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Stratpol: bulletin n°163

stratpolBulletin No. 163. Zelensky the end? Putin & the Middle East, 2024 candidacy

Stratpol - 11 Dec 2023

STRATPOL: Bulletin n°163 by Xavier Moreau


01:35 Economy
Russian automobile
Russian Aeronautics
Washington Post: stratpolization
No US money for kyiv

08:20 Politico-diplomatic
Lecornu and strategic intimacy
Putin in the Middle East
Pistorius: Berlin vs kyiv

13:40 Terrorism
Milley and the throat slitting
Assassination of Ilia Kiva
Severomouisk Tunnel

20:35 Arming
Underestimating Russia
Russian robots on the front
Escort of SU-35s

22:25 General military considerations
NATO: my new stories
Lies on LCI
New Gamelin: Lieutenant-Colonel Vincent Arbaretier
Save NATO!

33:30 Map of military operations

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Stratpol: bulletin n°162

stratpolBulletin No. 162. Russia vs LGBT, conservative acceleration, American-style heist

Stratpol - 04 Dec 2023

STRATPOL: bulletin n°162 by Xavier Moreau


01:30 – Ukraine, why Russia won:
• Pogledi
• Manifesto by Maximilian Krah
• Russian Book Fair
• Demonstration for Donbass
• Conference in Quebec
• This is Moscow!

08:12 – Censorship failure against Russia Today:
• Aesthetics of The Economist

09:35 – Russia: conservative and anti-imperialist acceleration:

15:55 – Economy:
• Dedollarization
• American-style heist on Binance
• German economic crisis
• Warsaw vs kyiv
• Russian unemployment

22:55 – Politico-diplomatic:
• Death of Kissinger
• Poland vs OSCE
• The two Koreas
• Russian-Anglo-Saxon friendship
• Russian war aims

28:58 – Arming:
• Russian superiority in electronic warfare
• Russian superiority in firepower
• Russian superiority in drone production
• Counter-offensive in the Black Sea
• Romanian BTR-60 for Ukraine
• US radars in spring
• Fragile Abrams
• Iranian show of force

36:20 – General military considerations
• US Army vs Middle East
• Boris Johnson the warmonger
• Defeat is always an orphan
• Stéphane Audrand, The cruise has fun
• 1 Ukrainians dead or missing?
• Average age in the Ukrainian army: 54 years old
• Ancel’s dike vs reality
• Zelensky vs reality

50:00 – Map of military operations

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Russia is indivisible

RT France“We will not allow Russia to be divided”, assures Putin

RT France - Dec 03, 2023

During an intervention at the XNUMXth plenary session of the World People's Council, chaired by Patriarch Kirill, the Russian president made a plea for the cultural and spiritual unity of the country, in the face of the divisions that the West hopes to impose.


“It is our country, the Russian world, which has repeatedly in history opposed those who today claim to be the masters of the world,” declared Vladimir Putin on November 28, during a address to participants of the XNUMXth plenary session of the World Council of the Russian People. “We are against a dictatorship, a hegemony,” said the head of state. “It is our country which today is at the forefront of global justice,” he assures.

“Without a sovereign Russia, there is no possible world order,” he continued, pointing the finger at the West. Faced with a “vast and diverse” country, whose “diversity of cultures, traditions and customs” constitutes in his eyes a “huge competitive advantage”, Vladimir Putin warned against a West, which according to him “in principle , does not need a country as large and plurinational as Russia, with its traditions, its cultures, its languages”.

Westerners “are against all the peoples of Russia”

Westerners, or more precisely Western elites, whose worldview he castigates. “They consider Russia to be a prison of the people,” he said. “Russophobia, other forms of racism and neo-Nazism have practically become the ideology of the Western ruling elites,” said the Russian leader. An approach, according to him, not only directed against the Russians, but also “against all the peoples of Russia”.

“Any interference from outside – or any attempt to generate religious conflicts – will be fought,” warned Vladimir Putin. “We will fight against terrorism as an instrument in the fight against us, we will react,” he insisted. “We will not allow Russia to be divided, which must be one,” the Russian president further assured.

