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WHO and False Pandemic!

globalizationWHO and False Pandemic!

Globalization - June 07, 2023

There is no longer any doubt that the new WHO offensive has been launched.


In anticipation of an imminent declaration of a new fake pandemic, it was necessary to neutralize the spoilsports now identified on the occasion of the first fake pandemic with essentially genocidal intent. The hunt for wizards and witches was officially open against Pr Didier Raoult, Alexandra Henrion-Caude, Pr Christian Perronne, Dr Louis Fouché, Dr Nicole and Gérard Delépine, Jean-Marc Sabatier, Pierre Chaillot, Michel Jean-Dominique and all the others who have been the voice of medical and scientific honesty.

Cohorts of disciplined and necessarily mindless civil servants were thus going to land at the Marseilles IHU with drums and trumpets for a spectacular “search” with a lot of propaganda on the media subservient to the system. It was urgently necessary to drag the reputation of Professor Didier Raoult in the mud, to deploy defamation at all costs, to discredit for good the dissident voice of this scientist and of all those who support him, because the imminent proclamation of a new false pandemic was to obtain the expected result this time.

For the genocidal program of the WHO, it was no longer acceptable that people like Didier Raoult could still have the right to speak and that they could once again be at the origin of a resistance which prevented the bastards, scumbags and perverts in power, to get what they wanted: a sufficient, satisfying, effective genocide on the populations kept in training and belief in the innocent narrative of Agenda 2030 (program for depopulation) …

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