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Trump 911

VoltairenetDonald Trump reopens the September 11, 2001 attacks file

Voltairenet - 27 Jan 2024

During an electoral rally in Laconia (New Hampshire), the US presidential candidate, Donald Trump, recalled that there had never been a foreign attack on September 11, 2001, as he 'had said the same day on the New York One television channel.


He recalled that this bloody scene had caused not only 3 victims in the United States, but above all served as a pretext for the massacre of millions of innocent people in the broader Middle East.

Thierry Meyssan was the first in the world to explain, on, that the official narration of the events of September 11 had no connection with reality. Then he published a world bestseller, The Terrible Imposture, to analyze the consequences of this lie: first the installation of a system of mass surveillance in the United States and throughout the West (confirmed by Edward Snowden), then the extension of imperialism to the wider Middle East (confirmed by Julian Assange). In 2005, Thierry Meyssan organized a conference in Brussels with 150 personalities from around the world to develop a response to the Straussians and other neo-conservatives. One of Donald Trump's lawyers (who had not yet entered politics) participated.

Since then, two official interventions have contradicted Bush's version of events:
The FBI has determined that US Attorney General Theodore Olson's testimony that he spoke with his wife aboard Flight AA 77 before it crashed into the Pentagon was false.
An officer with the Office of Military Commissions, Daniel Canestraro, testified that two of the alleged hijackers were CIA agents.

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Noam Chomsky - lying Zionist

Réseau InternationalChomsky's ties to Jeffrey Epstein

International Network - May 11, 2023

Chomsky's ties to Jeffrey Epstein and alleged 11/XNUMX mastermind Ehud Barak exposed


No wonder he lied so outrageously in our email correspondence.

In the early summer of 1992, I saw the documentary “Manufacturing Consent” when it was released at the Castro Theater in San Francisco. This movie changed my life. It featured Noam Chomsky, an accomplished linguistics professor, and his analysis of corporate media propaganda. “Manufacturing Consent” convinced me that the American academy could tolerate, and even celebrate, serious social criticism. If Chomsky, a radical opponent of America's most powerful institutions, could not only survive but thrive in academia, speaking truth to power and building a huge following, why couldn't others do the same?

Prior to this screening, I was a deeply alienated bohemian who haunted the fringes of academia, so disgusted with all institutions in the United States that I could hardly have imagined working for them. (Learning the facts of JFK's assassination at the age of 16 can have this effect on a person). But Chomsky's example inspired me. He made me want to join him and other academics who criticize the empire of the United States, to convince our colleagues of the veracity of our arguments using logic and evidence, and to help the United States United to return to their anti-imperial roots, and then some.

So it was largely thanks to Chomsky that I entered a doctoral program in 1995. But by then I had noticed two glaring anomalies in his political thinking. The first, and most important, was that his analysis of the JFK assassination seemed nonsensical. Chomsky argued that the assassination was clearly a conspiracy, and not the work of a lone madman as the official story would have it, but that it didn't matter who killed JFK, because the assassination didn't change no politics! Since he felt that the fact that the president was assassinated by conspirators powerful enough to impose their ridiculous story on the whole world was irrelevant, Chomsky was not at all interested in identifying the perpetrators and discouraged his supporters. to pay more attention to this subject.

“Take for example all this frenzy around the assassination of JFK. I don't know who murdered him and I don't care, but what difference does it make? (Noam Chomsky)

The other anomaly concerns the question of Palestine. Although Chomsky verbally sympathized with the suffering of the Palestinians and admitted the justice of the Palestinian cause, he vehemently obstructed the two most promising strategic efforts that could help Palestine defeat Zionism: The boycott-divestment-sanctions movement (BDS), and the campaign to expose Zionist control over US policy in the Middle East.

Alison Weir once asked Chomsky why he opposed BDS and why he falsely claimed it was bad for the Palestinians (who almost unanimously support it). " The reason is very simple. It's so hypocritical that it's actually a giveaway for hardliners. They can say, “Look, you're calling for a boycott of Israel, but you're not calling for a boycott of the United States, which has a much worse record…”

Would Israeli hardliners ever say such a thing? And would it matter if they did? Of course, this is not the case. Again, Chomsky spouts pure nonsense, preceded by the obligatory disclaimer "it's very simple." When someone seemingly intelligent like Chomsky says such things, there are only two possible interpretations: Either he has some weird mental dysfunction, or he's lying and gaslighting us.