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Putin's trap

Réseau InternationalEurope has fallen into the trap set for Putin

International Network - Nov 28, 2023

The reality of war sobers Western hawks. When Western leaders dragged Putin into war, they thought they had set the perfect trap.


They knew very well that if they teased the Kremlin about Ukraine joining NATO, it would be forced to respond militarily, just as the United States would if something similar happened. in Mexico. This is why the American authorities, a few months before the hostilities, claimed that they were going to break out – because they themselves had provoked them. Moscow tried to assert its interests during the December 2021 negotiations, by demanding security guarantees. Then she demonstratively began rolling tanks along her border. But, of course, nothing had any effect. Everyone was deliberately deaf.

The war signified the definitive rupture between Russia and Europe, intended to weaken both and eliminate Washington's serious competitors in the global economy and in military power. It stopped the creation of a global power center in the European Union.

As soon as Putin did what he was obliged to do, American politicians and their European lackeys began to fantasize wildly about how they could defeat him cheaply at the hands of the Ukrainians and continue to destroy Russia. In the spring of 2022, Biden was so excited that he directly talked about overthrowing the Russian president. “Damn it, he can’t stay in power!” he shouted.

The US Congressional Government Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, also known as the Helsinki Commission, had even bolder plans. She convened conferences of Russian dissidents, with whom she discussed how they could work together to "decolonize" Russia. In simple terms, cutting off the country's territories. This was seen as a “moral and strategic imperative.”

European leaders were also determined and did not question what they would gain from the conflict. Contrary to the usual diplomatic clichés about a peaceful settlement, Josep Borrell declared from the first months that victory would be won on the battlefield. EU leaders have never shown such confidence, even on the most pressing issues for citizens. Moreover, he promised that Ukraine would become stronger after the war than it was before.

Europeans overcame all their other interests to realize this strange dream. They cut themselves off from cheap raw materials, severed supply chains and blocked themselves from accessing the vast market for investing and selling technology goods. Of course, the Russians and Chinese occupied the vacated niches.

The biggest enthusiasts, like Boris Johnson, continued to believe until the winter of 2023 that kyiv would succeed in reconquering Crimea. This was partly fueled by the failures of the Russian military in the fall of 2022. However, even then, such fantasies aroused doubts in Washington. The Biden administration began to understand that the capture of the peninsula would not stop, but would worsen the war, and it was already starting to get boring. Therefore, the bet was placed on the last counter-offensive, which would ultimately force the Russians into unfavorable negotiations, and all problems could be resolved.

No Hollywood film has been announced as intrusively as this operation. As practice later showed, the massive media coverage was a mistake. Too many hopes are placed on the Ukrainian armed forces. It all ended with a lead of 5-10 miles and shameful excuses like “we didn't fall for it, we're just late”.

Economic pressure also failed. While the German economy collapses by 0,6% and businesses close due to overpriced fuel, Russia's GDP, despite all sanctions and attempts to deprive oil and gas revenues, increases by 2%. In the second half of 2023, the pace even accelerated to reach 5,5%. The country receives $20 billion or more per month from the export of oil and petroleum products alone. These amounts largely cover the total volume of Western aid to Ukraine.

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Stratpol: bulletin n°161

stratpolBulletin No. 161. 3 years of bulletins, Zelenski and the 7th cauldron, Javier Milei

Stratpol - 26 Nov 2023

STARTPOL: bulletin n°161 by Xavier Moreau


00:00 – Deep geopolitics
- PlanetVPN

- Conference in Quebec
- STRATPOL, 3 years of bulletins

03:09 – Economy
- Northern Sea Route
- Dedollarization
- Putin at the G-20
- Solidity of the Russian economy
- Brussels-style robbery

10:30 p.m. – Politico-diplomatic
- Finnish blockade
- IX international cultural forum in St. Petersburg
- Javier Milei president
- CSTO in Minsk
- Montreux & Türkiye vs NATO
- Sandu-Zelensky meeting

23:00 – Terrorism
- Death of Polina Menchikh

24:45 – Arming
- Underwater nuclear deterrent
- LCI and hovering bombs
- RBK-500 cluster munitions

31:00 – General military considerations
- 10 years of Maidan
- Austin to Kyiv
- Russian losses
- Die for Zelensky
- Who wants to kill Zelensky?

