Last modification by Nathan- 54 there is
drug shortage

InsolentiaeDrug shortage in France getting worse and worse!

Insolentiae – Apr 25, 2024

The collapse of West Korea.


Today I'm going to come out.

I'm from the left.

I am totally, viscerally left-wing. Are you going to tell me what this has to do with the shortage of medicines and Charles’ “leftness”?

You know why ? Because I am very sensitive to the suffering of others. We call this empathy. I believe that when one of us falls, we must reach out to them. I sincerely, viscerally, think that what fundamentally defines a society and its degree of advancement of “civilization” would say for certain, is its way of taking care of the weakest, the most fragile, the “defenseless”. So, yes, I am left-wing.

However, I am not a socialist.

“The problem with socialism is that one day you end up having spent all of other people’s money.”

But even more serious...

“There is no such thing as socialism without danger. If it's safe it's not socialism. And if it is socialism it is not without danger. The path of socialism drags us down, toward less freedom, less prosperity, lowers us toward more confusion, more failure. If we follow him to his destination, we will lead this country to ruin. »

This is how we no longer have medicines, that we, in France, in this “developed” France of the year 2024, this France which is waging war against Russia with a Professor Trouposol at its head and a “ Mozart” of finance at Bercy who wants to bring the Russian economy to its knees, we no longer have medicine in our pharmacies.

It's the shortage.

Socialism is always scarcity.

It always ends in tragedy.


Egalitarianism always leads to ruin and dictatorship.

“We believe they should be people. We are all unequal. No one, thank God, is the same as anyone else, contrary to what most socialists can claim. We believe that everyone has the right to be different but for us every human being is of equal importance. »

I am left-wing because I sincerely believe that every human being is equally important, but I am not a socialist because I believe in the necessity of inequalities to maintain freedom and diversity!

Equality is a dictatorship that crushes all diversity and all freedom. If we are all equal then... we are all the same, and when we are all the same, there is no more freedom, no more difference.

So I am left-wing but not socialist.

I am not a socialist, because this ersatz political doctrine is bogus.

I am not a socialist, because they confuse egalitarianism and equality of rights and duties.

I am not a socialist, because they confuse assistance with just solidarity and necessary mutual aid.

I am not a socialist, because they deny difference and freedom in the name of the dictatorship of egalitarianism and false social justice.

I am not a socialist, because they think that the “magical” State, with “magical” thinking and “magic” money can fantasize a world and abstract itself from reality.

I am not a socialist, because reality always comes back at a gallop and when reality returns it is not the rich socialists in the portfolio on the right and who live on the left bank who suffer. No, it's the small ones, the low-ranking ones, the fragile ones.

I am not a socialist, because they are generous with other people's money without shame and never with their own, refusing true generosity for themselves and imposing it on others.

I am not a socialist, because they think that they can, in a world open to all, in a world where there is the free movement of goods and merchandise, regulate and fix the prices of medicines.

They think these imbeciles, because they are “the State” that they can say to the pharmaceutical laboratories, “I buy your box for 1 euro” and the Lab responds, no problem, I will sell it to the Hungarians , because over there, at 10 euros, “Hungarian is still not expensive”… or to Czechs with provisions and not to bad checks from the French State.

So we don't have any more medicine.

We have a shortage of medicines.

Not because the drug factories are no longer producing.

There is no shortage of medicines in Hungary or the Czech Republic, former comrade countries of the well-socialist republics. They spent 70 years there in socialist bliss.

There is a shortage of medicines in France.

France, this country so brilliant, so wonderful, which became… West Korea.

In West Korea we can no longer get treatment and yet it all costs a crazy amount of money.

So after 40 years of socialism and a socialist administered economy we are in the wall.

We are ruined.

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clay - earth plasma

Equality and ReconciliationClay, this terrestrial plasma

Equality and Reconciliation - 20 Apr 2024

Clay can heal (almost) anything. This is what many works seem to show, notably those of Jade Allègre or Raymond Dextreit…


In this presentation, which could seem technical at first glance, clay is clearly presented in detail and with methodology to understand its action, and to use it in an informed manner: definition, manufacturing and particle size, properties and colors, varieties or clay families, benefits and frameworks of use.

