research shows that ivermectin is an essential treatment for COVID-19.


Ivermectin has been hailed as a "wonder drug" and, according to UNESCO's World Science Report, as a vital part of "one of the most triumphant public health campaigns ever waged in the developing world." ".

However, since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and affiliated health authorities have strongly advised against the use of ivermectin as a potential treatment for the virus.

• Although the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the use of ivermectin in humans for the treatment of diseases caused by parasites, it has also insisted that ivermectin "did not been shown to be safe or effective” for the treatment of COVID-19.

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caregivers suspended

France SoirSuspended caregivers: the government accused of "guilty obstinacy"

France Evening - Nov 21, 2022

In a vitriolic letter sent to the Minister of Health on Thursday, senators LR Sylviane Noël and Laurence Muller-Bronn castigate the "guilty obstinacy" of the government which refuses to reinstate suspended caregivers while the hospital is in "the agony".


The reintegration of unvaccinated health personnel was the subject of a heated debate in the Social Affairs Committee of the National Assembly on Wednesday 16 November. For the executive, which maintains the obligation to vaccinate caregivers against Covid-19, it is still niet, as recalled Thursday on France 2 the former Minister of Health and government spokesperson, Olivier Veran. An unshakable position which angered Sylviane Noël, senator from Haute-Savoie, and Laurence Muller-Bronn, senator from Bas-Rhin.

In a letter “co-signed by many fellow senators from all sides” addressed to the Minister of Health, François Braun, shared on the Twitter accounts of Sylviane Noël and Laurence Muller-Bronn, the two LR women report “misunderstandings” as to the maintenance of this decision and the “inconsistencies” of the arguments of the guardianship. The senators warn against the “agony” of the health system and call for “finding a way out of the crisis”.

In this letter dated Thursday, November 17, 2022, the two senators first make the comparison with countries like Italy or the Strike, which are lifting the vaccination obligation for healthcare personnel. "Countries run by unconscious people? No! Do we notice an increase in mortality? No! Contaminations? No!", Hammer the two senators.

Sylviane Noël and Laurence Muller-Bronn then raise a number of contradictions, or "inconsistencies" to refer to their letter. They recall, first, that reminders of vaccinations against Covid-19 are no longer mandatory for staff in practice. Caregivers vaccinated for more than 6 months are thus "medically speaking in a situation identical to a caregiver who has never been vaccinated", since "the effectiveness of the vaccine diminishes over time".

The two senators then return to the case of vaccinated staff, but suffering from Covid-19 who were recalled to health establishments: an "inconsistency" when we know that "vaccination does not prevent transmission or contamination".

For the two politicians and the co-signatories of the letter, these inconsistencies “would be laughable if the situation were not so serious”. “Meanwhile, our entire healthcare system is collapsing before our eyes: dying pediatric wards, EHPADs freezing beds, hospitals forced to close their emergency rooms or deprogram operations, patients who die in the corridors for lack of care...", they warn.

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MediaHealth: how Doctolib took power over our lives

The media - Nov 19, 2022

What if we were talking about a digital platform used by 37 million French people and which has become almost essential in our daily lives?


I imagine you are thinking of Google, Twitter, Instagram or TikTok… Well no, it's about Doctolib. Doctolib, a site for linking caregivers and patients, which now constitutes a virtual monopoly in France. Paradoxically, we know almost nothing about Doctolib, this giant which managed to be forgotten.

Who is at its head? what are the projects of its leaders? How did they succeed in imposing themselves on a field characterized from the start by strong competition? What are they monetizing? How do they make their investment profitable? In other words, since it's free, are we the product? The journalist Théophile Kouamouo called on the journalist Pierre-Philippe Berson, who investigated, with his colleague Victor Le Grand and for the magazine Society, on this platform which now exercises a form of ascendancy over our healthcare system.

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mathematical corruption

Réseau InternationalHealth policies were imposed from massive scientific fraud

Anthropos-Logics - Nov 17, 2022

Since the beginning of this "health crisis", Vincent Pavan has ruthlessly dismantled all the mathematical falsifications of which the systemically corrupt authorities unfortunately make widespread use today.