40:38 – Map of military operations

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censorship Gaza

VoltairenetHow Netanyahu falsifies the news

Voltairenet - Nov 22, 2023

We think we are correctly informed in the West about what is happening in Gaza. It is not so. The images we see are selected. The comments we hear do not allow us to understand them. They deliberately mislead us.


Any dissenting opinion is censored.

Like all wars, the one between the State of Israel and the Palestinian population is the subject of a media battle. The Palestinian Resistance does not need to tell the story of the injustice it is fighting against: you just have to look to see. It rather aims to magnify one or another of its components. Israel must, on the other hand, convince of its good faith, which after three quarters of a century of violation of international law is not an easy task.
Before the attack

Since the attack by the Palestinian Resistance on October 7, 2023, Israel has deployed all its services to make us believe that this attack is an operation by Hamas jihadists; and that he knew nothing about his preparation.

However, this attack was carried out by all Palestinian factions, with the exception of Fatah. Hamas defined itself until recently as the “Palestinian Branch of the Muslim Brotherhood”, as indicated on all its documents. In this capacity, he fought against the secularists of Yasser Arafat's Fatah and George Habache's PFLP, then against those of President Bashar al-Assad's Syrian Arab Republic. All, in his eyes, were only “enemies of God”. Hamas was financed by Israel and, in Syria, its fighters were supervised by Mossad and NATO officers. However, after the failure of the Brotherhood in Egypt and their defeat in Syria, Hamas was divided between a part loyal to the Muslim Brotherhood, led by Khaled Meshaal and still pursuing the establishment of a global Caliphate, and another which refocused on the liberation of Palestine. This second trend, initiated by Iran, reconnected with Syria until its leader, Khalil Hayya, was received in Damascus by President Bashar el-Assad. She also reconnected with the Lebanese Hezbollah, to the point of participating, in Beirut, in meetings with it and other components of the Palestinian Resistance.


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the front line in Ukraine

Réseau InternationalIt's not a 'dead end': The collapse of the Ukrainian front line

International Network - Nov 17, 2023

Evidence is mounting, through leaks, of a widespread collapse of Ukraine's front lines.


Leaks indicate widespread collapse of Ukrainian front lines.

Previously, we focused on the southern Zaporizhia front. Today we focus on Kharkov in the northeast.

The attached document, the authenticity of which has been fully verified, is a July report addressed to the chief of staff of the operational-tactical group “Sumy”.

The report essentially states that it is impossible to remove two-thirds of unit A7383 from the battlefield to restore combat readiness because the remaining third is incapable of holding the fort – which spans 55,5 .XNUMX km.

At the same time, recruitment is happening very slowly.

Four months ago, the 127th separate territorial defense brigade in Kharkov was still equipped with 72% of its strength, or 2392 soldiers and 256 officers. Yet the moral and psychological state of the unit was critical, just as in the previous Zaporizhia case.

So forget about restoring combat fitness: this is a new case of a brigade – today in Kharkov – that cannot fight properly. The previous case was far from being an exception to the current rule.

The conclusion is clear: with entire brigades in a critical state, the entire Ukrainian front line may be on the verge of falling.

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UN New York

VoltairenetThierry Meyssan: What international order?

Voltairenet - Nov 10, 2023

We reproduce the text of Thierry Meyssan's intervention in Magdeburg (Germany), during the conference organized by Compact magazine, “Friendship with Russia”, on November 4, 2023.


He explains what constitutes, according to him, the fundamental difference between the two conceptions of the world order which clash today from Donbass to Gaza: that of the Western bloc and that to which the rest of the world refers. It is not a question of knowing whether this order should be dominated by one power (unipolar) or by a group of powers (multipolar), but whether or not it should be respectful of the sovereignty of each. The author draws on the history of international law, as Tsar Nicholas II and Nobel Peace Prize winner Léon Bourgeois conceived it.

We have seen NATO's crimes, but why affirm our friendship with Russia? Is there not a risk of seeing it behave tomorrow like NATO today? Are we not going to substitute one slavery for another?

To answer this question, I would draw on my successive experience as advisor to five heads of state. Russian diplomats everywhere told me: you are on the wrong track: you are committing to putting out a fire here, while another has started elsewhere. The problem is deeper and broader.
I would therefore like to describe to you the difference between a world order based on rules and one based on international law. It is not a linear story, but a battle between two worldviews; a fight that it is up to us to continue.

