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About the digitization of humanity

The Francophone SakerAbout the digitization of humanity

The Francophone Saker - Jan 30, 2023

The digitization of humanity shows why the globalist agenda is wrong


In recent weeks, I have seen an interesting narrative fallacy being sold to the general public regarding the designs of the globalists. The mainstream media and other actors openly suggest that it is okay to oppose certain aspects of groups such as the Global Economic Forum. They give you permission to be worried, but dare not speak of conspiracy.

This propaganda deviates from the abject denials that we have been accustomed to hearing in the freedom movement for the past decade. We've all been faced with the usual cognitive dissonance - claims that globalist groups "just sit and talk about boring economic issues" and that nothing they do affects politics. overall or on your daily life. In some cases, we were even told that these elite groups “do not exist”.

Today, the media admits that, yes, the globalists may have more than a small influence on governments, social policies and economic outcomes. But what the mainstream doesn't like is the claim that globalists have nefarious or authoritarian intentions. It's just nonsense “foil hat” type talk, isn't it?

The reason for this change in discourse is obvious. Too many people have witnessed the real globalist agenda in action during the pandemic lockdowns and they now see the conspiracy for what it is. The globalists, in turn, seem to have been shocked to discover that several million people were opposed to the obligations and that the refusals to comply were clearly far more numerous than they thought. They're still trying to get their Covid scare mark across, but the cat is out of the bag now.

They failed to get what they wanted in the West, which was a perpetual Chinese-style medical tyranny with vaccine passports as the norm. So the strategy of the globalists has changed and they are trying to adapt. They admit some level of influence, but act as if they are benevolent or indifferent.

The answer to this lie is relatively simple. I could point out how WEF's Klaus Schwab relished the thrill of the pandemic's initial onset and declared that Covid-19 was the perfect "opportunity" to initiate what the WEF calls the "Great Reset".

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