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The Christmas crib maintained despite the Republican condemnation

OuilladeThe Christmas crib maintained despite the Republican condemnation

Ouillade - Dec 25, 2022

It was late yesterday evening Tuesday, December 20, 2022 that the Administrative Court (TA) of Montpellier condemned the municipality to dismantle the Christmas crib installed in the patio of the Hôtel-de-Ville, under penalty of a fine of €100 per day


The decision was eagerly awaited, even if the outcome of the verdict was beyond doubt, precisely in the aftermath of the convictions of other municipalities – that of Béziers (Hérault) in particular -, which found themselves in the same situation. The verdict therefore fell late, in the night from yesterday Tuesday to this Wednesday, December 21, 2023: the Municipality of Perpignan will therefore have to dismantle the crèche installed in the patio of the Hôtel-de-Ville, place de la Loge.

Louis Aliot (RN), mayor of Perpignan, also departmental councilor for the POs and vice-president of the Urban Community Perpignan-Méditerranée Métropole (PMM), was quick to react, announcing the maintenance in the state and in situ of the Christmas crib, which is currently the most visited municipal site! The tradition of the Pessebre (Christmas crib) is a heritage specific to Catalonia which includes figurines similar to the santons of Provence, including a character called the caganer. In France, this unavoidable Catalan tradition during the festive season can be found, for example, in Perpignan with the Pessebre de Sant Vicens.

“Many people from Perpignan have asked us in the name of Catalan tradition, some of them have already come forward to help us pay the fines if necessary (…)”.

Louis Aliot - mayor of Perpignan

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