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Drug shortage in France getting worse and worse!

InsolentiaeDrug shortage in France getting worse and worse!

Insolentiae – Apr 25, 2024

The collapse of West Korea.


Today I'm going to come out.

I'm from the left.

I am totally, viscerally left-wing. Are you going to tell me what this has to do with the shortage of medicines and Charles’ “leftness”?

You know why ? Because I am very sensitive to the suffering of others. We call this empathy. I believe that when one of us falls, we must reach out to them. I sincerely, viscerally, think that what fundamentally defines a society and its degree of advancement of “civilization” would say for certain, is its way of taking care of the weakest, the most fragile, the “defenseless”. So, yes, I am left-wing.

However, I am not a socialist.

“The problem with socialism is that one day you end up having spent all of other people’s money.”

But even more serious...

“There is no such thing as socialism without danger. If it's safe it's not socialism. And if it is socialism it is not without danger. The path of socialism drags us down, toward less freedom, less prosperity, lowers us toward more confusion, more failure. If we follow him to his destination, we will lead this country to ruin. »

This is how we no longer have medicines, that we, in France, in this “developed” France of the year 2024, this France which is waging war against Russia with a Professor Trouposol at its head and a “ Mozart” of finance at Bercy who wants to bring the Russian economy to its knees, we no longer have medicine in our pharmacies.

It's the shortage.

Socialism is always scarcity.

It always ends in tragedy.


Egalitarianism always leads to ruin and dictatorship.

“We believe they should be people. We are all unequal. No one, thank God, is the same as anyone else, contrary to what most socialists can claim. We believe that everyone has the right to be different but for us every human being is of equal importance. »

I am left-wing because I sincerely believe that every human being is equally important, but I am not a socialist because I believe in the necessity of inequalities to maintain freedom and diversity!

Equality is a dictatorship that crushes all diversity and all freedom. If we are all equal then... we are all the same, and when we are all the same, there is no more freedom, no more difference.

So I am left-wing but not socialist.

I am not a socialist, because this ersatz political doctrine is bogus.

I am not a socialist, because they confuse egalitarianism and equality of rights and duties.

I am not a socialist, because they confuse assistance with just solidarity and necessary mutual aid.

I am not a socialist, because they deny difference and freedom in the name of the dictatorship of egalitarianism and false social justice.

I am not a socialist, because they think that the “magical” State, with “magical” thinking and “magic” money can fantasize a world and abstract itself from reality.

I am not a socialist, because reality always comes back at a gallop and when reality returns it is not the rich socialists in the portfolio on the right and who live on the left bank who suffer. No, it's the small ones, the low-ranking ones, the fragile ones.

I am not a socialist, because they are generous with other people's money without shame and never with their own, refusing true generosity for themselves and imposing it on others.

I am not a socialist, because they think that they can, in a world open to all, in a world where there is the free movement of goods and merchandise, regulate and fix the prices of medicines.

They think these imbeciles, because they are “the State” that they can say to the pharmaceutical laboratories, “I buy your box for 1 euro” and the Lab responds, no problem, I will sell it to the Hungarians , because over there, at 10 euros, “Hungarian is still not expensive”… or to Czechs with provisions and not to bad checks from the French State.

So we don't have any more medicine.

We have a shortage of medicines.

Not because the drug factories are no longer producing.

There is no shortage of medicines in Hungary or the Czech Republic, former comrade countries of the well-socialist republics. They spent 70 years there in socialist bliss.

There is a shortage of medicines in France.

France, this country so brilliant, so wonderful, which became… West Korea.

In West Korea we can no longer get treatment and yet it all costs a crazy amount of money.

So after 40 years of socialism and a socialist administered economy we are in the wall.

We are ruined.

read the article