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Author Lancet Hydroxychloroquine retract

RT FranceThree of the four authors of the Lancet study on hydroxychloroquine retract

RT France - Jun 5, 2020

According to the scientific publication itself, three of the four authors of the controversial study published in the Lancet on the use of hydroxychloroquine against Covid-19 requested the retraction of the article.


Three authors of the study published in the Lancet, critical of hydroxychloroquine, are doing an about-face. “We can no longer vouch for the veracity of the sources of the primary data”, write the three authors to the Lancet on June 4, questioning the refusal of the company which collected them, Surgisphere, to give access to the database. .

Published on May 22 in The Lancet, the study concluded that hydroxychloroquine was not beneficial to hospitalized Covid-19 patients and could even be harmful. Its publication had had a worldwide impact and spectacular repercussions, in particular pushing the World Health Organization (WHO) to suspend clinical trials on hydroxychloroquine against Covid-19. But, after numerous criticisms questioning the methodology of the study, including from skeptical scientists about the interest of hydroxychloroquine in the treatment of Covid-19, the WHO announced on June 3 the resumption clinical trials with this molecule.

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hydroxychloroquine lancet case

RT FranceThe Lancet affair on hydroxychloroquine and our decadent elites

RT France - Jun 5, 2020

What the Lancet and hydroxychloroquine affair reveals about our decadent elites. Eric Verhaeghe, essayist, founder of the social information site Tripalio, analyzes and explains what the Lancet affair on hydroxychloroquine reveals.


The Lancet study on hydroxychloroquine is an excellent revealer of what our nomenklatura is, of its shortcomings and of its systemic limits in a rapidly changing world. We now know that without a deep (and probably very brutal) renewal of the elites, France will accelerate its long decline.

“Very often, Raoult recalled that his approach was not to do research, but to find solutions by trial and error. This assertion hit where the intellectual construction of our elites suffers. Because our nomenklatura is not educated in the idea that a good government consists in relieving the miseries of the people. »


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kla TVDestruction of man, animals and nature by 5G radiation - Part. 1

kla TV – June 9, 2019

British millimeter wave expert Barrie Trower, a former Royal Navy specialist in the development of microwave weapons, has taken a keen interest in the dangers of millimeter wave technologies. He exposes the extent of his knowledge.


Discover here the 2nd game here as well as theMarc Filterman interview, another expert, French-speaking.

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Star Link: Elon Musk

Robin HoodStar Link: Elon Musk and his thousands of satellites

Robin des Toits - May 14, 2019

Space X, Starlink and Elon Musk are fairly common names today when talking about technological innovation. There, it is a question of sending thousands of satellites into space to provide internet access everywhere on earth...


Elon Musk is an engineer, entrepreneur, entrepreneur and billionaire. He is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of SpaceX Corporation and CEO of Tesla Corporation. He is also the founder of The Boring Company, a tunnel construction company, and Neuralink, a neurotechnology company. It made Tesla, during the 2000s, a mainstream manufacturer of electric cars.

“With artificial intelligence, we invoke the demon”

Elon Musk

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the serious effects of 5G

5G AppealScientists and doctors warn of serious effects of 5G

5G Appeal - Sep 15, 2017

The 5G Call was prepared in 2017 by scientists and doctors who urgently call on the EU to halt the rollout of 5G due to the serious potential health effects of this new technology.


5G will significantly increase exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields (RF-EMF) in addition to 2G, 3G, 4G, Wi-Fi, etc. for telecommunications already in place. RF-EMFs have been proven to be harmful to humans and the environment.

As of May 5, 2021, 417 scientists and physicians have signed the appeal. The 5G call is always open for signatures from scientists (PhD, professor) or doctors (MD).

We, the undersigned scientists and physicians, recommend a moratorium on the deployment of the fifth generation, 5G, for telecommunications until the potential dangers to human health and the environment have been fully investigated by independent scientists. 'industry.


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Electrosmogtech - June 29, 2016

This very comprehensive page highlights the effects of electromagnetic waves on living organisms. You will find information intelligible by all but also several high quality documents. Including a list of scientific studies on the effects of electromagnetic waves and a US Navy study dating from 1971.