By relying on two major favorable factors:

has. The systemic institutional corruption that ensures docility and an absence of critical spirit within the "scientific community": its members above all do not want to have any trouble with their hierarchy or with private circles, which today are required to they participate in the funding of research, teaching and hospital medical practice. Being "badly seen" by these obligated partners is a luxury that almost no one can afford without suffering serious consequences. Under the delighted chuckles of politicians, too happy to see the “public-private partnerships” prosper in this way, so fashionable and conveniently relieving public finances…

b. The widespread ignorance of mathematics. As soon as convoluted and learned formulas are put forward, 98% of the readers of the articles (doctors, experts, researchers, scientists) are in reality unable to understand what it is about and obviously even less to bring an informed contradiction. .

Ignorance and complacency combined form a cocktail as formidable for individual and collective intelligence as glycerol and nitric acid!

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Linky: death of the concentrator reaper

The age to doLinky: the concentrator reaper ... is dead

The Age of Doing - Oct 19, 2022

Christophe M, electrohypersensitive, who deactivated dozens of Linky concentrators, denounced by a "good Frenchwoman" and sued by Enedis, ended his life on September 28, 2022.


This Linky opponent had found a weak point in the device: the concentrators, which make the meters "communicating". Tired of following the legal route that did not recognize electrohypersensitivity, he began to “mow down” a few hundred before getting caught.

Enedis wanted to make an example.



A few days ago, Christophe M. ended his life. Originally from Vienne, he lived, worked and was an activist in Brittany. Our paths crossed a number of years ago, thanks to militant activities. Rather than militant activity, "combat" would be a better word. For him, resigning himself was not an option in life. Neither resign nor submit.

Having become EHS – electrohypersensitive – he had to stop his professional activity. He then devoted most of his time and energy to raising awareness of this pathology – little known and denied, despite the now official figures from ANSES, i.e. 3,5 million people (in France) in 2018. He has worked, in various ways, to make known the harmfulness of the perpetual fogs of electromagnetic waves in which we all bathe, waves which impact our health to a greater or lesser extent, and which make “normal” life impossible for patients: heavy painful symptoms, difficult to treat and disabling, leading to school and professional exclusion, impossible social life, in all places since the waves are omnipresent…. and endless search for white areas – rather gray, to date – becoming increasingly rare with the arrival of 5 and 6G. These patients discovered the reality of total confinement, long before the “health crisis”. And for them, it doesn't stop with a government decree!

In the microcosm, Christophe was known as a fearless and cheerful anti-Linky activist. We, the Stop-Linky activists, are not numerous. It is very difficult to mobilize, the waves cannot be seen – therefore they do not exist or are harmless – and the majority of people have digested the techie message so well that they are convinced that the problems created by technology will be solved. by technology. Unaware – voluntarily or not – that it is an endless race since wanting and claiming to solve the problems it has generated, technology creates new ones…. In short, among the few active activists pissed off by the neon-green alien (and his brothers), Christophe was undoubtedly the most daring, intrepid and activist. His little tinkering to deactivate the invaders ended up being reported to the police by a "good Frenchwoman". Enedis, annoyed and wanting to set an example, had our comrade brought to justice and asked him for forty thousand euros in compensation, a request followed by the judge. Christophe had given up appealing, discouraged by his lawyer who predicted a second verdict even heavier than the first.

Even if, in various struggles, the "tiny ones" sometimes win good fights against the "mighty ones", David still rarely wins against Goliath. Without a job or source of income, therefore unable to pay the amount claimed, not recognized in his activities as a whistleblower, very isolated despite the few declarations from support committees, Christophe found himself taken by the throat... there was only a small step to the rope that happened around the neck this Wednesday, September 28.
If we consider the result of certain fights, we can speak of failure. However, it is quite possible to look at it differently. In this society where the injustices, more and more numerous, are of State, in this time plagued by individualism, to refuse to submit, to refuse to resign, to resist, to act in the direction of the common and the best, in whatever field it is, it is already a victory. Against indifference and fatalism. Against the galloping loss of our humanity – of our essence, therefore.
Christophe (Linkiller) was my comrade, my brother in arms – and in soul – my friend. Nobody has the right to judge him, and especially not those who have neither his courage nor his commitment. His funeral will take place in the small cemetery of St Pierre les Eglises in Chauvigny, this Wednesday, October 5 at 10 a.m.

