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Drug shortages. The government bans online sales!

InsolentiaeDrug shortages. The government bans online sales!

Insolentiae – Jan 06, 2023

When a government is unable to organize or ensure the conditions for a good supply, it rations and organizes scarcity.


When a government is unable to organize or ensure the conditions for a good supply, it rations and organizes scarcity.

As with any good socialist-communist government, in France we are no exception to the rule and everything always ends in scarcity, lack, and absence.

This current drug shortage owes nothing to chance and everything to public action, and the media hides most of the truth.


The government is responsible for the shortages.


Because in a globalized, globalized world, where we have voluntarily relocated our factories, and where we have voluntarily abandoned all customs duties, we have decided (in reality it has been imposed on us) to let the international competition.

The French drug market is no more than a small market of 67 million inhabitants in an ocean of 8 billion people to be treated. In such a world and when the demand is strong, the adjustment is always made by the price… and the shortage.

Those who can pay or want to pay are served. The others are forced into scarcity.

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