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Protocol of the Elders of Zion

New WorldThe plan directed against the Spirit

New World - Apr 18, 2024

The struggle for superiority and continued speculation in the business world will create a demoralized, selfish and heartless society. This society will become completely indifferent to religion and politics, of which it will even be disgusted. The passion for gold will be her only guide and she will make all her efforts to obtain this gold which, alone, can assure her the material pleasures which she has made her true cult.


The plan known as the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” is a taboo subject. The Nobel Prize winner for literature, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, wrote a relevant study of the Protocols in 1966. Israel Shamir writes:

“Solzhenitsyn defied the Soviet regime, he dared to write and publish his mammoth, The Gulag Archipelago, an implacable condemnation of Soviet repression, and yet, even he stalled: he did not publish his research on the Protocols. He requested that this study be published only after his death. It was against his will that it was printed in a very small number of copies in 2001.

The forbidden book

Much has been fantasized about the origin of this writing, attributed to a lodge of “Israelite initiates” receiving instructions from “unknown superiors”. It was therefore used by anti-Semites as clear proof of a “Judeo-Masonic plot”. However, the illuminati are neither Jews nor Aryans, but can be on all sides, exacerbating conflicts to advance their strategy according to the adage “divide and rule”.

Whoever the authors of these “protocols” were, they were endowed with a political and psychological cunning that exceeds the capabilities of normal intelligence.

The problem is not who wrote this program for world hegemony, but how it is possible that men of the 19th century anticipated the establishment of world order down to the smallest detail?

Critics say it is a “fake” — which means nothing, because any anonymous writing can be a “fake.” Is the Bible a fake? We see the absurdity of this reasoning. Academics do not read the Protocols because it is considered politically incorrect. We even fear opening them in case it gets out! It is no longer a question of caution, but of terror towards a writing prohibited by the system. This avoids knowing what it contains and asking the right question: how can we explain that this program is exactly the same as the plan implemented since the French Revolution by the Illuminati?

Did we want to place responsibility for this manifesto on Jews by speculating on the anti-Semitic reactions that it would inevitably generate? Putting aside the racist connotations towards the goim — non-Jews according to the Talmud — that it contains, it is clear that this text sheds particular light on the financiers of the new world order — including the eminent Rothschild family who blackmails the Jews.

Revolutions, internationalism, socialism, disappearance of individual initiative, control of the media, money king, world culture, parody of democracy, power of technocracy, destabilization of religions and traditions, unique thinking, materialism, scientism, and up to New Age messianism… All the ideas of shadow government are present in these “Protocols”, and these ideas will prevail throughout the 20th century. Who can deny it?

Knowing that in politics nothing is improvised, we must admit that we are in the presence of a document revealing a strategy of conquest aimed at establishing a totalitarian theocracy under the mask of Israel's messianism. However, here, it is no longer about religion that is at stake, nor the expectation of a spiritual kingdom, but the establishment of a tyranny for the benefit of a caste of “elected ones” — the famous illuminati of the “black elite”.

The perfidy of this document is disturbing, firstly because of its provocative form which generated a controversy making us forget the substance. Perfidious by the incredible cunning of those who thought up this political program, but also because of the inevitable anti-Semitic reaction that it triggered and by which it became a taboo document, a sort of shameful literature that is passed around under the coat.

It has been claimed that the Tsar's agents invented these "Protocols of the Elder Brothers of Zion" for counter-revolutionary purposes, but police officers are rarely political geniuses and visionaries. Also the artificial fabrication of “protocols” is unjustifiable for anyone who knows a little about the mysteries of occult politics, because the ideology they convey is too closely linked to globalist lodges.

This program of the leaders of the world order is not the fruit of sick brains, as people wanted to believe, because the political ideas it sets out were realized in fact, and this well after its writing, this which cannot be accidental. Only the naive prefer to believe that planetary politics follows the vagaries of hazardous circumstances.

An attentive reader, free from prejudice, will discover in these Protocols the matrix of all the threats against conscience - on the political, social, economic, scientific and religious levels. Everything is explicitly announced there. Will this plan succeed? A futile question, since he has already largely achieved most of the points on his agenda, except with regard to the appearance of the “messiah”, this international sovereign, whose arrival Christian tradition predicted under the name of the Antichrist.

