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increasing mortality

Gendarme ProfessionMysterious increase in deaths in Europe

Gendarme profession - 20 Sep 2022

Scientists and data scientists are perplexed by the growing increase in recorded deaths in Europe.


European countries are currently experiencing an abnormally high death rate, and deaths from the coronavirus are not the direct reason for this increase. Known as "excess mortality", mortality is abnormally high in the Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Portugal and Great Britain.

Since April, the death rate has increased sharply in Europe, by 11% on average. What intrigues experts is that these deaths are not directly linked to the coronavirus pandemic.

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Obligatory viccine

The southern CrossRing vaccination: towards a compulsory vaccine

The Southern Cross - May 24, 2021

A COSV bill could make freedom of vaccination obsolete: If you are declared a contact case, you would have a choice: get vaccinated or be placed in strict and monitored quarantine. This video exposes the implausibility of this project which, beyond being useless and immoral, it is also unrealistic.


This bill is readable here.

Last modification by Kelib - 54 there is
firefighter stroke

The media in 4 4 2Vaccination causes excess stroke mortality - Testimony of a firefighter

The media in 4 4 2 - May 24, 2021

The witness says he sees many cases of post-vaccination stroke, he mentions the fact that these strokes are more fatal than those that occurred without vaccination. He reports the words of a nurse to whom he confided his doubts as to the harmfulness of the vaccine... She confirms his hypotheses...


“Indeed there are more and more of them, she tells me that very often it is within two weeks of vaccination. We're alerting everyone, but there's nothing coming back..."

A Lyon firefighter

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CDC falsifying covid tests

Digital DawnCDC accentuates falsification of Covid test results

Digital Dawn - May 22, 2021

The US Centers for Disease Control has decided to change the values ​​that make a test positive or negative. This change only applies to the tests of vaccinated people, the vaccinated will naturally be "less positive" while the non-vaccinated will have more chances of being declared positive...

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Hold up

hold-up-mediaCovid-19: 99.95% survival rate and ring vaccination strategy

heist-media - May 21, 2021

Pierre Barnérias, official supporting documents (from Public Health France - see page 43 - and advice on vaccine strategy), exposes the number of deaths from Covid-19, highlighting deaths by comorbidity.


Pierre Barnérias, is a French journalist, director and director of photography known for his documentaries - including Hold-Up in particular - on the theme of the Covid-19 pandemic.

In this video, he also denounces the ring vaccination strategy which will force all primary and secondary contact cases to be vaccinated or risk being placed in supervised quarantine. You can also read this article who backs up his point

“I am frightened by the screaming silence of the media”

Pierre Barnerias

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Fear Control Media

Sott: Sign of The TimesUse of fear to control behavior: confession of scientists

Sott: Sign of The Times - May 18, 2021

SPI-B scientists encouraged the UK government to use fear to more easily control the behavior of the population, today some admit that the use of fear was unethical and regret their acts.


SPI-B provides independent, expert behavioral science advice to the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE), which in turn advises ministers and civil servants across government. This guidance is intended to anticipate and help people adhere to interventions recommended by medical or epidemiological experts. (Well normally!)

“Fear was necessary to encourage compliance, and decisions were made on how to increase fear. The way we used fear is dystopian. »

A scientist from SPI-B

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Raoult Vaccination

ihu-marseilleProfessor Raoult speaks on vaccination to fight against COVID-19

IHU Méditerranée Infection - May 11, 2021

What is the “benefit-risk” balance of vaccination or non-vaccination?
His tempered speech promotes a conscious choice. However, Didier Raoult, supporting studies – in particular the Lancet, highlights the ineffectiveness of the vaccine …


For or against? Dangerous or not? Many of us no longer know what to think and for good reason: we have never informed them, scientifically, about vaccination. Professor Didier Raoult, a world-renowned microbiologist who directs the largest French center devoted to infectious diseases (IHU Marseille), fills this gap. The only question to ask is: which vaccine is useful, for whom, in what circumstances?

“Our vaccine policy is inconsistent, outdated and ineffective”

Pr Didier Raoult

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Vaccine side effects

kla-tvCovid-19 vaccination and serious side effects

Kla-tv – May 8, 2021

Shawn Stelton, an American in perfect health until the beginning of this year, was vaccinated in January 2021 with the COVID Moderna vaccine. In the days that followed, she suffered heavy, uncontrollable and irreversible side effects on her own body. His testimony is both shocking and alarming.


Kla.TV is in a way not only a historical archive but also a mental fitness room. Train your own opinion by exploring the series of shows on Kla.TV and regularly studying the most important shows and movies...

You can also check out these pictures of red blood cells before and after injection...

“I can walk, but my legs just wobble. »

Shawn Stelton

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ReinfoCovidThe lockdown paradigm is collapsing

RéinfoCovid - May 6, 2021

By comparing various states and their own way of managing the Covid-19 crisis, it is clear that confinement is not a factor allowing the drop in the number of deaths, or even the number of cases...


This article by Jeffrey A, Tucker, editorial director of the American Institute for Economic Research was translated by scientists from the ReinfoCovid collective.

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fauci wuhan financing

FR24 NewsFauci financially supported the Wuhan lab

FR24 News - 29 Apr 2021

This article reports that Fauci's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases paid $7,4 million to the laboratory of the Wuhan Institute of Virology... What to raise suspicions.


Anthony Stephen Fauci, is an American immunologist. Since 1984, he has been the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), a research center of the United States Department of Health. He is very present on the “covid-scene”.

"I don't think we should shake hands again after the coronavirus pandemic is over"

Dr. Fauci

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reinfo covid vaccine

Reinfo-covidHighlighting the adverse effects of certain Covid-19 vaccines

ReinfoCovid - 17 Apr 2021

This article compares the adverse effects of the Covid-19 vaccines Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca and highlights the supposed fatality rate due to the latter. This rate is identical to the mortality due to the disease from which they are supposed to protect!


Compared to the classic seasonal flu vaccine, these vaccines would be between 22 and 64 times more deadly. Sudden death post-Covid-19 vaccination would even affect people aged 18 to 64, which is not the case for a "classic" flu vaccine...
You can also consult this article which shows the explosion in the number of cases and deaths since the start of vaccination.
13-year-old boy dies after second Pfizer injection

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Animap Map

ANIMAPThe card of professionals requiring neither screening nor vaccination

ANIMAP - Apr 15, 2021

With the vaccine passport planned for the near future, all people who do not want to be injected with this Covid-19 vaccine will be disadvantaged and excluded. The answer to this impending vaccine apartheid is ANIMAP. A directory of companies from all sectors, excluding no one, vaccinated or not, tested or not, and which allow everyone free access to their products and services.


“Philosophy teaches us to doubt what seems obvious. Propaganda, on the contrary, teaches us to accept as obvious what it would be reasonable to doubt. »

Aldoux Huxley

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