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The new gendarmerie armored vehicles are equipped with automatic machine guns

The Free ThinkerThe new gendarmerie armored vehicles are equipped with automatic machine guns

The Free Thinker - Nov 23, 2022

Violent charge of the police against the demonstrators with illegal use of the trap!


Despite the numerous accidents, the deaths, the hands and feet torn off, the eyes gouged out... despite the condemnation of the Council of State concerning the illegal use of the "trap" by the Parisian police forces, nothing has changed. because Gérald Darmanin despises the rule of law. They are arming themselves against the population as if they were going to war against a foreign enemy with vehicles over-equipped with weapons of war (the violence of the forces of order can be observed on the video below.) Since when are the police tasked with tearing down a protest banner? You can see it in the images, several police officers with rogue behavior, unworthy! Such excesses can only take place if the hierarchy allows it, that is obvious. The use of the trap is nothing but a premeditated artificial way to raise the tension because there is no possibility of extracting oneself from the demonstration!

One thing is certain, the government is equipping itself in a military way because it knows very well that the population will end up exploding given the numerous betrayals and the catastrophic management of the affairs of the State. They know perfectly well that their days are numbered, so they can only rely on police violence.

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