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The persecution will extend to other categories of the population

The Media in 4-4-2The persecution will extend to other categories of the population

The Media in 4-4-2 - June 14, 2023

Ariane Bilheran, philosopher, clinical psychologist and doctor in psychopathology, recently published a book entitled "Sur le Totalitarisme, conferences 2021-2022". Specializing in the study of the psychopathology of power, she analyzes the totalitarian phenomenon through her work.


According to her, totalitarianism corresponds to a paranoid delirium, a pathology of control and persecution of populations. It aims for total domination, especially over people's intimate lives, by appropriating their bodies and reducing them to superfluous beings.

Totalitarianism runs on ideology, a false narrative from the point of view of truth and the reality of lived experience. It resorts to propaganda to indoctrinate the masses, using in particular television and the image in general.

“Key figures have been put in key positions to promote an agenda of control, surveillance and enslavement. »

Ariane Bilheran

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