Last modification by Nathan- 54 there is

Collapse in the math level of French adolescents

InsolentiaeCollapse in the math level of French adolescents

Insolentiae – Dec 07, 2023

There is no developed, healthy and dynamic economy without security guaranteed to all and without massive education of the population.


To imagine for a single moment that uneducated imbeciles will become more intelligent with artificial intelligence when they will not have developed their natural intelligence is a huge mistake.

Wikipedia has not made people more cultured, even though culture has never been so accessible, as have all forms of knowledge.


Believing that everything is available we lose the usefulness of learning and remembering since watching “YAKA” on the Internet.

Except, we can only watch what we know about, the rest being luck!

If you look a little into AI or how ChatGPT works, you will realize very quickly that AI is going to change the world exactly like the Internet changed the world.

The culture and knowledge of the masses have not gained! Far from it even.

The level has never dropped so much as since we have all the digital tools.

Digital tools are a huge moron factory and our collapse continues.

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