The 3 October 2022


Mary May

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Bio in bulk for the poor

ReporterreIn Montpellier, they offer organic in bulk and accessible to the poorest

Reporterre - 30 Sep 2022

In Montpellier, the members of an association organize the purchase and distribution of organic food, all at cost price. The objective: to make quality food accessible while creating links.


Food is a marker of social inequalities in France. According to a study by ANSES [2], the poorest eat less and worse than the wealthy classes, consuming more sodas, meat, industrial products. Food insecurity [3] is exploding, especially since the health crisis. Hence the ambition of Vrac et Cocinas, created in December 2020.

Vrac et Cocinas accompanies three other groups, in Montpellier. On a national scale, the Vrac network — Towards a joint purchasing network — now has more than 4 members and 500 purchasing groups in priority neighborhoods for urban policy.

“We want to fight against food inequalities”

Laura Viart

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RI TV zap of 30 Sep 2022

Réseau InternationalRI TV Zap of 30.09: Explosion of sudden adult deaths

International Network - 30 Sep 2022

For those who are still sleeping...


A man who makes computers presents himself to us as the one who knows the most about pandemics. Bill Gates does not predict anything at all, he knows what will happen. For 12 years, he's been explaining to us that we're too down to earth, and this same guy wants to vaccinate you.

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indoor polluted air

Something fishyHumans generate an oxidation field that alters the chemistry of the air around them

Eel under the Rock - 07 Sep 2022

The air around us contains all kinds of pollutants. Outdoors, they can be washed away by rain and oxidation, which occurs when the sun's ultraviolet rays interact with ozone and water vapour. So what's going on inside?


As a new study shows, some oxidation happens inside too: the chemical scavenging that happens through hydroxyl (OH) radicals – short-lived reactive species whose role is to oxidize other molecules – is due to a combination of ozone from outside and the oxidative fields we create around us.

Scientists have found that, in some cases, levels of OH radicals indoors are comparable to daytime levels outdoors. In other words, we are chemical reaction machines that walk and breathe, which impacts indoor air quality and human health.

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Big Pharma won't have my health

Equality and ReconciliationBig Pharma won't have my health

Equality and Reconciliation - August 29, 2022

So-called natural medicine, naturopaths, homeopaths, are attacked by a press which defends, one imagines by chance or in all conscience, the powerful pharmaceutical industry which produces drugs and vaccines.


All the press rushes into the breach opened by who knows who, but one can think that there was hierarchical authorization, between the direction of Health, the ministry of the same name, and the Council of the Order of doctors . The press does what it is told to do.

We see it with Casasnovas, who did nothing wrong but who was persecuted by all the forces of the System, between the mainstream media, the justice system and representatives of allopathic medicine. In France, today, we do not have the right or we have less and less the right to treat ourselves otherwise, that is to say with grandmother's remedies, plants, homeopathy, food supplements or simply suitable food.

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anti vaxx billboards

France BleuAntivax panels are multiplying in Toulouse

France Blue – August 16, 2022

New posters denouncing the alleged dangers of the Covid-19 vaccine have just appeared in Toulouse. There are about nine of them according to the town hall of Toulouse.


Some health professionals are indignant that such signs can be visible in the middle of the street.

The message is unambiguous: vaccines against Covid would be dangerous. A message that appears on about nine different billboards in Toulouse. It is the town hall which advances this figure, according to several feedbacks from the field. France Bleu Occitanie is able to confirm the existence of two of them. The first appeared in July, on Boulevard de l'Embouchure, in Les Minimes, near the central police station. Another has recently been visible in the Trois Cocus district.

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