We believe that this supreme mystification will not take long, as the circles that want to achieve this goal have been active for several decades.

Undeniably, the Protocols emanate from the Luciferian elite, who manipulate nations, races and religions - and the people of Israel like the others - to establish their order through chaos.

The Jewish people are undoubtedly the first victims of this manipulation — the “chosen people” takes on its dramatic meaning here.

Jews have been subjected to a culture of terror by occult leaders who are responsible for cruel cyclical persecutions. This is why Jews who emancipate themselves from this secular conditioning are often the first to denounce the oppression of rabbinic and Talmudic culture. There are ancient prophets vehemently condemning the “sins of Israel” – like revisionists, whose subversive historical ideas often emanate from Jewish researchers sickened by the commercial recovery of the Shoah.

It takes a lot of perspective and intelligence to understand the true mission of Israel, and the maneuvers of which the Jewish people were victims — since the archaic era of Atlantis.

The etymology of Israel can be interpreted as “the man raised to God”, or even “the heavenly vision”. Each noble soul can therefore identify with this ideal and claim divine election, whether born in a Jewish, Christian, Papuan environment, or in any "chosen people", knowing that each ancient civilization has claimed hold divine legitimacy.

Could there be anything in the universe other than chosen races, called to a special destiny? This is why we do not condemn the enlightened, because they are in the illusion of believing themselves elected above all, and they struggle miserably to survive like all the creatures that crawl under the sun.

Towards the Nazis or the Zionists, we could say: same fight! Muslims, Jews, Christians or Hindus, in everyone, the survival instinct dominates. For fanatics, God is just a pretext for partisan assertion. Why take sides in this madness? He who seeks God or the Absolute does not want to destroy anyone, except his own inner chains. Any other approach to religion is madness.

Finally, wouldn't these Protocols have the effect of making people even more fatalistic in the face of globalist tyranny? Why are they in circulation when we know that the illuminati leave nothing compromising lying around and that it is forbidden to read them?

Joël Labruyère, “The forbidden book”, Undercover n° 5.

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The DefenderControligarchs: Denunciation of the billionaire class and their secret agreements

The Defender – Dec 09, 2023

The author of “Controligarchs” denounces “the billionaire class, their secret deals and the globalist plot to dominate your life.


In his new book, “Controligarcs: Exposing the Billionaire Class, their Secret Deals, and the Globalist Plot to Dominate Your Life,” author Seamus Bruner explores the long history of eugenicists, technocrats and social engineers, from Rockefellers and the Club of Rome to Bill Gates, Jeffrey Epstein, Mark Zuckerberg, Klaus Schwab and other members of the World Economic Forum (WEF) – who use their wealth , often under the guise of philanthropy to enrich ourselves while promoting an undemocratic and dystopian future for the rest of us.

“Imagine a world where you own nothing and rent everything,” Mr. Bruner warns in the book’s notes. “Most of the protein in your diet comes from insects. You are not allowed to have more than one child and your financial and medical data are instantly transferred to a centralized government database using a subcutaneous chip.

Seamus Bruner sat down with The Defender to discuss his book, the state of the world and his view of humanity.

Mr. Bruner, research director at the Government Accountability Institute (GAI), said he honed his craft of investigative journalism by helping GAI founder Peter Schweizer write his book from 2011, Throw Them All Out: How Politicians and Their Friends Get Rich Off Insider Stock Tips, Land Deals, and Cronyism That Would Send the Rest of Us to Prison.” (Throw Them All Out: How Politicians and Their Friends Enrich themselves with Insider Tips, Land Deals, and Cronyism That Would Send the Rest of Us to Jail).

This project resulted in two presentations on the show “60 Minutes” and, ultimately, the adoption of the “Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge Act” (STOCK Act), passed in 2012, according to Mr. Bruner. “This experience also dissuaded me from entering politics,” he said.

“Following the money is our motto here [at GAI],” said Mr. Bruner, whose subsequent investigations are documented in his books “Compromised: How Money and Politics Drive FBI Corruption” (2018) and “Fallout: Nuclear Bribes , Russian Spies, and the Washington Lies That Enriched the Clinton and Biden Dynasties” (2020, with John Solomon).