This complete guide concludes with the description of a particular family of clays, the Bentonites, due to their remarkable mineral composition (montmorillonite + illite + kaolinite, in specific proportions), giving them much greater adsorption and absorption capacities. higher than all the others; the quarries of Périgord from which they are naturally extracted play a particular role in the expression of these exceptional properties.

Au Bon Sens has chosen, for several years, to offer bentonite clay from Périgord, of superfine quality, with the addition of the reference work L'Argile qui uit by Raymond Dextreit.

Doctor Jade Allègre, undeniable specialist in the therapeutic use of clay, attacked for her work! Clay, a cheap remedy that can cost Big Pharma dearly…

“Clay has an extraordinary affinity for anything foreign to the body and/or toxic: it literally cannot stand the presence of the slightest impurity and will not rest until everything is cleaned. »


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WHO treaty

Guy BoulianneWHO: The Pandemic Treaty – a health coup

Guy Boulianne - Apr 17, 2024

The Pandemic Treaty – Leaked World Health Organization documents reveal the biggest coup ever!


I have repeatedly expressed the dangers of the WHO Treaty on Pandemics, starting on October 7, 2021, when I shared Dr. Urmie Ray's article. I continued these warnings a few times, on May 30, 2022, May 26, 2023, July 9, 2023, January 19, 2024, February 8, 2024 and April 7, 2024. We must also not forget that several Bills around the world align perfectly with this WHO Treaty on Pandemics, including Bill No. 50 from the Legault government, which constitutes a real danger for all Quebecers. Through this treaty, heads of state are preparing to place the sovereignty of their nations in the hands of a world government and to sign an international treaty which will subject all peoples to an unprecedented dictatorship, including border closures, travel restrictions, confinement (quarantine), medical examinations and medication of individuals (including requirements for the injection of vaccines or other pharmaceuticals).

I am now sharing with you a video and a text from the Kla.TV network. As this platform writes so well: “Leaked WHO documents reveal the biggest coup of all time: black and white, this document reveals the secret texts of the WHO treaties! As with a scalpel, the WHO removes the sovereignty of Member States and gives itself power! The International Wake-Up Call shows you how to unmask the plans now! »

Kla.TV is therefore launching an international wake-up call!

The WHO is preparing a sneaky attack in 194 countries!

Leaked WHO documents reveal the biggest stunt of all time: black and white, this document reveals the secret texts of the WHO treaties! As with a scalpel, the WHO removes the sovereignty of Member States and gives itself power! The International Wake-Up Call shows you how to unmask the plans now! Tedros doesn't follow the rules and is therefore not trustworthy!
Fact Check 1: Member State Sovereignty

“The health measures taken under these regulations, […] must be initiated and carried out without delay by all States Parties to the agreement. » (RSI, art. 42)

Never should one man gain such power over the bodies and lives of billions of people in the 194 WHO Member States!

The WHO “business model”

Gigantic financial transactions, to be paid out by taxpayers, flow into poorer countries and actually end up in the pockets of “Big Pharma” and private investors.

It is here that we discover with what perfidy the WHO and its powerful profiteers have implemented, in the shadows, a “coup d’état” in 194 countries!

At the WHO General Assembly to be held in Geneva from May 27 to June 1, 2024, delegates from 194 member countries will have to decide on a new treaty on pandemics and a fundamental reform of the International Health Regulations (IHR) already in force. Given that they must vote on a significant expansion of the powers of the WHO and its director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, a heated debate has already erupted in almost all countries several months before the meeting. In article 55 of the IHR, Tedros undertakes to transmit to all member states the text of each proposed amendment at least four months before the vote.

The English word “shall” must be translated here as an imperative order. Communication is therefore obligatory, binding. Tedros should therefore have presented a draft final text on January 27, 2024 in order to allow a statutory vote. This was not done before March 2024, Tedros does not follow the rules and is therefore not trustworthy!

