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Drug shortages

InsolentiaeDrug shortages. The government bans online sales!

Insolentiae – Jan 06, 2023

When a government is unable to organize or ensure the conditions for a good supply, it rations and organizes scarcity.


When a government is unable to organize or ensure the conditions for a good supply, it rations and organizes scarcity.

As with any good socialist-communist government, in France we are no exception to the rule and everything always ends in scarcity, lack, and absence.

This current drug shortage owes nothing to chance and everything to public action, and the media hides most of the truth.


The government is responsible for the shortages.


Because in a globalized, globalized world, where we have voluntarily relocated our factories, and where we have voluntarily abandoned all customs duties, we have decided (in reality it has been imposed on us) to let the international competition.

The French drug market is no more than a small market of 67 million inhabitants in an ocean of 8 billion people to be treated. In such a world and when the demand is strong, the adjustment is always made by the price… and the shortage.

Those who can pay or want to pay are served. The others are forced into scarcity.

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The Economist 2023

The Media in 4-4-2The Economist publishes an intriguing new cover: “The World ahead 2023”

The Media in 4-4-2 - Jan 05, 2023

The new cover of The Economist entitled “The World ahead 2023” raises a lot of curiosity and questions.


What will be the major concerns of the world in the coming years? What will be the global challenges that we will have to face in the future, such as war, energy, China or new technologies?

The shareholders of The Economist are the Agnelli family (Exor), Rothschild, Cadbury (Kraft Foods: Vanguard, BlackRock, Morgan Stanley, State Street, etc.), Schroders (banks: Lloyds, Guinness Mahon, G30). They therefore present their best wishes for the coming year. From desires to reality… Thus the forecasts of The Economist for 2017, contradicted by the facts, were described by its own editor as “conspiratorial”.

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decline of the west

VoltairenetThe conflict in Ukraine precipitates the end of Western domination

Voltairenet - August 30, 2022

The Ukrainian conflict, presented as a Russian aggression, is only the implementation of Security Council resolution 2202 of February 17, 2015.


If France and Germany have not kept their commitments during the Minsk II Agreement, Russia has been preparing for the current confrontation for seven years. She had planned for Western sanctions well in advance and only needed two months to circumvent them. These are disrupting US globalization, disrupting Western economies by breaking supply chains, sending dollars flowing back to Washington and causing general inflation, finally creating an energy crisis in the West. The United States and its allies are in the situation of the watered sprinkler: they are digging their own graves. Meanwhile, Russian treasury receipts have grown by 32% in six months.

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Amélie Paul - The Brutal Truth #13

Amelia PaulAmélie Paul: News of the Brutal Truth #13

Amelie Paul – August 19, 2022

Capsule n° 13. Dark humor containing conspiracy theories, we prefer to warn you.


Please don't take offense, take everything at face value, call the police or fund a study to analyze my mental health. It's just humor! Loosen up a bit.

“Conscience is the light of intelligence to distinguish good from evil. »


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France Connect

France SoirFrance Connect: scams and identity thefts are on the rise

France Evening - Jul 25, 2022

Smart guys have decided to steal France Connect identifiers on the pretext of carrying out an investigation into the Covid-19.


By phone or email, they pretend to be civil servants by asking for the vaccination status of their victim, or by promising compensation. Their goal: your personal data.

Facilitating online access to several public administration platforms (taxes, health, allowances fund, etc.) with a single username and password to remember, such was the project of the State's Interministerial Digital Department French, which set up the France Connect service a few years ago. It was first criticized for being invasive and monopolistic; it is now for its security breaches, which open the door to our personal data to the unscrupulous.

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Rockefeller and food shortages

Something fishyDid the Rockefeller Foundation “predict” food shortages?

Eel under the Rock - Jul 1, 2022

Right now we are told that the impending food shortages are mainly the result of climate change and the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.


Yet, in July 2020, the Rockefeller Foundation had already predicted it and called for an overhaul of the entire food system to address it.

It seems that nothing escapes the prophetic minds of the self-proclaimed designers of the future. They accurately forecast “natural disasters” and predict fortuitous “acts of God”. They know everything before it happens. Maybe they really are prophets. Or perhaps they are simply describing the inevitable results of their own actions.

The document in question, titled “Reset the Table: Meeting the Moment to Transform the US Food System”1, released by the Rockefeller Foundation on July 28, 2020, describes how the COVID pandemic has caused “a crisis of hunger and nutrition" in the United States "unparalleled in this country for generations".

“Who controls the food supply controls the people; whoever controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls the money can control the world. »

Henry Kissinger

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The financial tsunami has begun

The Free ThinkerThe planned global financial tsunami has just begun

The Free Thinker - June 28, 2022

The collapse was deliberately triggered for political reasons by the central bank.


The situation is no different today, as it is clear that the US Fed is acting with the interest rate weapon to collapse what is the largest speculative financial bubble in human history, a bubble that she created herself.

Global crashes always start at the periphery, like the Austrian Creditanstalt of 1931 or the bankruptcy of Lehman Brother in September 2008. The Fed's June 15 decision to impose the biggest rate hike in nearly 30 years, as that financial markets are already collapsing, now guarantees a global depression or worse.

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