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The colossal farce of the coup d'etat prevented in Germany

The strategist's letterThe colossal farce of the coup d'etat prevented in Germany

The mail from the strategists - 10 Dec 2022

The German public authorities had a narrow escape! A dark conspiracy was brewing, which wanted to seize Parliament, restore the monarchy, with the help of antivax, Putin and friends of Trump!


But thanks to the valiant German police, internal intelligence and civic vigilance always on the alert, our friend Olaf will be able to remain Chancellor and our other great friend, Annalena, continue to be able to learn the military history and geography of Europe. and the world to do her job as Minister of Foreign Affairs. Fascism is always reborn but the women and men of progress are watching: no pasaran! Once we have had a good laugh, however, we understand that behind the farcical scenario, which consists in taking German citizens for fools, there is a major intimidation against all those who criticize the incompetence of the German government. and his alienation in Washington, Davos and Beijing.

The coup was almost perfect

In fact, the only hilarious thing about the proposed scenario is that the expected ingredients are there. I can't resist the pleasure of quoting the copy-paste of the very macronist Figaro, under the title “Germany foils a far-right plot” – just that! Hang on to the table, laughter assured.

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