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Criticizing current medical knowledge is now punishable by prison!

InsolentiaeCriticizing current medical knowledge is now punishable by prison!

Insolentiae - Feb 11, 2024

Return of the Inquisition.


" And yet it moves " ! In this uneducated world, it is easier to treat those who think as conspiracists or fascists than to start a debate with them. Let's not be intimidated by these crazy people, my friends. Let us resist, at the tip of the pen. Let us resist with words, concepts and thought. Let us resist by calling history to the bar.

Remember Galileo.

“The Trial of Galileo, or the Galileo Affair, is the investigation and conviction of the learned astronomer Galileo by the Inquisition for criticizing geocentrism and supporting heliocentrism.

The affair begins around 1610, when Galileo published Sidereus nuncius. There he describes his astronomical observations using an astronomical telescope. His observations led him to refute geocentrism and confirm the heliocentric theory exposed by Canon Nicolaus Copernicus in his work On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres (1543). The Catholic Church is opposed to this vision of things. She officially declared heliocentrism heretical in 1616, placed works that tackle the subject on the Index and forbade Galileo from teaching this theory.

Galileo more or less complies with the Church's prohibition. The affair went through several stages because Pope Urban VIII had been Galileo's patron and had allowed him to publish his work on the Copernican system as long as he presented it as a simple hypothesis: the real conflict dates from 1632, when Galileo published his Dialogue on the Two Great Systems of the World, which led to his trial. The scholar was sentenced in 1633 to incarceration, which was in fact house arrest until his death in 1642.

It is not up to the State to determine scientific truth, but that is exactly what it wants to do and it is absolutely serious because it is the negation of our history and of science.

Everything we think is true today will be false in 2 centuries.

If you know history and science, you know that science evolves.

Everything that we thought was right yesterday, everything that was certainty, from the earth which was at the center of the Universe, to the bloodletting of Molière's doctors, is now false.

Everything that is true today will essentially be disproven.

Our physique will be radically different in 2 centuries and our medical knowledge today will seem to our descendants 500 years from now as barbaric and ignorant as the bloodletting of yesteryear is to us today.

This is how history and science go.

But our stupid leaders think that they can arrogate to themselves the right to know what is true and what is false and that is exactly the meaning of this legislation on sectarian excesses, which starts from a good feeling as in every time, but hell is always paved with good intentions!

Article 4 of the bill “against sectarian aberrations” was submitted yesterday to the National Assembly despite an unfavorable opinion from the Council of State and its deletion in the Senate.

"Article 4 punishes with a fine of 15.000 euros and 1 year in prison "provocation to abstain from following therapeutic or prophylactic medical treatment when 'in the state of medical knowledge' this abstention would clearly be dangerous for their health” according to the medical authorities in place and the state of current knowledge.”

read the article