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The war in Ukraine to keep the European Union under tutelage

VoltairenetThe war in Ukraine to keep the European Union under tutelage

Voltairenet - 26 Jan 2023

It's hard to admit, but the Anglo-Saxons don't hide it. To paraphrase a famous quote from the Alliance's first Secretary General, NATO was designed to “keep Russia out, the Americans in and the European Union in trust”.


There is no other possible interpretation of the continuation of useless “sanctions” against Moscow and the futile murderous fights in Ukraine.

It has been almost a year since the Russian army entered Ukraine to enforce Security Council Resolution 2202. NATO, rejecting this reason, considers on the contrary that Russia invaded Ukraine to annex it. In four oblasts, the referendums on joining the Russian Federation seem to confirm NATO's interpretation, except that the History of Novorossia confirms Russia's explanation. The two narratives continue in parallel, without ever overlapping.

For my part, having edited a daily bulletin during the war in Kosovo [1], I remember that NATO's narrative at the time was contested by all the Balkan press agencies, without my having the means to know who was right. Two days after the end of the conflict, journalists from member countries of the Atlantic Alliance were able to go there and see that they had been fooled. The regional news agencies were right. NATO had never stopped lying. Later, when I was a member of the Libyan government, NATO, which had a mandate from the Security Council to protect the population, used it to overthrow the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, killing 120 of the people it had to protect. These experiences show us that the West shamelessly lies to cover up its actions.

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