Last modification by Nathan- 54 there is
5G toxic

The DefenderScientists call for a moratorium on 5G

The Defender – Oct 25, 2022

Scientists call for 5G moratorium after study shows regulators ignoring radiation health risks


The authors of a peer-reviewed study published Tuesday warn of radiation exposure risks from 5G technology and say their research shows that existing exposure limits for wireless radiation are inadequate, exceeded and harmful to human health and wildlife.

The authors of a peer-reviewed study published Tuesday warn of radiation exposure risks from 5G technology and say their research shows that existing exposure limits for wireless radiation are inadequate, exceeded and harmful to human health and wildlife.

The International Commission on the Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields (ICBE-EMF) conducted this study, which was published in Environmental Health.

“Multiple robust human studies of cell phone radiation have found increased risks of brain tumors, and these are supported by clear evidence of the carcinogenicity of the same cell types found in animal studies. »

Dr. Lennart Hardell – oncologist

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more cancer in young people

Digital DawnYoung people have far more cancers than older people

Digital Dawn - 12 Sep 2022

One would expect cancer rates to decrease. But unfortunately, it seems that is not the case.


On the contrary, early cancers pose a growing threat to the world's population, according to a new report published this week in the journal Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology.

“Over the past few decades, the incidence of early cancers, often defined as cancers diagnosed in adults under the age of 50…has increased in many countries,” the study authors found.

While the authors concede that increased access to screenings has contributed to this rise, they say early exposure to harmful chemicals, sometimes even in-utero, likely contributes to increased cancer rates. The culprit, they say, is that the human environment has changed dramatically over the past century and that, combined with changes in diet, lifestyle and microbiome, the cause of this rise may well be civilization itself. -same.

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mRNA vaccines and cancer

Gendarme ProfessionmRNA “vaccines” against COVID-19 cause cancer

Gendarme profession - August 06, 2022

A monumental cover-up is underway to suppress the consequences of the Covid-19 vaccination on women's health. But unfortunately, the worst is yet to come.


We now have scientific proof that Covid-19 mRNA injections can cause ovarian, pancreatic and breast cancer.

The homologous recombination DNA repair pathway is one of the mechanisms the body uses to prevent your cells from becoming cancerous in response to environmental stress.

One of the most important components of this pathway is the tumor protein P53 (p53), the "guardian of the genome". It protects our cells from cell damage. Under cellular stress, p53 kicks in, regulating gene expression to control DNA repair, cell division, and cell death. It is the most frequently mutated gene in cancer.

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WEF - insects and cannibalism

Gendarme ProfessionMr Global promotes insect diet...and cannibalism

Gendarme profession - August 5, 2022

For several years now, the WEF has promoted the idea that we should get used to eating insects and drinking reclaimed sewage.


The WEF's many predictions are quickly turning into reality, and its selfish agendas are, of course, hailed as brilliant and necessary by its media allies. For example, in February 2021, Time magazine insisted that we really should eat more bugs to save the planet, and in May 2021, Bloomberg announced that "The future of water is wastewater. recycled, and we'll all drink it".

“The tension of the show is that you know cannibalism is coming, but when? And why ? »

Alex Beggs - New York Times

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Jean-Pierre Joseph - masks and cancer

Sott: Sign of The TimesMasks could cause cancer, a lawyer launches a procedure

Sott: Sign of The Times - Feb 21, 2022

Interview with the lawyer at the bar of Grenoble and dean of the Order, Jean-Pierre Joseph, this time about the procedure he launched against the failure to mark the composition on the boxes of masks marketed.


Some masks would not present their composition and those containing graphene could be extremely harmful to health.

“Researchers investigated the potential negative impacts of inhaling microscopic graphene on mammals. In a 2016 experiment, mice with graphene placed in their lungs experienced localized lung tissue damage, inflammation, granuloma formation (where the body tries to wall off the graphene), and persistent lung damage, similar to this that occurs when humans inhale asbestos. A different study from 2013 found that when human cells were bound to graphene, the cells were damaged. »

Michael White - researcher

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Last modification by Kelib - 54 there is
carcinogenic covid tests

CogiitoRapid COVID tests contain carcinogenic toxic chemical

Cogiito - Nov 19, 2021

While many say routine testing is a reasonable accommodation for people who refuse mRNA injection, others are concerned about the safety of such testing. Rapid COVID tests contain a carcinogenic chemical.

Last modification by Kelib - 54 there is
Covid vaccine increase cancers

Quantum LeapCovid vaccine: An increase in cancers never seen before

Quantum Leap - Sep 28, 2021

Dr Ryan COLE: Had a very interesting note from a family doctor who has been in Ireland for 40 years. He knows his community, his patients. And he explained that many of his patients get vaccinated and he listed the number of cancers he saw in a six-week period, the likes of which he had never seen in his 40-year career.