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wwoof website

WwoofWWOOFing: Living and learning on organic farms and gardens

Wwoof – May 30, 2007

Wwoofing is a concept of exchange: work in exchange for accommodation, food and training. It's a way to learn, to meet, to experience living together and working without money, an excellent experience for discovering yourself and who knows, maybe discovering a vocation!


The site presented here allows the connection between hosts and workers. Each host is presented with a lot of details, including the activities offered as part of the wwooffing but also the minimum or maximum durations, availability, etc.

“The week at the Jardins de Montmignac was a wonderful experience. I saw and learned many different things. Thank you for everything ! »

Hannah, German WWOOFer who worked in France

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Sea Shepherd website

Sea ShepherdSea Shepherd: Fighting Illegal Activities on the High Seas

Sea Shepherd - May 2, 2007

Founded in 1977 by Captain Paul Watson, SEA SHEPHERD is the most combative ocean defense NGO in the world.


Sea Shepherd works on three main axes: Going beyond protest and intervening in an active and non-violent manner in cases of illegal harm to marine life and marine ecosystems Exposing abuses and unsustainable or unethical harming practices marine life and the integrity of marine ecosystems by alerting the media and public opinion. Raise public awareness of the essential link that connects us to the ocean through various interventions in festivals, schools, organization of conferences, exhibitions, publications, films, etc.

“There comes a time when protesting is no longer enough, after philosophy, action is needed. »

Victor Hugo, poet and writer, (1802 - 1885)

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The autonomous house website

The autonomous houseThe autonomous house: a laboratory for life

The Autonomous House - Mar 21, 2007

With 30 years of experience, Patrick Baronnet and the Heol association promote an alternative, independent and joyful way of life. On their site, you will find books and DVDs explaining the construction of a bioclimatic house, and all the tutorials necessary for this realization!


"After more than [...] 30 years of experimentation, we have noticed that it is possible to 'produce differently', a little, moderately or a lot, on the condition of 'thinking differently' in order to 'consume differently' [...] while aiming happiness. »

Patrick Baronet

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FramblogThe framablog: an alternative medium

Framablog - May 21, 2006

Framablog is... a blog! On which you will find news about Framasoft, free culture and the commons: chronicles, a press review, translations, interviews.


Framasoft, a popular education association works to changing the world, one byte at a time. One of its flagship slogans is "Let's de-google the internet!" »

“A cell phone emits location signals. When you have a cell phone, the network always knows where you are. »

Richard Stallman, President of the Free Software Foundation

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ReporterreIn the Drôme, a cooperative makes farmers' seeds grow

Reporterre - Jan 16, 2006

For fifteen years, the Drôme seed artisans of Jardin'enVie have been producing and selling peasant varieties of seeds, seedlings, vegetables, fruits and flowers. To expand their cultivable area and fertilize the soil impoverished by productivist agriculture, they rely on citizens' savings and call on local authorities.


“By adapting our production methods, the results of peasant seeds have greatly exceeded those of conventional seeds. »

Éric Marchand, co-manager of Jardin'enVie

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Peasant Seeds

Peasant Seeds NetworkA movement of collectives defending peasant seeds

Peasant Seeds Network - 29 Apr 2005

On this site, you will find a lot of information but also the map of members with whom to exchange non-sterile seeds.


This network mainly brings together national organic and farmer organizations, associations protecting biodiversity, producer associations, seed companies, etc.

“Good seed makes good grain and good trees bear good fruit. »

French proverb

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Worldometers website

WorldometerWolrdometers: the figures of the world

Wolrdometer - Sep 3, 2004

Worldometer is a website that calculates in real time, based on several algorithms, data related to the world population, government and economy, environment, food, water, energy, and health.

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Morpheus website

MorpheusMorphéus, the media that wakes you from the lead sleep of single thought

Morpheus - Dec 21, 2003

Morphéus is a free newspaper that belongs to its readers. Morphéus wants to promote the human critical spirit in the tolerance, the respect of the man and the clairvoyance of the crucial stakes of our time.


These favorite subjects are civilization (spirituality, health, history), exology (exoscience, interplanetary, ufology), globalism (ecology, economy, international, politics, society), science (energies, neo-sciences, technology) etc. This medium writes articles and publishes podcasts with a very unique approach.

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Triad Editions

Triad EditionsTriades editions: the work of Rudoph Steiner

Triades Editions - Nov 20, 2003

The Triades editions were founded with the aim of making known in French the works of the philosopher Rudolf Steiner, the founder of anthroposophy.


Today, the Triades catalog offers books on pedagogy, medicine, biology, philosophy, etc.
They also offer workshops and conferences, especially in their bookshops.

“In the future, we will eliminate the soul with medicine. Under the pretext of a 'health point of view', there will be a vaccine by which the human body will be treated as soon as possible directly at birth, so that the human being cannot develop the thought of existence of soul and spirit. »

Rudolph Steiner

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Editions Iona Children's Books

Editions IonaIona editions: Moral books for young and old

Editions Iona - August 28, 2003

Iona is an association law 1901, its goal is not to earn money. Its catalog is not heterogeneous and does not respond to fashion. There is a common thread that runs throughout the catalog, there is an intention...


Iona's texts are a cradle for the child, a tutor for the young, and a deep source of reflection for the adult. Aimed at all audiences, they promote the evolution of being to enable him to become an accomplished adult.

“The children won't have understood the words, but that doesn't matter. We know that it is not just about bringing what the children understand, but also many things that will only come to light later in the souls of the children.

Rudolph Steiner

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LPO website

Bird Protection LeagueThe Bird Protection League "At home, Nature is at home"

Bird Protection League - March 3, 2003

the LPO works on a daily basis for the protection of species, the preservation of spaces and for education and environmental awareness.


It acts on the national and European level by setting up programs to safeguard species. At the local level by raising awareness among the individuals she invited to act, for example by protecting nests, by making seeds available during the most critical periods, etc.

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Land of links site

land of tiesLand of links: What if you grew farms?

Land of Bonds - Jan 31, 2003

Terre de lien is a movement promoting the maintenance of agricultural land and access to land for new peasant settlements, based on three pillars: an associative network supporting the peasants, a solidarity investment company and a foundation.


Terre de Liens was born in 2003 from the convergence of several movements linking popular education, organic and biodynamic agriculture, ethical finance, solidarity economy and rural development.

“Agriculture must be given back its place and rank”

Alphonse Karr, author of the book Le voyage de mon jardin

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