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WHO demands vaccine passports and border closures

deep geopoliticsWHO demands vaccine passports and border closures

Deep Geopolitics - May 30, 2023

WHO demands vaccine passports and border closures: Member countries forced to follow its orders


British MPs fear a new treaty to boost the powers of the WHO will allow it to close borders and introduce vaccine passports

The World Health Organization (WHO) could impose lockdowns on the UK [and all European countries] in a future pandemic under new sweeping powers.

Member states would be required to follow the agency's instructions when responding to pandemics, including introducing vaccine passports, border closures and quarantine measures, according to a draft update of the regulations. Agency.

A new 'pandemic treaty' being discussed would also require Britain to spend 5% of its health budget on preparing for a new virus outbreak.

Ministers say they are alarmed by plans to increase the powers of the WHO, which would allow its governing body to require countries to hand over the recipe for vaccines, regardless of intellectual property rights, and to fight misinformation.

Tory MPs have written to ministers warning them of a 'clear ambition for the WHO to move from an advisory body to an international monitoring authority'.

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