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Vaccination survey

Vaccination surveyVaccination Survey: Videos to better understand

Vaccination Survey - August 21, 2018

At the beginning, it is a father who, confronted with the question of vaccination and hearing everything and its opposite, questions himself. For his son, he wants the best. He will therefore conduct a thorough investigation...


This site is made up of videos based on documents from well-known sources such as the WHO, but also from scientific studies.
The author does not give an opinion, but he exposes facts which allow each one to deepen his own reflection...

"I am not 'anti-vaccine', I am pro science, pro public health, pro happy and healthy child, and so I will ask questions and try to answer them!"

Thierry Casasnovas

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Rudolph Steiner fear and supernatural beings

Sott: Sign of The TimesSupernatural Beings That Feed On Negative Emotions

Sott: Sign of The Times - Jan 24, 2018

Anxiety, depression and fear are ravaging many people today, but few take the time to consider that in addition to the physical influences in our lives, we can also be influenced by beings who exist in dimensions outside of our ordinary perception.

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Instagram depression actor

geek diaryInstagram & co: actors of depression

Geek Diary - May 23, 2017

In this article, which is just one of dozens, you will discover some aspects of social networks, their addictive side, which is well known, but also their role in increasing anxiety and depression.


The article is built around a study conducted by the Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH). She indicates that the social networks Instagram and Snapchat are the worst in terms of well-being and mental health for 12-24 year olds.

“Life is what happens when you look up from your smartphone. »

Forgotten author

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Electrosmogtech - June 29, 2016

This very comprehensive page highlights the effects of electromagnetic waves on living organisms. You will find information intelligible by all but also several high quality documents. Including a list of scientific studies on the effects of electromagnetic waves and a US Navy study dating from 1971.


The author, Olivier Bondenmann, is an electrical engineer by training who acts to reduce electromagnetic pollution and thus allow people to live better in today's "connected" world.

Taken together, these approximately 1800 new studies report abnormal gene transcription; genotoxicity and DNA damage carcinogenicity in humans
[...] serious effects on human and animal sperm morphology and function [...] and effects on brain and cranial bone development in the offspring of animals exposed to cell phone radiation during pregnancy.

BioInitiavive Report 2012

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Regenerate Fast

RegeneratesFasting, the feast of the body!

Regenerates - Apr 21, 2016

Fasting is a timeless and universal practice aimed at giving the body some time to perform tasks that would otherwise fall by the wayside.
In this series of 12 videos, Thierry Casasnovas approaches the subject with simplicity, allowing everyone to understand the miracle of fasting.


What is fasting? What does the body do during fasting? How to fast? Fasting and spirituality, bodybuilding, obesity, psychological disorders. How to break a fast?
After watching these videos, fasting will have no more secrets for you!

"When you start fasting [...] the body begins to go into a process of autophagy, in which it consumes the worst, most degenerate of you and in doing so, by boosting the growth hormone, it will rebuild from the best, from the healthiest, including at the neuronal level..."

Thierry Casasnovas

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Vaxxed: vaccine disaster cover-up

WaxedVaxxed: Covering up the vaccine disaster

Vaxxed – Jul 27, 2015

Dr. Wakefield is breaking the silence on vaccine abuse to children.

In 2013, doctor and biologist Brian Hooker received a call from a scientist at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) who led a 2004 study of the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine. ) and its link to autism.

Scientist Dr. William Thompson confessed that the CDC omitted crucial data from its final report that revealed a causal relationship between the MMR vaccine and autism. For several months, Dr. Hooker records his telephone calls with Dr. Thompson, this man who provides him with confidential data destroyed by his colleagues at the CDC.


Interviews with pharmaceutical industry insiders, doctors, politicians and parents of children who have fallen ill from vaccinations reveal that this cover-up has contributed to the alarming and exponential rise in autism and is potentially the most catastrophic epidemic of our time.

“The world today has 6,8 billion people. We should reach 9 billion. With very good results on new vaccines, health care, birth control, we could reduce it by maybe 10 or 15%, but we will keep an increase factor of about 1,3. "

Bill Gates

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Fluor, this idiot does not tell us Mouton Lucide

Fluorine: This idiot does not tell us

Sheep Lucid - June 18, 2015

Fluoride is a product that is not present in nature, it is an industrial waste. It is touted as supporting healthy teeth, but was used by the Nazis to dull the conscience of concentration camp prisoners.


Mouton Lucide is the name of a YouTube channel that highlights major truths such as the nuisance of dairy products, planned obsolescence or mass surveillance... The author also shares his resilient and atypical lifestyle. ...

"When you don't know, it's because you don't want to know"

Monton Lucide

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Vigiaccess website

VigiAccessVigiAccess, the database of side effects of drugs

VigiAccess - 25 Feb 2015

This database allows you to view and view data on suspected side effects of various medications. All data contained in this document comes from VigiBase®, the global database of the World Health Organization (WHO).


“To swallow the medicine and neglect the diet is to destroy the science of the doctor. »

Chinese proverb

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Healing Christ Forgiveness

Jesus, miracle of our livesChrist Healing and Forgiveness: Testimony

Jesus, miracle of our lives - Nov 6, 2014

Thierry Casasnovas testifies to the birth of his Faith, he testifies to the benefits he received by leaving room for God in his life.


Jesus Miracle of Our Lives is a video channel that asks, "What miracles can the Lord still perform today?" How can Jesus impact our lives and change our hearts? She relates testimonies that speak of the glory, power, and love of our Savior.

“It is truly a reality, He is present!”

Thierry Casasnovas

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Dogna Site

Michael DognaMichel Dogna: a naturopathic chemical engineer

Michel Dogna - Jul 30, 2011

Michel Dogna's site presents alternative information about health, including cancer or super-remedies. He also denounces health scandals that go unnoticed in the official media.


MICHEL DOGNA, known for his pugnacity in his writings and his frank speeches, in the service of natural health, organic food, the defense of the animal condition, and the safeguard of the planet in general, is the author of twenty books, published by Guy Trédaniel.

"If paracetamol was a new drug to be launched, it would not obtain its MA (marketing authorization)"

Michael Dogna

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World Economic Forum

World Economic Forum: Strategic IntelligenceThe World Economic Forum, often referred to as the Davos forum

World Economic Forum: Strategic Intelligence - Nov 27, 1995

The World Economic Forum, based in Cologny-Geneva, Switzerland, is a non-profit foundation established by Klaus Schwab in 1971. It is a membership-based organization, and members are made up of the largest companies in the world.


It should be noted that the forum took part alongside the John Hopkins Center of Health Security and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in Event 201, which simulated a global Coronavirus pandemic before its time.

The mission of the World Economic Forum is

“dedicated to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic and other leaders in society to shape global, regional and industry agendas”


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