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The conspirator's problem is that he wants to think for himself?!

The Media in 4-4-2The conspirator's problem is that he wants to think for himself?!

The Media in 4-4-2 - Dec 03, 2022

The neuroscientist Dieguez: "The problem of the conspirator is that he wants to think for himself, to do his own research"


We bring you a master class in the company of the neuroscientist Sebastian Dieguez who spoke during the program "Infrarouge" of the Swiss channel RTS, June 3, 2020. The title of the program "What vaccine against conspiracy? is presented by Alexis Favre.

During the debate, the neuroscientist regrets that the conspirator does not follow the herd: "What makes the conspirator is that he will do research for himself, he wants to think for himself, he wants to see by himself…” Taken aback by this surreal discourse, journalist Myret Zaki picks up Sebastian Dieguez, wondering how it is possible to utter such nonsense.

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