Mr Bruner, who is studying to become a certified anti-money laundering specialist, said: “We are not against billionaires conceptually, but against those who want to use their money, their power and their influence to exert control over your life”.

“The ten richest men on the planet – including Gates, [Jeff] Bezos, Zuckerberg and [Elon] Musk – have doubled their combined personal net worth during the Covid-19 pandemic,” writes Seamus Bruner in “Controligarchs,” “while the shrinking middle class has suffered and more than 160 million people across the world [worldwide] have been pushed into poverty.”

“Controligarchs” traces the history of some of the richest families on the planet and how they used their wealth and influence to implement projects such as Agenda 2030, Open Society, The Great Reset and that a transhumanist movement – ​​and organizations such as the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations and the Wellcome Trust – translate into a virtual war on farmers and food, on informed consent and options natural healing, against energy and jobs, against freedom of expression and other inalienable rights.

The Rockefellers and the takeover of public health...

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UN New York

VoltairenetThierry Meyssan: What international order?

Voltairenet - Nov 10, 2023

We reproduce the text of Thierry Meyssan's intervention in Magdeburg (Germany), during the conference organized by Compact magazine, “Friendship with Russia”, on November 4, 2023.


He explains what constitutes, according to him, the fundamental difference between the two conceptions of the world order which clash today from Donbass to Gaza: that of the Western bloc and that to which the rest of the world refers. It is not a question of knowing whether this order should be dominated by one power (unipolar) or by a group of powers (multipolar), but whether or not it should be respectful of the sovereignty of each. The author draws on the history of international law, as Tsar Nicholas II and Nobel Peace Prize winner Léon Bourgeois conceived it.

We have seen NATO's crimes, but why affirm our friendship with Russia? Is there not a risk of seeing it behave tomorrow like NATO today? Are we not going to substitute one slavery for another?

To answer this question, I would draw on my successive experience as advisor to five heads of state. Russian diplomats everywhere told me: you are on the wrong track: you are committing to putting out a fire here, while another has started elsewhere. The problem is deeper and broader.
I would therefore like to describe to you the difference between a world order based on rules and one based on international law. It is not a linear story, but a battle between two worldviews; a fight that it is up to us to continue.

In the 1815th century, the Treaties of Westphalia established the principle of state sovereignty. Everyone is equal to others and no one can interfere in the internal affairs of others. It is these Treaties which have governed, for centuries, both relations between the current Länder and those between European States. They were reaffirmed by the Congress of Vienna in XNUMX, during the defeat of Napoleon I.

On the eve of the First World War, Tsar Nicholas II convened two International Peace Conferences (1899 and 1907), in The Hague, in order to "search for the most effective means of ensuring to all peoples the benefits of real and lasting peace. He prepared them with Pope Benedict XV on the basis of canon law and not on the law of the strongest. 27 states signed the final work, after two months of deliberations. The president of the French Radical [Republican] Party, Léon Bourgeois, presented his thoughts on the reciprocal dependence of States and on the interest they have in uniting despite their rivalries.
Under the leadership of Léon Bourgeois, the Conference created an international court of arbitration responsible for resolving conflicts by legal means rather than by war. According to Bourgeois, states will only agree to disarm when they have other security guarantees. The final text establishes the notion of “the duty of States to avoid war”… by resorting to arbitration.

Under the leadership of a minister of the Tsar, Frédéric Fromhold de Martens, the Conference agreed that, during an armed conflict, the populations and the belligerents must remain under the protection of the principles which result from "the customs established between civilized nations, the laws of humanity and the demands of public conscience. In short, the signatories agreed to no longer behave like barbarians.
This system only works between civilized states that honor their signature and are accountable to their public opinion. It failed, in 1914, because the States had lost their sovereignty by concluding Defense treaties requiring them to enter into war automatically in certain circumstances which they could not assess themselves.