In the 1815th century, the Treaties of Westphalia established the principle of state sovereignty. Everyone is equal to others and no one can interfere in the internal affairs of others. It is these Treaties which have governed, for centuries, both relations between the current Länder and those between European States. They were reaffirmed by the Congress of Vienna in XNUMX, during the defeat of Napoleon I.

On the eve of the First World War, Tsar Nicholas II convened two International Peace Conferences (1899 and 1907), in The Hague, in order to "search for the most effective means of ensuring to all peoples the benefits of real and lasting peace. He prepared them with Pope Benedict XV on the basis of canon law and not on the law of the strongest. 27 states signed the final work, after two months of deliberations. The president of the French Radical [Republican] Party, Léon Bourgeois, presented his thoughts on the reciprocal dependence of States and on the interest they have in uniting despite their rivalries.
Under the leadership of Léon Bourgeois, the Conference created an international court of arbitration responsible for resolving conflicts by legal means rather than by war. According to Bourgeois, states will only agree to disarm when they have other security guarantees. The final text establishes the notion of “the duty of States to avoid war”… by resorting to arbitration.

Under the leadership of a minister of the Tsar, Frédéric Fromhold de Martens, the Conference agreed that, during an armed conflict, the populations and the belligerents must remain under the protection of the principles which result from "the customs established between civilized nations, the laws of humanity and the demands of public conscience. In short, the signatories agreed to no longer behave like barbarians.
This system only works between civilized states that honor their signature and are accountable to their public opinion. It failed, in 1914, because the States had lost their sovereignty by concluding Defense treaties requiring them to enter into war automatically in certain circumstances which they could not assess themselves.

Léon Bourgeois' ideas gained ground, but encountered opposition, including that of his rival within the Radical Party, Georges Clemenceau. The latter did not believe that public opinion could prevent wars. The Anglo-Saxons, the President of the United States, Woodrow Wilson, and the British Prime Minister, Lloyd George, did not believe it either. The three men substituted the Force of the Victors for International Law, which was still in its infancy at the end of the First World War. They shared the world and the remains of the Austro-Hungarian, German, and Ottoman empires. They placed full responsibility for the massacres on Germany alone, denying their own. They imposed disarmament without guarantees. To prevent the emergence of a rival to the British Empire in Europe, the Anglo-Saxons began to pit Germany against the USSR and obtained silence from France by assuring it that it could plunder the II° Reich defeated. In a way, as the first President of the Federal Republic, Theodor Heuss, said, they organized the conditions for the development of Nazism.
As they had agreed among themselves, the three men reshaped the world in their image (Wilson's 14 points, the Sykes-Picot agreements, the Balfour declaration). They created the Jewish home of Palestine, dissected Africa and Asia and tried to reduce Turkey to its bare minimum. They organized all the current disorders in the Middle East.

However, it was on the basis of the ideas of the late Nicholas II and Léon Bourgeois that the League of Nations (SDN) was established after the First World War, without the participation of the United States which thus officially refused any idea of ​​international law. However, the League of Nations also failed. Not because the United States refused to be part of it, as is said. It was their right. But firstly because it was incapable of re-establishing strict equality between the States, the United Kingdom being opposed to considering colonized peoples equal. Then because it did not have a common army. And finally because the Nazis massacred their opponents, destroyed German public opinion, violated the Berlin signature and did not hesitate to behave like barbarians.

As early as the Atlantic Charter in 1942, the new US President Franklin Roosevelt and the new British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, set the common objective of establishing a world government at the end of the conflict. The Anglo-Saxons, who imagined themselves able to govern the world, did not however agree among themselves on how to go about it. Washington did not want London to interfere in its affairs in Latin America, while London did not intend to share the hegemony of the Empire on which “the sun never set”. The Anglo-Saxons signed a number of treaties during the War with the Allied governments, notably those in exile, which they hosted in London.

