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The WEF's 2030 Agenda transforms the United States into a "Marxist dictatorship"

Digital DawnThe WEF's 2030 Agenda transforms the United States into a "Marxist dictatorship"

Digital Dawn - 12 Sep 2023

Woman who survived Maoist China says WEF's 2030 Agenda is turning US into 'Marxist dictatorship'


A woman who survived China's brutal communist regime has warned the World Economic Forum and US Democrats against turning the country into a "proletarian Marxist dictatorship".

“I experienced the most brutal communist regime in China,” Xi Van Fleet said. “I have witnessed a lot of things. And now I'm going to tell you about one of the darkest moments I've ever witnessed. When the former president of the United States was indicted and photographed in a Georgia prison. »

“I must say that America is fast becoming a communist country and our rule of law has been transformed into a proletarian dictatorship,” Xi warned. “The ruling party is attacking the political opposition, and not just the president, but also people like activists. They are now in prison. They are political prisoners in this “free” country that is the United States. »

“Welcome to Mao’s China in 2030”

Xi Van Fleet

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