Léon Bourgeois' ideas gained ground, but encountered opposition, including that of his rival within the Radical Party, Georges Clemenceau. The latter did not believe that public opinion could prevent wars. The Anglo-Saxons, the President of the United States, Woodrow Wilson, and the British Prime Minister, Lloyd George, did not believe it either. The three men substituted the Force of the Victors for International Law, which was still in its infancy at the end of the First World War. They shared the world and the remains of the Austro-Hungarian, German, and Ottoman empires. They placed full responsibility for the massacres on Germany alone, denying their own. They imposed disarmament without guarantees. To prevent the emergence of a rival to the British Empire in Europe, the Anglo-Saxons began to pit Germany against the USSR and obtained silence from France by assuring it that it could plunder the II° Reich defeated. In a way, as the first President of the Federal Republic, Theodor Heuss, said, they organized the conditions for the development of Nazism.
As they had agreed among themselves, the three men reshaped the world in their image (Wilson's 14 points, the Sykes-Picot agreements, the Balfour declaration). They created the Jewish home of Palestine, dissected Africa and Asia and tried to reduce Turkey to its bare minimum. They organized all the current disorders in the Middle East.

However, it was on the basis of the ideas of the late Nicholas II and Léon Bourgeois that the League of Nations (SDN) was established after the First World War, without the participation of the United States which thus officially refused any idea of ​​international law. However, the League of Nations also failed. Not because the United States refused to be part of it, as is said. It was their right. But firstly because it was incapable of re-establishing strict equality between the States, the United Kingdom being opposed to considering colonized peoples equal. Then because it did not have a common army. And finally because the Nazis massacred their opponents, destroyed German public opinion, violated the Berlin signature and did not hesitate to behave like barbarians.

As early as the Atlantic Charter in 1942, the new US President Franklin Roosevelt and the new British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, set the common objective of establishing a world government at the end of the conflict. The Anglo-Saxons, who imagined themselves able to govern the world, did not however agree among themselves on how to go about it. Washington did not want London to interfere in its affairs in Latin America, while London did not intend to share the hegemony of the Empire on which “the sun never set”. The Anglo-Saxons signed a number of treaties during the War with the Allied governments, notably those in exile, which they hosted in London.

Moreover, the Anglo-Saxons did not succeed in defeating the Third Reich; it was the Soviets who overthrew it and took Berlin. Joseph Stalin, the first secretary of the CPSU, was opposed to the idea of ​​a world government, especially Anglo-Saxon. He just wanted an organization that could prevent future conflicts. In any case, it was Russian conceptions which gave birth to the system: that of the United Nations Charter, during the San Francisco conference.

In the spirit of the Hague Conferences, all UN member states are equal. The Organization includes an internal tribunal, the International Court of Justice, responsible for resolving conflicts that arise between its members. However, given previous experiences, the five victorious powers have a permanent seat on the Security Council with a veto. Given that there was no trust between them (the Anglo-Saxons had considered continuing the war with the remaining German troops against the USSR) and that it was unknown how the General Assembly would behave, the various victors wanted to ensure that the UN did not turn against them (the United States had committed terrible war crimes by launching two atomic bombs against civilians, while Japan… was preparing its surrender to the Soviets). But the great powers did not understand the veto in the same way at all. For some, it was a right to censor the decisions of others, for others, it was the obligation to make decisions unanimously by the winners.

Except that from the start, the Anglo-Saxons did not play the game: an Israeli state proclaimed itself (May 14, 1948) before its borders had been agreed, then the special envoy of the secretary General of the United Nations who was to ensure the creation of a Palestinian state, Count Folke Bernadotte, was assassinated by Jewish supremacists, under the command of Yitzhak Shamir. Furthermore, the Security Council seat allocated to China, in the context of the ending Chinese civil war, was given to Chiang Kai-shek's Kuomintang and not to Beijing. The Anglo-Saxons proclaimed the independence of their Korean zone of occupation under the name "Republic of Korea" (August 15, 1948), created NATO (April 4, 1949), then proclaimed the independence of their zone of occupation. German occupation under the name of “Federal Germany” (May 23, 1949).

Considering that it had been fooled, the USSR slammed the door (“empty seat” policy). The Georgian Joseph Stalin wrongly believed that the veto was not a right of censorship, but a condition of unanimity of the winners. He thought he would block the organization by boycotting it.
The Anglo-Saxons interpreted the text of the Charter that they had drawn up and took advantage of the absence of the Soviets to place “blue helmets” on the heads of their soldiers and waged war on the North Koreans (June 25, 1950) in the “name of the international community” (sic). Ultimately, on August 1, 1950, the Soviets returned to the UN, after 6 and a half months of absence.