Today's research, supported by international experts, can therefore only take a close look at the current drafts of the two documents which are still under discussion. For this research, we take a look at Germany — one of the 194 member states:

On Thursday, February 22, 2024, a motion from the CDU/CSU parliamentary group was presented to the German Bundestag. It is titled: “For transparent negotiations on the WHO pandemic agreement – ​​against misinformation and conspiracy theories”.

The CDU/CSU is the largest opposition group and has made various demands there regarding the WHO pandemic contract. These requirements are compared below, as a fact-check, to the text of the draft contracts for the two agreements. This fact-check highlights – almost in black and white – what the WHO is currently negotiating behind closed doors.
Fact Check #1: Member State Sovereignty

CDU/CSU demand: “In addition, it must be ensured that the implementation of the agreement is in accordance with the national health policies of the member states and that national sovereignty rights are fully preserved. »

Fact 1: The passage “taking into account the views of the State Party concerned” is deleted from Article 10.4 of the new IHR!

Fact 2: The term “non-binding” is deleted several times in Article 1.1 of the new IHR!

Text of the current WHO draft: "States Parties recognize WHO as the directing and coordinating authority for international public health action in the event of a public health emergency of international concern and undertake to follow WHO recommendations in their international public health action. » (RSI, 13A-1)

Fact 3: Through the new article 13A-1, the 194 Member States undertake to follow the WHO recommendations! These draft dictatorial treaties are scandalous and reveal the true intentions of the WHO! The WHO is not a trustworthy organization — even if, due to increasing international pressure, it still had to water down plans at the last minute!

Analysis: As with a scalpel, the WHO “castrates” the Member States! By deleting or adding a few words, she removes their sovereignty and empowers herself! The non-binding recommendations that existed until now thus become binding guidelines for action in international law!
Fact Check #2: The Pandemic Declaration


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Michael Nehls, The Indoctrinated Brain

New WorldAnti-covid vaccines have transformed people into mindless zombies

New World - Apr 16, 2024

Michael Nehls is a German doctor with a doctorate in molecular genetics. He has published two articles with Nobel laureates.


Across the world, mental performance is declining, particularly among young people, while rates of depression are increasing dramatically. One in forty people today suffer from Alzheimer's disease, and the age of onset of the disease is rapidly increasing. But the causes have not been eliminated. Is this a coincidence? “The Indoctrinated Brain” presents a powerful and largely unknown neurobiological mechanism, whose multiple disturbances, most often going unnoticed, are at the origin of these catastrophic developments. In this book, Dr. Michael Nehls, an internationally renowned physician and molecular geneticist, lays out a stunning chain of evidence that suggests that behind these many negative influences lies a targeted, masterfully executed attack on our individuality, with the aim of depriving people of their ability to think for themselves. But it's not too late. By revealing these processes that damage the brain and describing individually applicable countermeasures, Nehls brings light and hope to this dire chapter in human history. The question of whether our species will be able to preserve its humanity and creative power, or whether it will lose them irretrievably, will be nothing less than decided in our time.

“Michael Nehls' book, The Indoctrinated Brain, has sparked considerable controversy due to its bold claims regarding the effects of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines on human cognition and autonomy. Nehls suggests that these vaccines, among other modern pressures, are part of a global assault to manipulate the human mind, aimed at facilitating increased government control over individuals. His theories align with broader conspiracy narratives, which have been spread through various platforms known for hosting this type of content.

Nehls' work was presented in a discussion with Tucker Carlson, where he outlined his views on the manipulation of human memory and cognition through fear, suggesting a deliberate effort to control the population. Additionally, Nehls' theories were cited by conspiracy sites such as Infowars in an article titled "Molecular Geneticist Explains How mRNA Vaccines Were Designed to Conquer the Human Mind." conquer the human mind), which further associates his work with marginal stories.

