Last modification by Nathan- 54 there is
live without electricity - zombie apocalypse

Réseau InternationalZombie apocalypse

International Network - Nov 26, 2022

It's been a few years since I thought about what would happen in the Paris region if we were completely deprived of electricity for more than three days.


Well, the twelve million inhabitants of the region would have to be evacuated. Because no electricity means no running water, no petrol in service stations (tanks are buried, and pumps are electric), supermarkets (3 days reserve) not supplied, hospitals ditto etc After three days maximum, you have to start living on your reserves, or else have a well-stocked base somewhere, and the means to get there.

No telephone (cell towers run on electricity), no internet, no TV or radio either, except shortwave radio, but who has a shortwave radio? I tell you not to panic. Zombie apocalypse live.

However, the worst is not always certain. Rather, I see an economic collapse, less dramatic but with the same end result.

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Last modification by Nathan- 54 there is
Linky lies and manipulation

The strategist's letterThe Linky affair, revealing French mistrust for the caste that lies to it

The mail from the strategists - 08 oct 2022

The Linky affair, and the rumor of possible remote hot water cuts, is a kind of perfect case study to illustrate not the mistrust, but the mistrust that has developed between the caste in power and the rest. of the French people, who find it increasingly difficult to believe official lies.


The way the subsidized press cartel flew to the aid of Enedis demonstrated, if necessary, how much the regime relies on "trusted journalists" to convince beggars not to worry and to obey without flinching all the delusions that have taken power.

The reactions to an AFP dispatch published on Tuesday, announcing that Enedis would interrupt the power supply to hot water tanks between 12 p.m. and 14 p.m. for six months were a powerful indicator of the French malaise which should greatly worry the power. Never before have ordinary citizens expressed so much distrust of the incessant lies of the caste that directs and manipulates them.

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Last modification by Nathan- 54 there is
hot water cut in France

Planets360As an electrician, I will explain to you what Enedis has planned to do

Planetes360 - 07 Oct 2022

Contrary to what some media have suggested, hot water will not be cut off by Linky meters this winter.


The controversy around Linky meters was revived by the discreet publication of a ministerial decree on September 22. According to some rather rapid analyses, the text would allow Enedis, the manager of the current distribution network, to "cut off your hot water remotely this winter" via the famous Linky meters.

Here, in pictures, what it is exactly.

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Last modification by Nathan- 54 there is
Linky cuts

hashtableA smooth plan and well-prepared power outages

Hashtable – Oct 04, 2022

Power outages, officially feared, are in reality totally planned and are now a virtual certainty.


To be convinced of this, it will suffice to read the short decree in application since last Saturday and whose text, written with all the lightness of the usual legislative intestines, is if not clear at least not very open to extrapolation: its first article explains that 'it will now be possible to cut the electricity at will for a period not exceeding two hours, between 11 a.m. and 15:30 p.m., at the discretion of the public authorities, sorry, I mean according to the patati energy needs and the tensions of the patata network.

Here, the idea is always the same: the zotorités, the public authorities and the mom government will multiply the vexations then the return to normal, in short, alternate slaps and caresses in rapid succession in order to unseat individuals by making them go from a negative emotion (fear of missing out, being cold or hungry, etc.) to a positive emotion (relief of a return to "normal") to make them emotionally malleable, ready to accept different more or less significant losses of dignity and freedom.

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