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Total control by 5G, confirmations and possible solutions

Michael DognaTotal control by 5G, confirmations and possible solutions

Michel Dogna - April 14, 2024

By Swiss Dr Astrid Stuckelberger


In the following video, Astrid reveals the rapid development of public installations of hidden 5G transmitters and relays in cities. These 5G transmitters radiate psychic programs to control individuals. This is conveyed on gigahertz frequency bands tuned to those of the brain and relayed by graphene oxide which has been instilled by mRNA vaccines. Affected people therefore do not realize that they are being manipulated from a distance and believe that they are the creators of their opinions.

Listen carefully to Astrid Stuckberger's message (9 min. 50 min.)

Astrid Stuckelberger is one of the rare leaders among truth seekers to dare to talk about graphene oxide and the spike protein, the major deadly elements of fake mRNA vaccines. She also participated in the film “Hold-up”.

I intended to present his remarkable curriculum and I gave it up when I discovered Conspiracy Watch, a 100% anti-truth Satanist site which, in the absence of a physical assassination, published a veritable media execution against him. of the recurring word that kills: “conspiracy”.

Yes, I gave it up because it is enough to read the flurry of accusations against Astrid leveled by Conspiracy watch (see on Google) to faithfully discover, by simply reversing its narrative, the broad outlines of its actions and courageous positions (with which my personal conclusions are totally in line).
and important reminders

Do you know that black radish contains peroxidase which is an enzyme capable of directly neutralizing graphene oxide in the blood. It is added to the list already passed several times including L-glutathione, NAC, Zinc (especially colloidal), vitamin D3+K2.

Reminder: Graphene oxide severely thickens the blood creating possible fatal blockages in the heart, brain and lungs – You can have your blood viscosity checked with a D-Dimer at any medical laboratory

I would like to take this opportunity to recall the effectiveness of nattokinase, an enzyme from natto, a Japanese cheese massively contained in Serracor NK, capable of destroying the terrible spike protein self-disseminated in all the cells of the body... and transmissible by air.

Reminder: The spike protein sabotages the immune defenses, and puts the body into an autoimmune reaction or even into AIDS. It is also what damages the hearts of teenagers aged 12 to 25.

Another important reminder about simplified cardiac coherence with immediate and preventive effect concerning hypertensive surges, palpitations, tachycardias and rhythmic heart disorders; just run 21 times:
- FULL INHALE 2 seconds
- EXHALE COMPLETE 6 seconds (or more)

Note: can be done discreetly in an emergency anywhere - repeat once if necessary - the announcement of sedation is made by series of yawns and burps. You can check the result with a blood pressure monitor.

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