Additionally, The Indoctrinated Brain was published by Skyhorse Publishing, a company with a history of publishing conspiracy-themed books. Skyhorse Publishing has made a reputation for accepting authors that other houses avoid, including figures who have spread misinformation, including false theories about coronavirus vaccines. This backdrop places Nehls' work in a specific context of controversial literature.

While Nehls' hypotheses have been supported in some circles, notably by figures such as Naomi Wolf and Stephanie Seneff, they have not been widely accepted by the mainstream scientific community. Leading health organizations, including the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), continue to support the safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines, refuting claims which they would be tools of government manipulation.

The debate around The Indoctrinated Brain illustrates the tension between fringe theories and established scientific consensus, highlighting the challenges of public health communication and combatting misinformation in the age of COVID-19. »

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5G total control

Michael DognaTotal control by 5G, confirmations and possible solutions

Michel Dogna - April 14, 2024

By Swiss Dr Astrid Stuckelberger


In the following video, Astrid reveals the rapid development of public installations of hidden 5G transmitters and relays in cities. These 5G transmitters radiate psychic programs to control individuals. This is conveyed on gigahertz frequency bands tuned to those of the brain and relayed by graphene oxide which has been instilled by mRNA vaccines. Affected people therefore do not realize that they are being manipulated from a distance and believe that they are the creators of their opinions.

Listen carefully to Astrid Stuckberger's message (9 min. 50 min.)

Astrid Stuckelberger is one of the rare leaders among truth seekers to dare to talk about graphene oxide and the spike protein, the major deadly elements of fake mRNA vaccines. She also participated in the film “Hold-up”.

I intended to present his remarkable curriculum and I gave it up when I discovered Conspiracy Watch, a 100% anti-truth Satanist site which, in the absence of a physical assassination, published a veritable media execution against him. of the recurring word that kills: “conspiracy”.

Yes, I gave it up because it is enough to read the flurry of accusations against Astrid leveled by Conspiracy watch (see on Google) to faithfully discover, by simply reversing its narrative, the broad outlines of its actions and courageous positions (with which my personal conclusions are totally in line).
and important reminders

Do you know that black radish contains peroxidase which is an enzyme capable of directly neutralizing graphene oxide in the blood. It is added to the list already passed several times including L-glutathione, NAC, Zinc (especially colloidal), vitamin D3+K2.

Reminder: Graphene oxide severely thickens the blood creating possible fatal blockages in the heart, brain and lungs – You can have your blood viscosity checked with a D-Dimer at any medical laboratory

I would like to take this opportunity to recall the effectiveness of nattokinase, an enzyme from natto, a Japanese cheese massively contained in Serracor NK, capable of destroying the terrible spike protein self-disseminated in all the cells of the body... and transmissible by air.

Reminder: The spike protein sabotages the immune defenses, and puts the body into an autoimmune reaction or even into AIDS. It is also what damages the hearts of teenagers aged 12 to 25.

Another important reminder about simplified cardiac coherence with immediate and preventive effect concerning hypertensive surges, palpitations, tachycardias and rhythmic heart disorders; just run 21 times:
- FULL INHALE 2 seconds
- EXHALE COMPLETE 6 seconds (or more)

Note: can be done discreetly in an emergency anywhere - repeat once if necessary - the announcement of sedation is made by series of yawns and burps. You can check the result with a blood pressure monitor.

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liquid chips

Gendarme ProfessionGraphene in vials is a Liquid Chip!

Profession Gendarme - Apr 07, 2024

This UN doctor and a quality auditor who worked for Pfizer affirm that there is nothing biological in so-called mRNA toxins, not even that, but that there are only heavy metals that can be activated by OEMs.


This is the confirmation by scientists from the Bigpharma inner circle of what the conspiracy theorists, OEM resistance fighters, often former soldiers, have been saying for years even before the Covid toxin attack.

We now understand better why the EU is so addicted to toxins, having encouraged research on graphene oxide and even created a prize to reward researchers.