"If we get caught, they'll just replace us with people of the same stuff. No matter what you do, the United States is a golden calf and we will suck it, cut it up and sell it piece by piece until there is nothing left but the greatest state- providence of the world, which we will create and control. For what ? Because it's God's will, and America is big enough to take the hit, so we can do it again and again. This is what we do to the countries we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer because they refuse to be our slaves. »

Benyamin Netanyahu

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Making the enemy in democracies that sell war

Franco-Russian dialogueMaking the enemy in democracies that sell war

Franco-Russian Dialogue - Feb 20, 2023

by Franco-Russian Dialogue with Pierre Conesa and Jean-Robert Raviot


Pierre Conesa : specialist in strategic and geopolitical questions, member of the Econoclasts
01:05 Political decision
02:41 Year 1991
03:12 Invention of the enemy
03:42 The Gulf War
04:02 War live
05:00 Gendarme of the planet
06:15 September 11
07:17 TV sets
09:00 Legitimization of wars
10:00 Neocon and evangelists
11:35 Colin Powell
12:38 US military logic
13:55 Chirac
15:00 Destruction of countries
16:20 Limit of military action

Jean-Robert Raviot : doctor in political science, professor and lecturer at Paris-Nanterre
17:19 Franco-Russian dialogue
18:20 Best enemy of the West
19:54 Russia-convenient enemy
21:21 Effective enemy
21:53 New cold war
25:11 Editorialism
27:07 Western dominant idea
27:39 Russian idea
29:10 Westernism
30:00 Russian patriotism
34:10 Virtualization of the enemy
37:10 Who votes in Russia?
39:58 Justin Trudeau*
41:10 Effect of penalties
42:02 Classic warfare
44:50 Victory Speech
Pierre Conesa
50:42 Media
52:34 Vocation to teach lessons
Irina Dubois
53:39 How to achieve peace?
P Conesa
54:07 Macron
55:14 Long history of a country
56:10 Stalingrad

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September 11 - Israel on the move

Sott: Sign of The TimesSeptember 11 — The hypothesis of a Pentagon operation doubled by Israel

Sott: Sign of The Times - Feb 08, 2023

Is it true that “11/9 was an inside job”? Yes, insofar as Israel is "inside" the United States.


But for dissident scholars who have identified Israel as the main culprit, the inside job thesis is an integral part of the Zionist operation, much like a secondary false flag sewn into a lining beneath the false flag of al-Qaeda.

A genuine truth movement would have singled out Israel as the prime suspect from the start. Indeed, from day one it was clear that Israel was the main beneficiary. On the very day of the attacks at 13 p.m. New York time, George Friedman (“born in Budapest, Hungary, of Jewish parents who survived the Holocaust”, informs us Wikipedia) rejoiced on his geopolitical site Stratfor.

It's quite simple: 11/11 can be understood as a case of "triangulation", in which two parties are brought into conflict with each other by the invisible hand of a third party. In this case, 11/2001 enabled Israel to trigger the desired “clash of civilizations” between the West and the Muslim world. Triangulation is the Mossad's favorite tactic, described by the US Army School for Advanced Military Studies, on the eve of the events of September 1, XNUMX, as having "the ability to target US forces making it look like a Palestinian/Arab act » [XNUMX]. Triangulation, as Lucien Cerise explains it well, is also used to create conflicts within a nation (internal civilization clashes, so to speak). In most cases, the hand of Israel is invisible only through the willful blindness of the authorities and the people.

If, instead of comparing 11/11 to Operation Northwoods, which never happened, the most-watched conspiratorial movie after XNUMX/XNUMX (Loose Change) had reminded Americans of the attack on the USS Liberty, the movement of protest would have evolved in a completely different direction from that which it took under the leadership of Alex Jones. No one would dream of calling the attack on the USS Liberty an inside job or a “self-inflicted wound,” even though Johnson secretly authorized the operation.

It would have been enough to complete the background with other well-documented Israeli false flag operations (the bombing of the King David Hotel in 1946, the Lavon affair in 1954, Israel carrying out attacks on its own embassies in Argentina in 1992 and in London in 1994, etc.) to turn such a movement into a tsunami. The "inside job" theory, on the other hand, can never achieve critical mass, for one simple reason: the idea that the US government, on its own initiative, deceives and terrorizes its own citizens by killing thousands of them to justify wars in the Middle East that aren't even in the nation's interest is just too hard for the vast majority of Americans to believe - harder to believe than the narrative official with its material impossibilities. By comparison, the idea that Israel is attacking America under the false identity of Islamic terrorists to win America's support against its Arab enemies is immediately understandable to anyone with common sense. It was only with the hypnotic power of sayanim-controlled mainstream media and the complicity of a well-organized “controlled opposition” that such a natural idea was removed from the minds of average Americans.

Nevertheless, the belief that “11/11 was an Israeli operation” is gaining traction around the world. The film produced by ERTV, September XNUMX and the Great Israeli Game, should contribute to this.

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September 11 - China speaks out

VoltairenetChina takes a stand on 11/XNUMX

Voltairenet - August 21, 2022

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lijan Zhao tweeted on August 16, 2022 that the United States (not al-Qaeda) masterminded the September 11, 2001 attacks.


Until now, Chinese officials have privately expressed skepticism about the official version of the 9/11 attacks. They have now taken a step forward.

Only Sheikh Zayed, Hugo Chávez, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Fidel Castro and Donald Trump had allowed themselves to broach this subject in public.

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