The author, Olivier Bondenmann, is an electrical engineer by training who acts to reduce electromagnetic pollution and thus allow people to live better in today's "connected" world.

Taken together, these approximately 1800 new studies report abnormal gene transcription; genotoxicity and DNA damage carcinogenicity in humans
[...] serious effects on human and animal sperm morphology and function [...] and effects on brain and cranial bone development in the offspring of animals exposed to cell phone radiation during pregnancy.

BioInitiavive Report 2012

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Graphene and its neural applications

TEDxGraphene and its neural applications

TEDx – May 9, 2016

This video presents here some aspects and functionalities of graphene, in particular its action properties on neurons (from 13:30).


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Low Tech Technologies

Low Tech LabLow-tech for a sustainable and desirable society!

Low Tech Lab - August 31, 2015

The Low-tech Lab uses the term low-tech to qualify objects, systems, techniques, services, know-how, practices, lifestyles and even currents of thought, which integrate technology according to three main principles: Useful. Accessible. Sustainable.


Discover around forty tutorials to make simple, sustainable, and economical technologies yourself such as a solar water heater, phyto-purification, a mass stove, etc. But also the history of low-tech, these actors, documentation... on the way to autonomy!

“Romeo must relearn how to seduce Juliet (and vice versa) by reciting poems rather than driving his big car. »

Philippe Bihouix, engineer. and author of The age of low-tech

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Vigiaccess website

VigiAccessVigiAccess, the database of side effects of drugs

VigiAccess - 25 Feb 2015

This database allows you to view and view data on suspected side effects of various medications. All data contained in this document comes from VigiBase®, the global database of the World Health Organization (WHO).


“To swallow the medicine and neglect the diet is to destroy the science of the doctor. »

Chinese proverb

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Philippe Guillemant Physical Site

GuillemantPhilippe Guillemant: Towards the physics of tomorrow

Guillemant - September 9, 2014

Discover the author of the theory of double causality (or flexible space-time), presented in his four books, but also synthesized and staged in Jean-Yves Bilien's documentary film "La Route de la Conscience ". This model leads, among other things, to a rational explanation of synchronicity which leads to a real "bridge" between Science and Spirituality.


Philippe Guillemant is a French physicist engineer graduated from the Ecole Centrale Paris and the Institut de Physique du Globe. He is a Doctor of Physics and qualified to direct research. He works at the CNRS (UMR 7343, IUSTI laboratory of Polytech' Marseille) where he is a Research Engineer Hors Classe. Find out in this video of 10 minutes.

“You are really present in a point of space time. Your future, which you anticipate already exists, your immediate past, which you have memorized, still exists and it is your brain that creates the illusion that it does not yet exist and that it no longer exists. Today physicists discover that time results from a thermodynamic illusion.

Philippe Guillemant

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CRIIGEN Genetic Engineering

CriigenCRIIGEN: Committee for Research, Independent Information on Genetic Engineering

Criigen – June 1, 1999

CRIIGEN is a committee for research, expertise, advice, training and information. They are independent of the public authorities, civil and military, of any external organization whatsoever, of any individual or collective supervision, of the producers of GMOs and the agro-chemical and seed industries.


CRIIGEN includes a group of international transdisciplinary experts enabling it to assess the benefits and risks of genetic engineering products (GMOs) but also of substances closely related to them (pesticides, endocrine disruptors and other xenobiotics), both on environmental and health aspects as well as legal, agricultural, sociological and economic aspects.

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Cellphone Task Force Arthur Firstenberg

cellphonetaskforceA cell phone task force

cellphonetaskforce – Jul 1, 1997

This task force is on a mission to stop the spread of wireless technology, because it is impossible to make it secure.
It provides material for learning about electromagnetic pollution but also support for people disabled by radiation from wireless technology.


Arthur Robert Firstenberg is a member of the board of directors of this working group. He is an American author and activist on the subject of electromagnetic radiation and health. He is the founder of the independent campaign group Cellular Phone Task Force. His book Microwaving Our Planet: The Environmental Impact of the Wireless Revolution was published by this group. He is the author of The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life You Can listen to a summary informative podcast.

“Don't worry about why, just do what you were born to do. »

Antonia Lamb

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