Moreover, the Anglo-Saxons did not succeed in defeating the Third Reich; it was the Soviets who overthrew it and took Berlin. Joseph Stalin, the first secretary of the CPSU, was opposed to the idea of ​​a world government, especially Anglo-Saxon. He just wanted an organization that could prevent future conflicts. In any case, it was Russian conceptions which gave birth to the system: that of the United Nations Charter, during the San Francisco conference.

In the spirit of the Hague Conferences, all UN member states are equal. The Organization includes an internal tribunal, the International Court of Justice, responsible for resolving conflicts that arise between its members. However, given previous experiences, the five victorious powers have a permanent seat on the Security Council with a veto. Given that there was no trust between them (the Anglo-Saxons had considered continuing the war with the remaining German troops against the USSR) and that it was unknown how the General Assembly would behave, the various victors wanted to ensure that the UN did not turn against them (the United States had committed terrible war crimes by launching two atomic bombs against civilians, while Japan… was preparing its surrender to the Soviets). But the great powers did not understand the veto in the same way at all. For some, it was a right to censor the decisions of others, for others, it was the obligation to make decisions unanimously by the winners.

Except that from the start, the Anglo-Saxons did not play the game: an Israeli state proclaimed itself (May 14, 1948) before its borders had been agreed, then the special envoy of the secretary General of the United Nations who was to ensure the creation of a Palestinian state, Count Folke Bernadotte, was assassinated by Jewish supremacists, under the command of Yitzhak Shamir. Furthermore, the Security Council seat allocated to China, in the context of the ending Chinese civil war, was given to Chiang Kai-shek's Kuomintang and not to Beijing. The Anglo-Saxons proclaimed the independence of their Korean zone of occupation under the name "Republic of Korea" (August 15, 1948), created NATO (April 4, 1949), then proclaimed the independence of their zone of occupation. German occupation under the name of “Federal Germany” (May 23, 1949).

Considering that it had been fooled, the USSR slammed the door (“empty seat” policy). The Georgian Joseph Stalin wrongly believed that the veto was not a right of censorship, but a condition of unanimity of the winners. He thought he would block the organization by boycotting it.
The Anglo-Saxons interpreted the text of the Charter that they had drawn up and took advantage of the absence of the Soviets to place “blue helmets” on the heads of their soldiers and waged war on the North Koreans (June 25, 1950) in the “name of the international community” (sic). Ultimately, on August 1, 1950, the Soviets returned to the UN, after 6 and a half months of absence.

If the North Atlantic Treaty is legal, NATO's internal regulations violate the United Nations Charter. He placed the allied armies under the command of the Anglo-Saxons. Its commander-in-chief, the SACEUR, must be a United States officer. According to its first Secretary General, Lord Ismay, the real objective of the Alliance is neither to preserve peace nor to fight against the Soviets, but to "Keep the Americans in, the Russians out and the Germans under supervision. In short, it is the armed wing of the world government that Roosevelt and Churchill wanted to create. It is in pursuit of this goal that President Joe Biden ordered the sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipeline which linked Russia to Germany.

At the Liberation, MI6 and the OPC (i.e. the future CIA) secretly installed a stay-behind network in Germany. They placed thousands of Nazi officials there whom they helped to escape justice. Klaus Barbie, who tortured French Resistance coordinator Jean Moulin, became the first commander of this shadow army. Then this network was incorporated within NATO where it was largely reduced. It was then used by the Anglo-Saxons to interfere in the political life of their supposed allies, in reality their vassals.

Former collaborators of Joseph Goebbels created the Volksbund für Frieden und Freiheit. They persecuted German communists with the help of the United States. Later NATO stay-behind agents were able to manipulate the far left to make it detestable. This is for example the case of the Bader gang. But as these men were arrested, the stay-behind came to assassinate them in prison, before they were tried and spoke. In 1992, Denmark spied on Chancellor Angela Merkel on the instructions of NATO, as in 2022, Norway, another NATO member, helped the United States to sabotage Nord Stream...

Let's return to International Law, gradually things returned to order until the Ukrainian Leonid Brezhnev did, in Central Europe, in 1968 during the Prague Spring, what the Anglo-Saxons did everywhere else: he banned States allied with the USSR to choose an economic model other than the breast.