Dr. Sladjana Velkov, a former UN doctor, explains that Dr. Nagase, a Canadian doctor originally from Japan, published a study in which he analyzed vaccine vials in an official laboratory.

There is no organic matter, therefore no viruses, no mRNA, no cell cultures, nothing!

There are only heavy metals and the highest concentration is carbon, i.e. graphene.

He then explains how this graphene can be manipulated using radio waves.

They manipulate it with radio waves.

In fact, it becomes a liquid chip that can “annihilate” you.

That's all there is to say.

On the other hand, Melissa McAtee, a former quality auditor working at Pfizer, reports a glow in vaccine compounds and says she knows of only two elements capable of emitting light: graphene oxide and luciferase.

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pandemic treaty - WHO

The DefenderWHO: Misleading letter calls for support for pandemic treaty

The Defender - April 01, 2024

Misleading letter calls for support for pandemic treaty as Louisiana becomes first US state to reject WHO takeover.


More than 100 former world leaders and public figures are urging World Health Organization (WHO) member states to finalize a new “pandemic deal” in time for the 77th World Health Assembly, to be held in Geneva , in Switzerland, from May 27 to June 1.

In an open letter dated March 20, the leaders wrote:

“An agreement on the pandemic is essential to preserve our collective future. Only a strong global pact on pandemics can protect future generations from a repeat of the Covid-19 crisis, which claimed millions of lives and caused widespread social and economic devastation.”

Critics of the draft pandemic agreement told the Defender that the letter is misleading because it discusses the draft agreement, or “pandemic treaty”, but does not refer to amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) (RSI).

Changes to the IHR, proposed in 2023, are being negotiated at the same time as the agreement. Critics of the letter said it was intended to distract from what they see as the more onerous proposals contained in the IHR amendments.

Dr David Bell, a public health physician, biotechnology consultant and former director of global health technology at Intellectual Ventures Global Good Fund, told the Defender the letter was “utterly shameful” and “misleading”.

Mr Bell said:

“The letter follows the lead of the Director-General in misleading the public by asserting, correctly, that the pandemic agreement does not include provisions that transfer authority from countries to the WHO, even though these provisions do in the proposed amendments to the IHR which accompany the agreement on the pandemic.

“The proposed amendments to the IHR specifically mention border closures, compulsory vaccination and other measures today associated with confinement. They specifically mention that documents are needed to cross borders and cite digital passports as one of the possible solutions.

Dutch lawyer Meike Terhorst told the Defender that the open letter “only refers to the pandemic agreement to sow confusion”.

“The real issue lies in the amendments to the IHR, because on the basis of these amendments the WHO Director-General should obtain independent legislative and executive powers, while any legal control is made impossible,” said Ms Terhorst . “The secrecy surrounding the plans suggests that it is a coup.

Are the negotiations in difficulty?

Some critics have suggested the open letter could be a sign that negotiations for the pandemic deal are failing.

“Neither document has consensus among member states,” said Shabnam Palesa Mohamed, executive director of Children's Health Defense (CHD) Africa and founder of Transformative Health Justice. “With eight weeks until the World Health Assembly, the WHO is clearly concerned that the agreement could be derailed.

The BMJ reports that “little progress” has been made on the draft pandemic deal, and that the intellectual property waiver “remains a sticking point for member nations who are at loggerheads in the discussions” .

“Supporters of the agreement fear that the final draft will be watered down during negotiations and that weaker wording will result in recommending that countries take certain actions rather than compelling them to do so under international law,” according to The BMJ.

Others noted growing global opposition to the proposed agreement and changes to the IHR. Iran, New Zealand, Slovakia and the Netherlands recently rejected proposed 2022 IHR amendments, while in South Africa a “WHO withdrawal bill” was proposed .

In the United States, the Louisiana Senate voted unanimously on March 26 against allowing the WHO, the United Nations and the World Economic Forum to have any influence over the state of Louisiana. Louisiana.

“The fact that all Democrats voted in favor shows how popular this sentiment is with their voters,” said the president of the European Commission. Dr. Meryl Nass, internist and founder of Door to Freedom, “I think this sends a message to politicians around the world that favoring the WHO will come with a significant political cost.”

