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solar activities - consequences

Jacob's ladderSolar activity and brain health

Jacob's Ladder - Dec 19, 2023

The celestial ballet of the Sun and the Earth goes beyond the sunrise and sunset that we witness daily.


Powerful solar activities can trigger geomagnetic storms that propagate through our planet's magnetosphere. Although many are familiar with the displays of the Northern Lights born from these solar storms, few realize the potential implications these storms can have on our cognitive health.

Understanding geomagnetic storms

As we lay the groundwork for exploring the relationship between solar activity and our brain's performance, it is essential to first understand what geomagnetic storms are and how they originate. These storms, largely caused by the dynamism of our sun, have fascinated and intrigued humans for centuries.
Origin and nature of geomagnetic storms

Geomagnetic storms are temporary disturbances in the Earth's magnetosphere, caused by solar wind from the Sun. This solar wind is not constant: it is influenced by the activities of the sun. Two main solar events are responsible for the intensification of solar winds:

solar flares

These are sudden, intense bursts of energy and radiation coming from the surface of the sun and its atmosphere. Solar flares, while powerful, do not always have a significant impact on Earth unless they are aimed at our planet.

Coronal mass ejections (CME)

Unlike shorter-lived solar flares, CMEs are giant bubbles of gas with magnetic field lines running through them, which are ejected from the sun for several hours. They carry more matter, energy and force than solar flares. When directed toward Earth, CMEs can have profound impacts on our magnetosphere.

It is these solar activities, particularly CMEs, that cause the most powerful geomagnetic storms when they interact with the Earth's magnetic field.

Impact on the Earth's magnetosphere

The Earth's magnetosphere is a protective shield that protects us from a large part of solar radiation. However, when bombarded by increased solar wind, particularly from CMEs, this shield is temporarily distorted and compressed, causing it to "wobble" or fluctuate.

This fluctuation and distortion leads to currents of charged particles, which in turn generate the geomagnetic storm. The strength and duration of the storm can vary, depending largely on the intensity and duration of the solar event causing it.

Common Observations During Geomagnetic Storms

Geomagnetic storms, although celestial in nature, produce tangible and observable effects on Earth.

Northern and Southern Lights

Auroras are probably the most visually captivating result of these storms. When charged particles from the solar wind interact with gases in our atmosphere, they produce lunar displays known as the aurora borealis and australis. The intensity and range of these lights can increase during stronger geomagnetic storms, sometimes being visible even at lower latitudes than usual.

Disruption of communications systems

On a more pragmatic level, these storms can interfere with satellite communications, GPS systems and even power grids. Charged particles present in geomagnetic storms can induce currents in electrical systems, leading to malfunctions and disruptions.
biological geomagnetic storm systems.

Effects of geomagnetic storms on biological systems

Having understood the nature and effects of geomagnetic storms, we now turn to the biological domain. Although many of the implications of these celestial events are technological, there is growing evidence and interest in how they could directly or indirectly influence various forms of life on Earth. From bird navigation patterns to subtle changes in human physiology, geomagnetic storms leave some corners of the biosphere intact.


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the mind exists outside the brain

New WorldThe mind exists outside the brain

New World - June 26, 2023

According to one study, mental clarity during near-death experiences suggests that the mind exists outside of the brain.


If the mind is just a function of the brain, it makes sense that the more damaged the brain, the worse the mind functions. While this is what most current brain research reveals, there is a body of evidence that suggests the opposite: in extreme circumstances, such as near death, the mind may function properly or even better. than usual, while the brain is impaired.

This suggests that the mind can function independently of the brain.

Alexander Batthyany, Professor of Theoretical Psychology and Philosophy of Psychology in Liechtenstein and at the Department of Cognitive Science at the University of Vienna, is one of the researchers who studied these cases.

In his most recent study, published this month in the Journal of Near-Death Studies, he and his colleagues examined thousands of accounts of near-death experiences (NDEs) to to determine the quality of vision and cognition.

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Réseau InternationalBiocontrol: From nightmare to reality

International Network - March 11, 2023

In "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep" (1968), Philip K. Dick imagined a society in which everyone would be implanted with a "mood organ" that could be activated remotely and would modulate their emotions. a simple remote control. Mind control techniques that have since passed from fiction to reality… and which the World Economic Forum contemplates with a certain relish.


As early as 1956, Time Magazine devoted a publication to the then already very promising science of “biocontrol”:

“A well-known horror to science fiction fans is the slave whose thoughts and actions are governed by an electronic gadget grafted into his brain. There might be some truth to this fiction, says electrical engineer Curtiss R. Schafer, who designs and develops electronic instruments for the Norden-Ketay Corp. from New York. Electronics, he thinks, could save a lot of work for the indoctrinators and thought controllers of the future. […]

Biocontrol is the new science of controlling mental processes, emotional reactions and sensory perceptions by bioelectrical signals. […] Already, thanks to biocontrol, scientists have changed people's sense of balance. And they've made animals with full bellies hungry – or scared when they have nothing to fear. »

“Neurotechnology allows us to better influence consciousness and thoughts. This includes fine-tuned decoding of what we think through new chemicals and interventions that can influence our brains to correct errors or improve functioning. […] Specialized technologies such as modern microelectrodes are able to record the activity of an individual neuron – or activate it, when needed. […] Being able to “read and write in” the brain will create new industries and new systems of value creation…”

Klaus schwab

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the cell phone atrophies the brain

New WorldUsing wireless technology changes the brain — here's how

New World - 22 Sep 2022

We do everything with our phones: groceries, shopping, we talk with our friends, we play, and dozens of other things.


Regular phone use has been clinically shown to lead to a deterioration of gray matter, the part of the brain that allows motor movements, memory and emotions.

This phenomenon is probably due to radio frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) emitted by smartphones.

A Swiss study conducted in 2015 indicates that exposure to RF-EMFs emitted by mobile phones was linked to memory problems.

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