It was with the dissolution of the USSR that things started to get worse. US Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz developed a doctrine according to which, to remain masters of the world, the United States must do everything to prevent the emergence of a new rival, starting with the European Union. . It was in application of this idea that Secretary of State James Baker imposed the enlargement of the European Union to all the former States of the Warsaw Pact and the USSR. By developing in this way, the Union deprived itself of the possibility of becoming a political entity. It is still in application of this doctrine that the Treaty of Maastricht placed the EU under the protection of NATO. And it is still in application of this doctrine that Germany and France pay and arm Ukraine.

Then came the Czech-US professor Josef Korbel. He proposed to the Anglo-Saxons to dominate the world by rewriting international treaties. According to him, it was enough to substitute Anglo-Saxon law, based on custom, for the rationality of Roman law. In this way, all the Treaties would give the advantage in the long term to the dominant powers: the United States and the United Kingdom, linked by a “special relationship”, in the words of Winston Churchill. Professor Korbel's daughter, the democrat Madeleine Albright, became ambassador to the UN, then secretary of state. Then, when the White House passed into Republican hands, Professor Korbel's adopted daughter, Condoleeza Rice, succeeded him as National Security Advisor, then Secretary of State. For two decades, the two “sisters” patiently rewrote the main international texts, allegedly to modernize them, in fact to change their spirit.

Today, international institutions operate according to rules decreed by the Anglo-Saxons, based on previous violations of international law. This right is not written in any code, since it is an interpretation of custom by the dominant power. Every day we substitute unjust rules for international law and we violate our own signature.

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Hezbollah - Iran - Hamas

The Francophone SakerHezbollah gains height

Le Saker Francophone - Nov 08, 2023

The Palestinian question, which Benjamin Netanyahu thought he had practically resolved by gradually assimilating “all of Israel” to a Zionist entity, has returned in force to the forefront of the political scene in the Middle East and international society, thanks to Hamas, the tank of Palestinian resistance.


According to Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah, the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7 was “entirely the result of Palestinian determination and execution, meticulously concealed from everyone, including the resistance factions based in Gaza […] and free from any entanglement with regional or international actors.”

In his historic speech in Beirut on Friday, Nasrallah stressed that Hamas' attack on Israel “unequivocally demonstrated that Iran has no control over the resistance factions, with the real decision-makers being the resistance leaders. and their dedicated fighters.”

Nasrallah's speech was eagerly awaited in capitals around the world, mainly for clues about Hezbollah's intentions for the future. But the master tactician instead focused on the bigger picture, because, as he put it, October 7 “heralds a changing landscape, requiring shared responsibility from all parties.”

Thus, stopping the Israeli aggression against Gaza and the victory of Hamas in the region should be the current objectives, which is in the national interest of Egypt, Jordan and Syria and a “capital importance” for Lebanon. Of course, the Gaza Strip has always been at the heart of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and has long been linked to Palestinian nationalism.

Hezbollah entered the battle for Gaza on October 8, because “what is happening on our Lebanese front will not be limited to it, it will extend beyond,” Nasrallah stressed. Therefore, the resistance operations carried out in southern Lebanon have a deterrent effect and any attack on Lebanon or preventive operation “would be the greatest madness in the history of Israel's existence.” He added that the escalation depended on two “fundamental factors”: the unfolding of events in Gaza and the conduct of the Israeli army towards Lebanon.

“All possibilities remain open on our Lebanese front, with each option being considered and capable of being implemented at any time, it is imperative that we remain ready to face all possible scenarios,” Nasrallah added.

“We have also prepared to counter the American fleet,” he added. Recalling the humiliation suffered by the United States in the early 1980s in Lebanon, Nasrallah said: “Those who want to avoid an American war should act quickly to end the aggression against Gaza... In the event of a regional conflict, the naval fleets and air warfare will prove futile and of no real benefit… your interests and your soldiers will be those who suffer the most and suffer the greatest losses.”

So what is the big picture? Nasrallah sums up the situation: “Even if we need more time, we are achieving victories in different areas, as we did in different areas in Gaza and as the resistance in the West Bank… This battle is characterized by resilience, patience, endurance and the accumulation of achievements, all of which aim to prevent the enemy from achieving his goals.”

