Last modification by Nathan- 54 there is

Bulletin N°132. Debt explosion, anti-system Fillon, Yuan for all

stratpolBulletin N°132. Debt explosion, anti-system Fillon, Yuan for all

Stratpol - 07 May 2023

STRATPOL: Bulletin n°132 by Xavier Moreau


00:00 Deep geopolitics
03:50 Economy:
- Explosion of French debt
- Dedollarization (continued)
- Yuan for all
- Reconstruction of Artemiovsk
09:44 Terra Bellum vs Russian economy
21:30 p.m. Putin releases entrepreneurs
23:23 US bases in Finland
25:18 Fillon anti-system
27:47 Military considerations:
- Attack on the Kremlin
- Gamelins of the week (double dose)!
36:43 The billion for ammunition
38:45 Map of military operations