If the North Atlantic Treaty is legal, NATO's internal regulations violate the United Nations Charter. He placed the allied armies under the command of the Anglo-Saxons. Its commander-in-chief, the SACEUR, must be a United States officer. According to its first Secretary General, Lord Ismay, the real objective of the Alliance is neither to preserve peace nor to fight against the Soviets, but to "Keep the Americans in, the Russians out and the Germans under supervision. In short, it is the armed wing of the world government that Roosevelt and Churchill wanted to create. It is in pursuit of this goal that President Joe Biden ordered the sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipeline which linked Russia to Germany.

At the Liberation, MI6 and the OPC (i.e. the future CIA) secretly installed a stay-behind network in Germany. They placed thousands of Nazi officials there whom they helped to escape justice. Klaus Barbie, who tortured French Resistance coordinator Jean Moulin, became the first commander of this shadow army. Then this network was incorporated within NATO where it was largely reduced. It was then used by the Anglo-Saxons to interfere in the political life of their supposed allies, in reality their vassals.

Former collaborators of Joseph Goebbels created the Volksbund für Frieden und Freiheit. They persecuted German communists with the help of the United States. Later NATO stay-behind agents were able to manipulate the far left to make it detestable. This is for example the case of the Bader gang. But as these men were arrested, the stay-behind came to assassinate them in prison, before they were tried and spoke. In 1992, Denmark spied on Chancellor Angela Merkel on the instructions of NATO, as in 2022, Norway, another NATO member, helped the United States to sabotage Nord Stream...

Let's return to International Law, gradually things returned to order until the Ukrainian Leonid Brezhnev did, in Central Europe, in 1968 during the Prague Spring, what the Anglo-Saxons did everywhere else: he banned States allied with the USSR to choose an economic model other than the breast.

It was with the dissolution of the USSR that things started to get worse. US Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz developed a doctrine according to which, to remain masters of the world, the United States must do everything to prevent the emergence of a new rival, starting with the European Union. . It was in application of this idea that Secretary of State James Baker imposed the enlargement of the European Union to all the former States of the Warsaw Pact and the USSR. By developing in this way, the Union deprived itself of the possibility of becoming a political entity. It is still in application of this doctrine that the Treaty of Maastricht placed the EU under the protection of NATO. And it is still in application of this doctrine that Germany and France pay and arm Ukraine.

Then came the Czech-US professor Josef Korbel. He proposed to the Anglo-Saxons to dominate the world by rewriting international treaties. According to him, it was enough to substitute Anglo-Saxon law, based on custom, for the rationality of Roman law. In this way, all the Treaties would give the advantage in the long term to the dominant powers: the United States and the United Kingdom, linked by a “special relationship”, in the words of Winston Churchill. Professor Korbel's daughter, the democrat Madeleine Albright, became ambassador to the UN, then secretary of state. Then, when the White House passed into Republican hands, Professor Korbel's adopted daughter, Condoleeza Rice, succeeded him as National Security Advisor, then Secretary of State. For two decades, the two “sisters” patiently rewrote the main international texts, allegedly to modernize them, in fact to change their spirit.

Today, international institutions operate according to rules decreed by the Anglo-Saxons, based on previous violations of international law. This right is not written in any code, since it is an interpretation of custom by the dominant power. Every day we substitute unjust rules for international law and we violate our own signature.

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Pierre Hillard vs Xavier Moreau

stratpolIs Russia an agent of globalism

Stratpol - 04 Nov 2023

Debate between Pierre Hillard and Xavier Moreau.


Free Journal of controversies for October 28, 2023 hosted by Mike Borowski.

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Putin on Schwab

Réseau InternationalPutin warns 'globalist terrorist' Klaus Schwab that his 'days are numbered'

International Network - Oct 08, 2023

World Economic Forum (WEF) founder Klaus Schwab is a “globalist terrorist” who is “holding humanity to ransom,” according to Russian President Vladimir Putin, who has warned the elite that his new world order has failed and its “days were numbered”.


Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered a speech on October 5 at the plenary session of the 20th meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club in Sochi and highlighted the tectonic and irreversible changes taking place in the world order.

According to Putin, globalists, including Schwab and his close advisers, are “legitimate military targets” because they actively tried to seize power illegally through a globalist coup.

Sixteen years ago, at the Munich Security Conference, Putin told Western leaders that the natural type of international system was multipolarity, making it clear that Russia would oppose the creation of a new world order founded on the rules-based liberal international order and pushed aggressively by the globalist elite and their liberal politicians in Western democracies.

The moment of truth has come, according to Putin, and the global elite's plans for a new world order are receding before our eyes while a new multipolar world, in which traditional cultures retain their heritage within their own borders, rises like a phoenix.

Putin outlines six principles of civilization for the post-New World Order world...

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UFO phenomenon

Gendarme ProfessionThe exploitation of the UFO phenomenon: the globalists' latest cartridge?

Gendarme Profession - Oct 03, 2023

AND, the last card of the cabal?


To dissociate the false from the true in the testimonies of UFO apparitions, the Western mainstream media rely on the conclusions of official study organizations, whose essential goal is to develop a uniform and policed ​​dogma with of their population. Depending on the goals of governments, these accounts can either deny the evidence or stoke fear.

This summary is based on the perception of the phenomenon in the United States and France, because no grouping of commissions of inquiry takes place at an international level. The little information that emerges suggests that this is the case throughout the Western world.

The “Théodule” committees which have succeeded one another since 1950 have all used equivalent techniques to explain UFO phenomena: discrediting the witness by his antecedents, objecting to a lack of reliable information, associating the observation with a banal physical phenomenon (probe balloon , plane, meteorite, reflection on water, moon, street lamp…)

The small number of events that clearly do not fit within the scope of these simplistic explanations are simply ignored.

The commissions are one-sided, they suck up all the testimony, but return nothing. The Majestic12 commission, very secret, has the particularity of being private, and acts on behalf of Rockefeller and Co, in case there is something to patent.

The UFO phenomenon has recently been rightly reclassified as UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) or UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena). However, we did not wish to allude in the acronym to the intelligent behavior of the phenomenon.

The radical solution employed by armies around the world is to launch aerial hunting without warning with orders to shoot to bring down the intruder, whereas a UFO only becomes aggressive if the witness is the first to be the aggressor. Did you say galactic brotherhood?

The official doctrine ignores that the UAP phenomenon has existed since the dawn of time and has arbitrarily set June 1947 as the start of the first observations. All Western countries (and Wikipedia) center the genesis of the phenomenon essentially on the United States, while observations take place throughout the world, under the seas, in space, around the moon and the planets.

The saucer-shaped profile is becoming rare, although it was common in antiquity. The very numerous current observations mainly refer to luminous or metallic spheres, sometimes near sensitive military sites, nuclear power plants or during disasters (earthquakes, tsunami, fires, Chernobyl, September 11, Fukushima, etc.)

Cases of abductees (abductions) Only 7 cases of abductions are officially referenced (see Wikipedia), although most of the 7 are completely bogus. Since 1997, no kidnappings or close contacts have been officially recorded, although they number in the hundreds. You should know that specialized journals, such as LDLN by Joel Mesnard (1), have for years (1988 to 2014) recorded all field testimonies through a network of independent ufologists. They have never encountered cases similar to the case made into an icon by Betty and Barney Hill in 1961. Abducted and raped in a prison saucer, which has all the characteristics of a satanic session from our country. Documented cases of kidnapping tend to involve a caring, albeit traumatic, medical inspection.

In contrast to unhealthy sensationalism, the press neglects the close observations of multiform and astonishing UFOs in their originality which sometimes go as far as the distortion of space-time, paralysis or even intelligent interactive communication of a hypnotic type with witnesses.

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NAME personalities and groups

Réseau InternationalWho are these “unknowns” who embody the new world order?

International Network - August 21, 2023

In this article, I would like to make the effort to clearly identify the people behind these “almighty” groups who claim to impose their New World Order on us.


But before knowing who does what, who is behind this or that organization, let's first start by putting together the puzzle of these organizations in order to see more clearly; in order to understand how this totalitarian cobweb was woven quietly with the ignorant approval of the people!


