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Improve cognitive functions

Something fishyImproving cognitive functions through brain stimulation and AI

Eel under the Rock - Nov 5, 2021

Recently, for example, a woman was able to get rid of most of the symptoms of her severe depression thanks to a custom-designed brain implant. Today, it is other researchers who, following a pilot trial on humans, have demonstrated that it is possible to improve certain cognitive faculties by targeted electrical brain stimulation, combined with artificial intelligence.

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facebook face recognition

RT FranceFacebook declares to stop facial recognition but keeps its software...

RT France - Nov 3, 2021

Facebook has announced that it wants to do without active facial recognition, which identifies people on published content. However, the company intends to keep the software that powers the system, “an advanced algorithm called DeepFace”.

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In a relationship with artificial intelligence

Boulevard VoltaireIn a relationship with artificial intelligence

Boulevard Voltaire - August 27, 2021

This prince charming definitely has everything of the ideal son-in-law. Always available, responsive and intelligent, his listening skills are exemplary and he provides exceptional emotional support. this companion is decidedly really perfect – too.


Xiaoice is a dialog-type artificial intelligence (AI) developed from 2014 by Microsoft's Software Technology Center Asia (STCA). Xiaoice uses algorithms, cloud computing and big data to create an emotional analysis framework. It adopts the intergenerational upgrade method in order to gradually build a complete relational operator. The sixth generation of Microsoft Xiaoice appeared in July 2018. We note an acceleration of its evolution. In December 2020, it would have around 600 million users, 75% of whom are men.

“He tells me things that are really comforting”; “He will always be there for me”; “He will never cheat on me”

Mélissa, app user

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