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These children who have school in the forest

ReporterreThese children who have school in the forest

Reporterre - Feb 22, 2023

Observe animals, make log benches... In the Gard, students have school in the forest. A new kind of classroom that is creating enthusiasm in France.


With a determined step, the school children of Lirac head towards their educational forest. Inaugurated two years ago, the plot adjoins the school of this small village in the Rhone Valley. Today, CM1-CM2 students have the task of imagining the layout of what will become their second classroom. With a few constraints: the infrastructure must be ephemeral and made with inexpensive or even free recyclable materials, all without electricity.

“We can go to school outside and tackle any subject. The idea is to also be able to take the liberty of stopping when birds pass by or to observe that a tree has grown. »

Nadia Schnell-Warin, teacher and school principal

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