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Dismissal: interview with activist and airplane pilot David van Hemelryck

France SoirDismissal: interview with activist, and plane pilot, David van Hemelryck

France Evening - 11 August 2023

For several days, vacationers enjoying the beach in New Aquitaine have been able to see it hovering in the sky: a small plane dragging in its wake a banner in tricolor colors, on which can be read in red characters on a white background the word “dismissal”, surrounded by a large blue line.


This is the work of a polytechnician by training, who became an entrepreneur and a pilot, David van Hemelryck. The latter chose this mode of action simply to raise awareness among the French about the existence of a process of impeachment of the President of the Republic. A dismissal that he calls for, unsatisfied with the state of the political and democratic system of France at present. An action that he would like to see triggered beyond political chapels, partisan quarrels or divergent ideologies and of which he explains the necessity in his eyes within a website.

(see the rest of the article after the video)

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