Pandemic agreement does not threaten sovereignty, but IHR amendments do

Independent journalist James Roguski told The Defender that the letter from world leaders to the WHO is “largely correct” because the proposed pandemic deal is not an “attack on national sovereignty.”

However, Mr. Roguski and Dr. Kat Lindley, president of the Global Health Project and director of the Global COVID Summit, emphasized that the IHR amendments pose a threat to the sovereignty of nations.

According to Ms Lindley, the amendments to the IHR will make WHO “the global authority on health in the event of further pandemics, which they clearly believe will occur again and again” and could pave the way for “ future vaccination mandates and the imposition of digital health passes.”

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5G herd ban

healthy homeHigh voltage waves - all overexposed?

Healthy home - March 22, 2024

Conference by Dr Belpomme and colleagues held in Martigny (Switzerland), March 8, 2024.



Mr. Olivier Bodenmann EPFL engineer, specialist in electrosmog
General problem with pulsed high frequency waves, differences between 3G, 4G, 5G, Wi-Fi, digital wireless phones (DECT), why they affect more than FM radio. Examples of biological effects of waves. 5G, reduction or increase in radiation? How to reduce your exposure, practical solutions.

Mr. Pierre Dubochet Radio engineer, toxicology of RNI (non-ionizing radiation)
Toxicology and radiation dose, comments on measurements in individuals, risks of exposure to new technologies (solar inverters, electric vehicle chargers, induction cooking, etc.) and high voltage.

Professor Dominique Belpomme Oncologist - University of Paris V - Founder of ARTAC - Director of the European Cancer and Environment Research Institute ECERI
What is electrohypersensitivity? Definition, clinical picture, prevalence and links with exposure to electromagnetic fields.

Dr Philippe Irigaray Doctor of Science in Biochemistry - ARTAC Research Coordinator
What are the means of making the clinical and biological diagnosis of electrohypersensitivity in practice? Elements of treatment and especially prevention.

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Vexille 2007 VF

Revolution 2030: other sourceExcerpt from the film Vexille (2007)

Revolution 2030: other source - March 19, 2024

Japanese science fiction animated film directed by Fumihiko Sori, released on August 18, 2007.


Excerpt from the film Vexille (2007) in French.

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Gavi and memes

The DefenderGavi calls memes super spreaders of misinformation

The Defender - March 15, 2024

Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, attacks the “super spreaders of misinformation” of the “anti-vaccine movement” in an article published on February 13.


“Memes have been part of anti-vaccine messages for centuries and their power to spread harmful health misinformation continues to grow,” according to the text of the article.

The article warns that while memes are often associated with “cute cats and celebrities with funny captions”, they have “a more sinister function”, as they “are part of a very sophisticated distribution and monetization strategy health misinformation”.

Citing the “long history” of anti-vaccination memes, the article features an image from 1802 showing a vaccine monster feeding a basket of infants and “excreting them with horns,” and another from 1892 showing a vaccine snake and a dancing skeleton threatening a mother and her infant.

However, “the most famous anti-vaccination meme,” the article states, “originated from a now-discredited 1998 study that incorrectly linked the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine ( MMR) and autism”.

The article links to a 2010 article in the Canadian Medical Association Journal about The Lancet's retraction of Dr. Andrew Wakefield's article and to a 2011 BMJ editorial calling Wakefield's study fraudulent.

According to the article, Wakefield's study is the origin of the “vaccines cause autism” meme, which appears on billboards and circulates “widely in the media.”

Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav analyzed the Wakefield controversy in a multi-part article, noting that the UK High Court subsequently found “no evidence to support the charge of professional misconduct , and even less the accusation of fraud”.

Citing the Media Manipulation Casebook, the article defines “meme warfare” as the spread of memes for the purposes of “political persuasion or community building, or to strategically disseminate narratives and other messages critical to a campaign media manipulation”.

