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Cancer revisited

New WorldCancer revisited

New World - Nov 15, 2023

The primitive fear of one's own body, which has been dormant unconsciously in human beings for centuries and which has developed throughout history, is particularly strong during cancer diagnoses.


Because of these diagnoses, people believe that the evil in their body has awakened and become stronger than what is healthy.

Cancer appears as a confirmation of the prophecy. Lethal treatments are accepted. The resulting suffering and death is the final proof. Nothing is called into question. The people concerned, the families, those around them, now the majority of the population, identify with their executioners. Stockholm syndrome. This is why party dictatorship works. [In people's minds] Only the State can fight cancer and epidemics. In the past, we governed with open violence, today with hidden violence. In doing so, the majority scared to death, today 70% (of the population - NDT), does not want to see, out of gratitude to their so-called protectors, that we are governed via lobbying = corruption by people who do not have never been elected.

Let's return to biology: in the case of cancer diagnoses, contrary to claims of an epidemic, it must be added that the person concerned feels all alone, totally isolated and "exposed". It always goes “to the kidneys”, it is often the only cause of death. If the kidney “shuts down,” the filtration rate is increased to retain water, the central elixir of life. Symptoms and pain can increase until they become unbearable. Death then occurs under the influence of the legal drug.

To remember : Learn about real biology before you get trapped in deadly diagnoses.

Consulting : symptoms qualified as cancer have a biological meaning like all other symptoms. They may require treatment and become dangerous if the underlying persistent shock situations (“biological conflicts”) persist for many months, years and with great intensity. As with all symptoms, the “conflict” phase must be short and the underlying conflict must be resolved. The healing which then begins in 0,5 to 12 hours must be accompanied judiciously, with appropriate measures, medications, analgesics, so as not to stop or chronicize the healing.

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