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Pizzagate conspiracy theory

Truth ShockPizzagate: conspiracy theory or sordid reality?

Truth Shock - May 19, 2020

Unveiled by WikiLeaks, pizzagate is undoubtedly one of the most ridiculed and stifled cases of pedophilia and Satanism by the official media. Why ? The emails of John Podesta, close to the Clintons and Obama, are however very real...


Link to John Podesta's emails:

Coincidentally or not, in July 2020 the company Wayfair was reported to the FBI for online human trafficking.

“Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth, because they don't want their illusions destroyed. »

Friedrich Nietzsche

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Take off the masks

Kaya Team UniverseDrop the masks!

Kaya Team Universe – May 14, 2020

The corona-bidule has made the mask fashionable! Everyone goes with their mask, colored or not, "official" or original, and everyone thus prevents themselves from breathing properly!


Pierre Lassalle reminds us that the quality of our relationships depends on the quality of our breathing. With each cycle we inhale fresh oxygen to re-energize our cells and we exhale the waste they release.

But with a mask covering the mouth and nose, what about?

"The idea that we can keep ourselves from spreading viruses by wearing masks and keeping a certain distance from each other is about as realistic as thinking that putting a mask on a fish would keep it out of the humidity. … Masks, sanitizers, social distancing, and staying home accomplish nothing. As more than one physician has observed, it is rational to quarantine the sick, but irrational to quarantine the healthy. »

Arthur Firstenberg

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fddlp site

FDDLPThe Foundation for the Defense of the Rights and Freedoms of the People

FDDLP - May 7, 2020

The FDDLP is a non-profit organization whose mission is to maintain the freedoms acquired and to protect the fundamental rights of the people of Quebec. By various means, the FDDLP undertakes to offer helpful resources, quality content and to promote a collective awakening with the intention of mobilizing the population on current issues.


It acts mainly on the legal level, by listing the violations of the rights of the people, by financing great lawyers, by creating a network defending freedoms, by organizing peaceful and unifying events and by raising funds so that the movement flourishes. . The movement also has a Youtube channel .

“Freedom begins where ignorance ends”

Victor Hugo

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Linky meter information brochure

Linky no thank you!An information brochure on the Linky meter

Linky no thank you - Apr 25, 2020

This complete and practical information brochure on the Linky develops the major aspects raised by the Linky meter. It allows you to grasp the issues and form a free and informed opinion.


The brochure exists in paper format but can also be consulted online. It includes more than 140 references to articles, documents and videos.

Smart phone, smart meter, smart city, smart dust... everything is connected!

“We decide something, and publish it. Then we wait a bit to see the reactions. If there are no protests or insurrection, because the majority does not even understand what has been decided, then we continue. Step by step, to the point of no return. »

Jean-Claude Junker - President of the European Commission

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Criminal Leaks pedophiles

Criminal LeaksCriminal Leaks - Anti-Pedophile Video Channel

Criminal Leaks - Feb 18, 2020

This channel broadcasts videos, testimonials showing the state of France in terms of pedocrime... In these two videos, you can see children torn from their parents, but hang in there. Abduction alert 1  ---  Abduction alert 2

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GAFA data protection

We TomorrowGAFA: How I became invisible

We Tomorrow - Jan 20, 2020

“Personal data is the oil of the XNUMXst century.” To avoid being looted, and escape the Gafam, a journalist has implemented all the means...


Browser and extensions, search engine, mailbox, use of the smartphone: all these ways can become open doors to your privacy. The author of this article shares various tools to protect it.

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Facial recognition of protesters allowed

The Quadrature of the NetFacial recognition of protesters is already allowed

La Quadrature du Net - Nov 18, 2019

For six years, the government has adopted several decrees to authorize the automatic and massive identification of demonstrators. This authorization dispensed with any democratic debate. It results from the insidious combination of three systems: the TAJ file (processing of criminal records), the TES file (secure electronic securities) and the intelligence law.

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Deep StateMike Lofgren

NPRThe Deep State according to Mike Lofgren

NPR – Nov 6, 2019

Mike Lofgren is a former congressman who brought the notion of the Deep State to the American public. For him this term is misused by President Trump and his supporters.


He is the author of the essay Deep State Anatomy, and work The Deep State - the decline of the constitution and the rise of a shadow government.

The idea of ​​a conspiratorial deep state goes back for some to ancient Rome. In recent decades, it has been used to describe countries like Turkey and Pakistan where security forces were seen as dictating orders to elected governments. Today Donald Trump has appropriated the term and designates not only the Democratic-leaning bureaucrats who want to impeach him, but also many three-digit agencies such as the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, the CFR, with all that constitutes a governance in the shadows having control via blackmail on the political, military, legal, educational, media, health processes, etc. of the country, but not only.

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Dismantling pedophile site

Le MondeUnprecedented dismantling of a pedophile site: more than 300 arrests

The World - Oct 16, 2019

The Welcome to Video website was doing an unprecedented trade in child sexual abuse videos.


The dismantling of a pedophile site that was trading unprecedentedly in videos of rape and sexual assault on children has led to 337 arrests in 38 countries. The South Korean manager of the site has been charged in the United States, announced Wednesday, October 16, the British and American authorities.

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Look up! A pro-social label

Look upA pro social relationship label

Look Up - Sep 1, 2018

The association law 1901 Lève les yeux is at the origin of a label intended for places which promote social relations by inviting reflection on the use of smartphones, or even which simply prohibit their use!


Look up also offers workshops to raise awareness among all audiences. In particular, they use a board game called “Planet disconnection” created especially to learn how to disconnect, test smartphone addiction or promote debates. Their interventions are based on discussion and play to convey the value of attention and the risks of screens, avoiding the guilt of parents and an anxiety-provoking discourse on the effects of overexposure.

Drink with your friends, not with your screen.

look up

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Q posts - board

Q MapQ - postit

QMAP - Oct 28, 2017

The site is dedicated to information (drops) left by Q since October 28, 2017. Q posts are investigated by a digital army of citizen journalists in order to help President Trump neutralize the Deep State.


Where We Go One, We Go All

One for all! All for one

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Aether website

Aether NewsÆther: For an anthroposophy today

Aether News - Oct 1, 2017

In a world where the economic imperative and reductionist materialism endanger both nature and the human health and development of many human beings, it is high time to rethink this human nature and its spiritual needs.


ÆTHER publishes articles, news and other content to explore possible paths, insights and future solutions for this world in crisis. ÆTHER is based on an anthroposophical approach, that is to say a process of knowledge which immediately recognizes the spiritual nature of human thought.

“Only a knowledge which does not submit to any external standard can satisfy us, a knowledge which springs from the interior life of the personality. . »

Rudolf Steiner, Philosophy of Freedom

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