The authors identified “three recurring themes” in memes encouraging vaccine refusal:

Government and social institutions are corrupt, politically compromised and tyrannical and are using dangerous and ineffective vaccines for surveillance, control and profit.
Unvaccinated people are unfairly stigmatized and persecuted, “subject to Nazi-style sanctions and social exclusion”.
The vaccinated are morally and physically inferior to the unvaccinated, for example, they suffer from reduced fertility and critical thinking skills.

But the most “sinister” element of the meme campaigns, according to the article, was “financially profiting from pandemic-related anxieties,” including by promoting “potentially dangerous” and “unapproved” medical treatments such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin.

The authors did not explain how a person could make a living selling inexpensive, off-patent drugs, nor did they compare this claim to the profits made by companies selling remdesivir or Covid-19 vaccines.

In conclusion, “under the cover of humor and satire” which “can escape fact-checkers and content moderators”, meme propagators “grow their online audience, sow distrust in health authorities and profit from the promotion of unapproved medicines”.

People don't buy what they sell

Laura Bono, vice president of Children's Health Defense (CHD), told The Defender: “Clearly, Gavi doesn't see the irony in publishing an article about the spread of 'misinformation' about vaccines, when Gavi is one of the most prolific purveyors of pro-vaccine propaganda in the world”.

Gavi, funded to the tune of $4,1 billion since 2000 by its founding partner, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, has a long history of introducing vaccines into developing countries in Africa without adequate informed consent about the risks. .

Gavi recently launched a malaria vaccination campaign for babies across Africa and is targeting millions of young girls in low- and middle-income countries around the world with a human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine.

Ms Bono said Gavi and other pharmaceutical industry-backed organizations are “grappling with parents around the world waking up to the serious risks posed by vaccines, including autism, and a growing number of people are not buying what they are selling”.

“It is ironic that Gavi is being forced to go down this path because it clearly feels threatened,” said CH Klotz, editor of “Canary In a Covid World: How Propaganda and Censorship Changed Our (My) World ” (The canary in a covid world: how propaganda and censorship have changed our (my) world). And continues: “They are far from suspecting that people are not stupid, despite the propaganda.”

According to Klotz, more and more people have become aware of the propaganda thanks to their experience with Covid-19, “where we were told one thing and the opposite happened”. For example, “Get vaccinated to stop transmission and protect yourself against further contamination.”

“It all turned out to be a big lie,” he said.


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Anti-Oxidants against Graphene

New WorldAnti-oxidants to destroy the necro-molecular corona of graphene oxide

New World - March 11, 2024

All those who are not inclined to confront the truth of vaccine genocide, with the scent of graphene oxide - because their viscera is too permeable - can always consider that this file presents a spectrum of antioxidants which, for most have been validated against the table of symptoms called Covidiens.


Today, the mission of every self-respecting human being is to daily heal Nature within him, which is perpetually assailed by the genocidal vectors of Transhumanist Techno-Culture. The question now is whether anyone who refuses to confront the truth of vaccine genocide is, authentically, capable of “healing themselves.”

All those who are inclined to wake up can, easily, begin to understand that the Pharmacratic Mafia did not wait to enhance the anti-CoqueVide/19 injections, with graphene oxide, to contaminate the “vaccines”, for many years, with a multitude of necro-nano-particles — and other adjuvants.

Today, the vector of the Enemy is graphenization through the Necro-Molecular Crown Syndrome — in this case, the Graphene Oxide Spike.

Today, graphenizing vaccination represents, very clearly, the dividing line between, on the one hand, those who opt for collective suicide and, on the other hand, those who want to survive, and live in Peace, in Beauty who is coming.

In this section:

Glutamic Acid
Vitamin D and Endocannabinoid System Fortification
Vitamin C
Nicotine and Tobacco
Highly antioxidant medicinal plants
Activated Charcoal
Professor Teruo Higa’s Effective Micro-Organisms
Chlorine Dioxide
Shikimic Acid
Anti-Graphene Protocols
Other Antioxidant and Reducing Substances of Graphene Oxide

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Gil Macrae

Digital DawnLicensed nurse makes number of vaccination deaths public

Digital Dawn - March 09, 2024

A licensed nurse makes public the number of deaths due to mass Covid vaccination.