1 – Trilateral Commission

In July 1973, the globalists created a transnational political party, an organization of control and political, economic and police, even military decisions, the Trilateral Commission. The founders: David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brezinski, in particular…

This Commission presented itself as a "Global Forum of Thinkers" which would very quickly radicalize the Keynesian view of capitalism: the hegemony of a multinational economy, the acceleration of global labor exploitation, global military hegemony , (this is the objective of NATO), the absolute control of energies and raw materials, food control of the Planet, world demographic control, health control of peoples...

Brezinski was a prominent member of the Bilderberg Club and Obama's top foreign policy adviser. (died 2017)
Henry Kissinger, formerly Secretary of State of the United States, was also a prominent member of the Bilderberg club and organizing pin of this oligarchy for world governance.

The Trilateral is therefore a “political party on a global scale”.

"The Nation-State, as the fundamental unit of organized human life, has ceased to be the main creative force: the international banks and the transnational corporations are now the actors and the architects in the sense that these terms applied to the Nation-State. »

Zbigniew Brezinski

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Civitas exposes globalist Satanism

CivitasNews of Satanism in Globalist Politics

Civitas - August 19, 2023

Speech by Alain Escada during the Vè UDT du Pays Réel.


Do Lucifer and Fallen Angels Exist? And if they exist do they have any influence on our world? We thank our enemies for coming to our rescue today. Their less and less veiled allusions to the empire of a global spirituality, and which is certainly not that of Jesus Christ, have more weight than our preaching to convince our dechristianized contemporaries of the existence of these harmful powers. which are at work in the history of societies and men. Christians no longer believe in it, but the supporters of globalism have no doubts about it and have chosen their side. Let us give them the floor in this first conference; collect their confessions.

It is the President of Civitas himself who carried out the edifying collections of testimonies of this inverted, anti-Christian, even openly satanic spirituality, professed by the mentors of globalism.

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SDG-16 of the 2030 Agenda

Réseau InternationalSustainable Development Goal 16: Part 1 – Building the Global Police State

International Network - Jul 18, 2023

The United Nations affirms that Sustainable Development Goal 16 (SDG 16) aims to promote peaceful and inclusive societies and ensure access to justice for all.


Behind the rhetoric lies the real objective: to strengthen and consolidate the power and authority of the “global governance regime” and to exploit threats – real or imagined – in order to advance the regime's hegemony.

If we accept the assumption that “sustainable development” is global development that meets the needs of the world's poor, a reasonable person is unlikely to disagree with this stated goal.

But helping the poor is not the goal of SDG 16.

The real purpose of SDG 16 is threefold: (1) to strengthen a global governance regime, (2) to exploit threats, real and imagined, to advance the regime's goals, and (3) to impose on humanity a unjustified, unwanted and centrally controlled global digital identity (digital ID) system.

The UN's digital identity goal is hidden in SDG Goal 16.9:

“By 2030, ensure legal identity and birth registration for all”.

Although SDG 16 does not specifically allude to “digital” identification, that is what it means.

As we will see, the indicators for the SDG 16 target do not reveal the truth either. For example, the only “indicator” to measure progress on SDG 16.9 (16.9.1) is:

“The proportion of children under 5 whose births were registered with a civil authority, by age”.

One could therefore think that the task of “providing a legal identity” falls primarily on the so-called “civil authorities”. This is not the case.

Within the UN system, all governments (whether local, county, provincial, state or federal) are “stakeholder partners” in a global network made up of a wide range of organizations public and private. Many are explicitly supported by the United Nations or hosted on their premises, and all advocate digital ID as a key mechanism for achieving SDG 16.

This aspect of SDG 16 will be explored in more detail in Part 2.

This global amalgamation of organizations often uses one term to describe itself: it is a global public-private partnership (G3P).

The G3P works tirelessly to create the conditions necessary to justify the imposition of global governance “with teeth” and its indispensable digital identification system. In doing so, the G3P reverses the nature of our rights. He fabricates and exploits crises in order to claim the legitimacy of the “solutions” he proposes.

