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Why does Macron want to push the world into war so much?

Equality and ReconciliationWhy does Macron want to push the world into war so much?

Equality and Reconciliation - 06 Feb 2024

Why the war? Why does Macron want to force the world into war so much? This is perhaps the question we should ask ourselves, to solve a problem we need to know the reasons. They are multiple but convergent.


Money laundering. The essential problem of a government is to bring money into its real economy. How ? for example the RMI, the money is given to the tramps who spend it immediately (the tramps do not capitalize) and thus cash flow is created for the economy. It's good but the amounts are ridiculous. On the same principle, the State votes for aid to Ukraine; the money is given to pawns who immediately spend it on weapons and thus create cash flow for the military-industrialist.

But the money supply of the real economy, you, your baker, the restaurant, the plumber, has a leak; namely capitalization and tax havens. When a rich person hides his money in the Caribbean, that means less money supply in the real circuit. And it is not a small flowing stream, nor a river, reader friend, a river nay, it is a river, the Amazon, it is the Gulf Stream.

- But when the State gives money to tramps, to the military industry, to farmers, where does this money come from? Creation ex nihilo, that is to say from nothing. Currency is created with one line on a computer. But who has this power? Who has the power to make lines of several billion thousand ports? Who is the good god?

The good God belongs to those who believe in him. Money exists because we believe in it. The need to believe is something else. To believe is to be active, not to believe is a passive position. The oxen do not believe. A population that believes in nothing is the dream of totalitarian power. The need to believe is real to build a civilization; No offense to Harari, the belief is real. See the factory of reality.

But back to why the war. Who makes money? This power has been taken from kings, it theoretically belongs to the nations, but this power has been taken from the nations. The power to create money lies with private banks. Private banks guarantee the value of the currency. But who guarantees private banks?

A little history, the real one. Since the end of the Second World War, since the Bretton Woods agreements; July 22, 1944, the FED – The Federal Reserve of the United States – manages the quantity of gold in the West.

As the money supply is perpetually reduced due to the Gulf Stream, it must be perpetually recredited, how? The banks make the cavalcade, this charging step of the horses of the Napoleonic army. Cavalcade in financial jargon is the act of paying a loan by taking another loan, which will be financed by another loan.

That is to say that the fortunes of banks consist of quantities of… credits. Banks only own debts, and with these debts, print notes that represent value.

This allows you to export currency and receive goods in return. This gave the West enormous financial power and allowed it to operate as a parasite on the global economy.

This debt-increasing mechanism is reaching a level where we have essentially put everything we own, including our homes and land, into debt to maintain our standard of living. We no longer own anything, now that the debt has been subtracted. The debt has long since become unserviceable – well beyond our ability to pay interest – which explains why interest rates in the West are near zero. Any increase would make the debt irreparable and we would all officially go bankrupt in a day. It is August 15, 1971, Nixon puts an end to the Bretton Woods regime, everyone knows that.

Nixon signs the Bretton Woods death warrant. Global currency can and should be produced in abundance, undermining confidence in the dollar. But the dollar, to recreate confidence, relies on the mechanism of the Quincy pact, the February 14, 1945 meeting of King Saud and Roosevelt. The pact mentions the protection of Saudi Arabia by US military force in return for which the Saud kingdom undertakes to sell its oil only in dollars.

This pact is fundamental because it contains the balance of the world. In fact, buying your energy in dollars is a guarantee that the dollar will always be in demand, and therefore always valid. By extension, the US and its army forced the world to trade everything in dollars, guaranteeing that the dollar would always be in demand. The United States places itself in the position of debtor towards the rest of the world, and lets other countries finance it by accumulating dollars, in concrete terms it is a position of predator, or parasite. Obama went so far as to impose the extraterritoriality of American law. That is to say, anyone who uses the dollar is under American law. Law entirely relative to whom it is exercised. These are the famous rules of the New World Order. “The world needs rules” croon all the puppets of power, these rules are only the orders of those in power.

This allows American banks – because the Fed belongs to a small conglomerate of private banks – to put the world in a straight line. To enslave the world, that's the plan. All nations refusing to submit are destroyed, fueling the US military industry. Double benefit.

Furthermore, the USA takes great care to divide, divide and rule, any group of nations that could come together to resist. Triple benefit. However.

Well, not everyone agrees.

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