After being fired for refusing to comply with the vaccination obligation imposed by her hospital, a Californian nurse spoke out publicly to denounce a vast operation to cover up deaths linked to anti-covid mRNA injections.

Gail Macrae, a California intensive care unit nurse, spoke out to sound the alarm that the public is being misled about the shots and the true number of patients who have been vaccinated against the Covid.

Macrae accuses the hospital where she worked of violating medical ethics.

She says this violation, which she believes is happening across the country and beyond, has resulted in increased harm to patients.

Macrae worked at Kaiser Permanente Hospital in Santa Rosa from 2015 to 2021.

However, she was fired for failing to comply with the staff vaccination mandate.

Following the introduction of the COVID-19 vaccine, Macrae saw a significant increase in hospitalizations and deaths.

She says patients suffered side effects she had never seen before.

During this time, proven and recommended treatments were banned and record-keeping systems were manipulated to conceal vaccine-related injuries and cases of serious infections.

She revealed that hospital officials ordered staff to cover up vaccination-related deaths, often by listing fully vaccinated patients who died on the "unvaccinated" list and listing the cause as "Covid." ".

Macrae revealed hospital staff had been threatened for reporting vaccine-related adverse reactions and deaths.

She also said medical professionals faced retaliation for opposing patient isolation protocols and denying families access and participation in their treatments.

According to Macrae, in the early months of the pandemic, hospitals were nearly empty as elective procedures were halted – a scene that contrasted with media claims that capacity was overwhelmed.

Even during the winter 2020-2021 surge of hospitalizations due to normal respiratory problems, she said “not once” were hospitals overwhelmed.

It’s an observation she’s corroborated with colleagues across the state.

However, she said hospital officials promoted the idea that facilities were overwhelmed with Covid patients.

“The public was lied to,” she said.

“It really opened my eyes to the fact that things were happening that shouldn't have happened.

Macrae reported the implementation of strict isolation protocols for patients who contracted COVID-19, which prohibited visits from patients' families and their advocates.

She argues that these restrictive policies facilitated unchecked media scaremongering, while removing a support system that could have served as a buffer against administrative coercion.

Although COVID-19 is “the most inflammatory disease humanity has ever known,” experienced hospital staff were prevented from administering steroids — “the best treatment for an inflammatory process,” Macrae said.

“The fact that the government, the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and these three-letter organizations are telling practitioners that they cannot administer steroids (…) is absolutely criminal,” she added.

California wasn't the only state to ban steroids.

Conventional anti-inflammatories such as steroids have been banned under rigid protocols in hospitals across the United States.

Furthermore, remdesivir, already deemed ineffective as a treatment against Ebola, was administered under strict protocols.

However, the data indicates it “does more harm than good,” Macrae said.

She added that antivirals, in general, do not work "more than two days after the onset of symptoms."

Macrae suggested that profit motives were to blame.

She revealed that “each of these doses cost over $3.”

With all of these new restrictive policies and protocols, Macrae said, “Every day I felt like I was violating my oath as a practitioner.”

When COVID-19 vaccines were introduced in early 2021, Macrae reported an immediate and dramatic change in patient admissions.

She revealed that her hospital saw a staggering “300% increase in hospitalizations.”

Hospital staff were overwhelmed by the patients' unusual conditions, she said.

According to Macrae, “code blue” alerts – when someone stops breathing or their heart stops – that used to happen maybe once per shift, started happening up to ten times per shift.

“They would always call them to the lower level of the hospital, where we had a vaccination clinic,” she said.

Two nurses who directly administered vaccines — colleagues she met through a practitioner support group in her community — said they were seeing between 10 and 20 episodes of anaphylactic shock a day.

They told Macrae that they were threatened with dismissal if they spoke publicly about the situation.**[...]

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