It appears that the content of Nasrallah's speech did not take US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who was traveling to Tel Aviv, by surprise. It can be assumed that the communication channels were active. To connect the dots, the head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard's Quds Force, General Esmail Qaani, visited Beirut last Tuesday and met with Nasrallah.

The same day, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian met the Emir of Qatar, Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, in Doha, and then the leader of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh. (This was Amir-Abdollahian's second visit to Qatar within a fortnight).

In the chronicle of the Axis of Resistance, figures like Nasrallah (or Moqtada al-Sadr, the Iraqi Shiite cleric) are anything but one-dimensional figures. Iran's success lies in its tact, infinite patience and ability to adapt to the external and internal demands of resistance politics. This is largely the legacy of General Qasem Soleimani, who was targeted and killed by a US drone attack near Baghdad airport in January 2000.

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Stratpol: bulletin n°158

stratpolBulletin 158: Zelensky tired, more sanctions, Gamelin depressed

Stratpol - 06 Nov 2023

STRATPOL: Bulletin n° 158 by Xavier Moreau


01:10 – Debate with Pierre Hillard:

04:02 – Economy:
• More sanctions!
• Washington VS Europe
• Washington VS Tokyo
• Russian growth: 2,8%
• Ilyushin 96-400M

14:25 – Politico-diplomatic:
• Aid for Ukraine: Failure of Joe Biden
• Empire of lies: Meloni trapped
• Orbán in Kazakhstan
• E. Macron in Central Asia

18:23 – Terrorism:
• Riot in Makhachkala
• Azov recruits in France

24:00 – Arming:
• Third failure of Minuteman III

25:30 – General military considerations
• Zelensky in his bunker
• Confessions of Zaluzhny
• Gamelin Servent vs Zalouzhny

38:40 – Map of military operations

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Eustace Mullins

Equality and ReconciliationWho directs our leaders? The World Order by Eustace Mullins

Equality and Reconciliation - Nov 03, 2023

In this 2005 interview (Mullins died in 2010) devoted to his spiritual father Ezra Pound, who trained four Nobel Prize winners, Eustace Mullins denounces with surgical precision the power that is both excessive and criminal of the Bank.


Mullins delves his analysis even further into the roots of this deep power called the Federal Reserve: it is at the center of American monetary policy, its aggressive geopolitics and the wars that engulfed the XNUMXth century. Mullins also unmasks the Zionism behind American policy.

A video, subtitled by E&R, rich and informative to understand the mechanism which led to the current situation.

“It is no more “federal” than the Federal Express company. And she has no “reservations”. It does not need reserves because it prints its own money. If you print your own money, what’s the point? Just turn on the printer and create 10 billion dollars!

Finally, it is not a “system”. It is called the “Federal Reserve System” but it is not federal, it does not have reserves and it is not a system. I am the only one in the world to have defined it, in my work, as a crime syndicate.

And that's what he is: a crime syndicate! Like the mafia, which is one of its subsidiaries. As well as the CIA and all the crime syndicates that depend on the Federal Reserve System. A central bank is a group of bankers who exercise complete control over a country's economy. They print their own money, as much as they want, and it ends up worthless... through speculation... A central bank is designed for speculation.

The Fed system was set up solely for speculation. Its creator was Paul Warburg, a partner at Kuhn, Loeb & Co. in New York, who, incidentally, financed the communist revolution, the Hitler revolution, and Japan's entry into World War II...”

Eustace Mullins

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Stratpol: bulletin n°155

stratpolJoan of Arc at Saint Pet, Moscow Strikes Back, Palestine vs Israel

Stratpol - 15 Oct 2023

STRATPOL: Bulletin n°155 by Xavier Moreau


01:43 Economy
Stabilization of the ruble and inflation
G7 vs Russian loans
Record revenues for Russian hydrocarbons
Blackout for France and Ukraine

06:20 Politico-diplomatic
Joan of Arc in Saint Petersburg
Damaged Baltic-Connector (Estonia-Finland gas pipeline)
Putin in Bishkek
Israelo-Palestinian conflict
John Mearsheimer the visionary
Soviet legacy of Arab politics
Israel vs Ukraine

19:49 Arming
Delivery of SU-35, SU-57, SU-34

20:51 General military considerations
Israel vs Palestine, first lessons
Moscow strikes back

32:30 Map of military operations