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Vaccination victims in Germany: big rush to the hotline

Réseau InternationalVaccination victims in Germany: big rush to the hotline

International Network - Dec 17, 2022

They wanted to show solidarity, but now they are abandoned. Great rush to the hotline of a medical association, the MWGFD (Physicians and Scientists for Health, Freedom and Democracy) for victims of vaccination in Germany.


The Hot-Line was immediately reinforced because the crowds are enormous. People are desperate. While they were greeted with joy by doctors when they wanted to be vaccinated, now that they are struggling with health issues after the injection, they are coldly ignored. The association takes stock – and draws a conclusion: support for victims of Covid vaccination will now be one of the main topics for critical doctors.

In effect the doctors are saying, “We are in the midst of a new pandemic, a pandemic of vaccine damage that has long been warned about. The suffering of people with vaccine damage has really hit us. Hearing the tales of woe in such a dense volume makes you scream in anger or shut up in despair. »

“People complain of neurological symptoms, chronic fatigue, heart problems, blood clotting problems, burning sensations throughout the body, nerve tingling and chronic pain. Many have been unable to work for months and are in dire financial need. In addition to the physical complaints, the disappointment and bewilderment at the ignorance they show are particularly noticeable. Most of them say that the doctors do not take them seriously, that's why they depend on the help of relatives or try to get support from this type of hotline. »


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