The G3P includes virtually all intergovernmental organizations, governments, global corporations, major philanthropic foundations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and civil society groups. Collectively, they form the “stakeholders” who implement sustainable development, and in particular SDG 16.

Digital ID will determine our access to public services, our central bank digital currency (CBDC) wallets, our “vaccine” certificates – everything, even the food and drink we are allowed to buy and consume.

Suspicious citizens are alert to potential abuses of digital ID by their authorities. In countries where a national digital ID is not welcome, such as the UK, G3P's solution is to build an "interoperable" system that links different digital ID systems together. This “modular platform” approach is designed to avoid the political problems that the formal issuance of a national digital ID card would otherwise create.

Establishing the global digital identity of SDG 16.9 is essential for eight of the seventeen UN SDGs. It is the fulcrum at the center of a global digital panopticon that is being conceived under the auspices of the UN's global public-private partnership “regime”.

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eight signs that show the progress of the globalists

Réseau InternationalEight signs that globalist control is advancing

International Network - June 27, 2023

Eight Signs The Futuristic Globalist Control Agenda Is Moving Fast


The future is here, and if you like being dominated by control freaks, you'll love it.

Digital ID is one of the main areas the globalists are focusing on right now and, as you will see below, the sweeping changes that are currently being proposed are extremely frightening. But most Americans have no idea what's going on. Instead, many of them are obsessed with the relatively insignificant dramas that our corporate news outlets keep highlighting.

Meanwhile, the globalists are achieving their goals with lightning speed, and there is virtually no resistance. Here are 8 signs that the futuristic agenda of globalist control is moving fast…

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the Club of Rome brings rain and shine

deep geopoliticsThe Club of Rome: The Secret Group Behind Climate Hysteria

Deep Geopolitics - June 26, 2023

How climate hysteria is being used to create global governance.


In the next century, nations as we know them will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, worldwide authority… National sovereignty was not such a good idea after all.

Last modification by Nathan- 54 there is
destruction of work

Equality and ReconciliationEuroglobalist objective: destruction of work by 2030

Equality and Reconciliation - June 24, 2023

Many French people have not yet become aware of the overall plan which has been affecting the whole country for 3 years and which will affect themselves over the next 7 years.


The Great Reset, the 2030 horizon promised by the globalist Klaus Schwab, means the progressive destruction of self-employment, CDI, industry, and behind, national production for the benefit of a digitized tertiary economy which makes the mass workers who can be forced to thank you, i.e. Marx's return to the XNUMXth century. The energy crisis has already brought thousands of VSEs to their knees.

When they see a small business or a craftsman closing, a farmer hanging himself or a fisherman showing up at Pôle emploi – renamed France Travail by a beautiful Orwellian inversion – many French people do not see the overall plan, the strong statistical trend. It's the story of the frog deep in its hole which mistakes the disc of sky it sees for the entire sky.

However, this whole sky is very dark today, for the Gauls: Macron, who wants to return for a 3rd term - the Bank is seeking to impose his zealous employee 5 more years on the throne -, is advancing at a forced march towards this famous horizon. , where we will no longer own anything, where we will be nomads in the Attalian sense, where everything will be uberized, education like health, that is to say desocialized. We see the seeds of this plan every day, with growing insecurity at all levels, no need to go back to the planned destruction of public services and the resulting chaos.

Admittedly, a universal income (RU) will be granted to the (new) idle poor, but it will barely allow them to survive, under constant administrative and police surveillance: the 2024 Olympics in a Paris in a state of war will serve as a laboratory. What beneficiary of the RU (son of the RSA) will dare to oppose a System that feeds him with pity and the cops with harshness?

The naïve will ask why an economy chooses to scuttle itself. It is the oligarchy that sacrifices it, to generate superprofits where possible, quick and easy: cutting France up, this has been Macron's project since 2014, when the Minc-Attali duo l saddled up. In other words, old-fashioned carbon production, with its machines and its men, its factories and its investments, is a thing of the past. Contemporary profit is that of finance, which earns money with money, and which no longer needs human employment. Hence the neutralization of labor laws under the leadership of Bornstein. The XNUMXth century was that of the disappearance of the profession; the XNUMXst will be that of the disappearance of employment, which was already a degradation of the profession.

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