Last modification by Nathan- 54 there is

In the midst of the Palestinian genocide, Arte broadcasts The Shoah of the Ghettos

Equality and ReconciliationIn the midst of the Palestinian genocide, Arte broadcasts The Shoah of the Ghettos

Equality and Reconciliation - 21 Jan 2024

The Franco-German Shoah channel has put its very big clogs on, in the middle of the Israel/Hamas war and in the middle of the Palestinian genocide (already 26 dead, 000 injured and 60 “displaced”): it broadcasts The Shoah from the ghettos , a variant of the Shoah after the Shoah in the camps, the Shoah by bullets, etc.


There is Holocaust galore but Internet users, given the unadulterated comments, did not appreciate the timing. We selected around twenty. But first, the good doc.

The voiceover at 30'08: "The hope of an autonomous existence free from German terror is only short-lived. Ghettos were not designed by the Nazis as places to live. Described as death chambers by Josef Goebbels, these are spaces where the occupant experiences slow death through hunger, disease and forced labor. The inhabitants are at the mercy of the decrees and limitations imposed by the German administration, starting with the supply of food, which is strictly regulated. »

Naturally, we come up with a crazy idea:

“The hope of an autonomous existence free from Jewish terror is short-lived. Gaza is not designed by Israelis as a place to live. Described as a death chamber by Benjamin Netanyahu, it is a space where the occupier experiences slow death through hunger, disease and forced labor. Gazans are at the mercy of the decrees and limitations imposed by the Israeli administration, starting with the strictly regulated food supply. »

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