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PsyOp or delusions of a storyteller?

New WorldPsyOp or delusions of a storyteller?

New World - August 28, 2023

Here is an interview given on August 18 by Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes on the Nino Rodriguez podcast.


She's a character that has pretty much come out of nowhere in the past few weeks in the pro-Trump media landscape and is stringing together statements worthy of a Marvel movie!

Psychologist Jan Halper-Hayes, former global vice president of Republicans Abroad, said a few days ago that Space Force (nothing less) had evidence of voter fraud in 2020. She claims that Trump doesn't have not yet released the evidence to avoid the CIVIL WAR (which will have to come in its time of course).

She details that Trump went to see the Queen and the Pope in the Vatican to tell them that he was ending the corporation of the United States to restore a free republic! Are you ready for NESARA-GESARA? There we swim in full delirium Qanon!

I would say that what appears to be a delirium, at first glance, is in fact a plot of this gigantic psychological operation in which this lady has just been added as a key player in the 5D chess game (operations logo US Army Psychology).

read the article