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Brilliant strategic attack

Réseau InternationalBrilliant strategic attack

International Network - Apr 03, 2024

Lara Logan said mass, for her, the Baltimore bridge affair is a military attack.


I leave this assessment to her, noting however that her arguments are devilishly convincing, and that it is enough to have done a little geostrategy to arrive at the same conclusion as her.

Unlike September 11, it is not the Deep State, US, Israeli or British, which ultimately only knows how to do mass hemoglobin, and the multiple attacks caused by their false noses are only large-scale murders. But for what purpose? Ultimately none, the victims are buried, at best, they are justifications for things already decided.

Here, any slightly informed person can see a very significant shock wave.

“Make no mistake: this was an extraordinary attack in terms of planning, timing and execution.”

“The bridge was built specifically to transport hazardous materials – fuel, diesel, propane gas, nitrogen, highly flammable materials, chemicals and oversized cargo that cannot fit into the tunnels – that the supply chain is now crippled” .

“The structural destruction is probably absolute.”

Obviously, it is something different from the Crocus attack, which, in terms of economic impact, is almost zero, but in terms of remobilization of the Russians, totally counterproductive. In fact, it is a stupid and nasty attack. Not to mention being stupid. If a Russian doubted the need to crush Ukraine and NATO, he no longer doubts it.

So, in the full post, we see an analysis that ultimately cannot be disputed. The port is blocked for a long time, it is strategic and the bridge is strategic in itself. The USA is also devilishly dependent on its ports, with an economy largely refocused by globalization on imports (a lot) and exports (much less), but which have become totally essential, and the central cities and ports (airports too), are the only anchor points of the financial and political system, totally governed by the Democratic Party. The interior has become Trumpist out of necessity and left abandoned.

The message may ultimately be very clear. “We can completely paralyze you in a few accidents”, of which there is no trace, and it must be admitted that it is much more clever than Kalash attacks. Here, the political authorities hasten to say that it is not an attack, in haste, and even if they know nothing about it. This speed is what first made me doubt the serendipity.

On the other hand, what do we have? We want to deliver “hundreds of VABs”, military vehicles 40 years old, which are, at best, totally unsuitable for the battlefield… In fact, these VABs should never have been built or delivered. Built economically, they are not suitable for combat. 6-wheel vehicles, but more expensive, would have been more appropriate.

Obviously, we are sweeping the stock funds, and we are delivering scrap metal. In fact, given the reduction in the size of armies, these old vehicles, obsolete at birth, no longer have any use. If this is how we want the Ukrainians to win…

In terms of infrastructure, in France, we are not much better than in the USA. Anyone who has been to the Paris region has noticed that the RER C was not quite that. And it gets worse. But it's not on the road to the Olympics.

In terms of profound mental deficiency, we are also quite well endowed with certain “comedians” whose humorous nature escapes me a little. Since they are really stupid, they have just put a target on their backs.

On the real economy side, we see the EU collapsing: “European imports of gas and oil down sharply”. The Zécolos will be happy. We also see that the essential oil for transport is falling significantly less (in volume) than gas.

What is essential in Europistan, moreover, reveals American-style differences, between democratic metropolises and the rest of the country, which is increasingly opposed. The value of thermal strainers is falling (“leopard spot” crisis), which affects everyone, and I have also seen people who are very well off economically, stop heating themselves to limit bills. And who wonder when it will stop.

No need, ultimately, to send a Kinzal on a target. A well-trained Chinese-Russian-Iranian-Yemeni-etc. team can very well take control of a ship and send it into trouble. The icing on the cake is that the Western governments can no longer even cry wolf or rather, “attack”.

Afterwards, internal forces of decline take over.

“The Baltimore bridge collapse was an “absolutely brilliant strategic attack” on America’s critical infrastructure – most likely cyber – and our intelligence agencies know it. In terms of information warfare, they simply divided the United States along the Mason Dixon Line, just like during the Civil War.

Lara Logan

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